Would you love to be able to enjoy all your favourite foods and lose weight in the process? Sounds good doesn’t it? And yes it is possible and it is sustainable. As with anything almost too good to be true there are guidelines to take into account. And as I’m sure you will be well aware if you spend any …
Getting Certain About Uncertainty.
It’s been said that the level of success you will experience will be in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can handle. Now for someone who loves to eat the same thing for dinner 6 nights a week this was a little unsettling! As you’ll also have heard a BELIEF doesn’t matter if it’s true or even real, …
Getting Yourself Into A Right State For Fat Loss.
I started writing this post following a sunday session that left me in a right state rather than The right state! What am I on about? …you know how some days you are absolutely ‘on fire’ – to the point where you even surprise yourself with your smart and sharp wisdom…AND THEN there are the instances where frustratingly about all …
Addiction for Fat Loss?
As with so many things we can allow addiction to drag us down or use it to accelerate goal achievement. Today I decided to pay special attention to exactly what extent addiction limits or helps me – and scarily (?) I discovered ample addiction before 9am! I have a healthy addiction to an early am walk – exercising while listening …
Less Decisions, More Fat Loss.
It doesn’t have to be the new year to make a change. To set a goal. Or make a resolution. It’s always your choice to decide. On. Any. Single. Day. So my first post for 2012 will not be about achieving your health goals this year. Instead I’d like to focus on some easy steps to make fat loss Simple. …
7 Strategies To Turn Business Mastery Into Body Mastery!
I love the fact that over the years I’ve had the privilege to train and more so, get to know so many professionals that master their craft. I’ve noticed their success in business is uncannily applicable to achievement in fat loss (Body Gain!). Here are my top 7 strategies to turn business mastery into body mastery: #1 Tackle Your Most …