It’s not what you think =) Is it possible to sleep, drink and plan your way to the exorcism of belly fat or will crunch time ring true via tedious repetition? 1) Exercise the proper prior planning to ensure you eat 3-6 nutritious meals per day example: A green smoothie with spinach, kale, cucumber, berries, Spirulina and vegan protein powder / …
Consistency for Fat Loss v. Lean & Cut to Swallowed a Sheep!
Years working as a personal trainer along side colleagues in fantastic shape (not All by a long shot) we’ll focus on those that are a perfect reflection of ‘walking the talk’ …has taught me that your body is very definitely not a matter of lucky genetics, a metabolism that is naturally in overdrive or even a freakish desire to train …
The Weight Loss : Relaaaaaationship Analogy!
(that’s how one of my ex’s used to say it – like it’s a dirty word) Who here is in a relationship? So. Who ever looks at your single friends and thinks “do they really want that relationship like they say they do?” That’s what I sometimes think about weight loss goals. Where you are spending your time, energy, money …
The Easiest Break-up Ever.
Often I’m told how disciplined I am. Really??? The fact is I have to work at it. Daily. I have vices and I consciously draw attention to them because I want you to know they are NO excuse to settle for UNexceptional results… So. Onwards with my most recent break-up. We’ve been friends for a few years now. Although the …
How often do you set the bar impossibly high?
Unrealistic yet Flexible rules will hold you stuck with zero weight loss results. “I’m going to train for 60 minutes Every night after work, oh except for when impromptu drinks are on…or when I have a late client meeting….or when it’s been a reeeeally early start, or…” 🙁 Non-negotiable Manageable rules upgraded regularly will propel you forward. How often do …
4 Tactics to Tackle Fat (#3 pleasure vs pain)
Isn’t it true the things others find easy seem so glaringly apparent and we tend to block out all evidence of the struggles they may have? Paying your dues. Sowing before reaping. So you didn’t see them with their hands in the dirt? Sacrifices were surely made. I’m prone to reflection and lately I’ve been pondering What and maybe WHY …