What connotations does ‘Failure’ bring up for you? On a recent stunning sydney arvo I caught up with a dear friend and recalled how the failure of a previous business has been the most valuable experience. For a couple of years I’ve just been grateful – Supremely Grateful – to not be in that situation anymore… getting out of that …
Struggling to stay afloat with Reactive Cardio?…it’s time to get Proactive with Weights.
Many years ago I had a flatmate who was stuck on the disheartening energy in v. energy out see-saw. She’d emotionally eat healthy low fat stuff like yoghurt – juice – cereal – muesli bars. Then feel guilty. In desperation she’d hit the gym for a couple of hours cardio. She’d often do it twice a day. It always struck me …
The Power of Modeling to Fast-Track Your Fat Loss.
So it’s Friday night. I’ve had a couple of drinkies. Yeah, that’s my vice – we all have em, I’m straight with you. …and I’m reflecting on how much I’ve been drawn to meat recently. I’ve been vego for almost 20 years now. 4 ethical reasons. To be clear: I LOVE MEAT. The Taste. The Smell. The fact that it …
Your Ideal Fat Burning Day, starts the night before…
Last week I came to a bit of a realisation. In my ongoing quest for ever increasing time efficiency, I expect the most of my body without always giving it the ideal set-up it deserves. Although I certainly walk the talk so far as exercise and nutrition… recently, adequate sleep and even remotely possible daily goals having been my sticking …
Creating The Best Mindset 4 Long Term Fat Loss & Health – Where To Start?
I’ve had a few people I don’t get to spend 1 on 1 time with, ask me recently where to start in terms of creating the best mindset for long term fat loss and health. So I’ve taken some content straight from my 6 part blog series: Smart Simple Fat Loss. Use my experience as your short-cut here: Mindset – this is …
5 Tactics To Winning The Winter Weight Gain Game.
1. Have A Compelling Goal. It may relate to your winter sport of choice or perhaps to the shape you want to be by the time summer sizzles again. Your goal needs to be specific, with a deadline and it’s important to really delve into what achieving this goal will give you? For what purpose do you want this? …