If you’re anything like me, then you’re always focusing on that next target and it can be really easy to glaze over the progress you’ve already made. This is an approach to goal setting that will systemise appreciating the progress you’ve made AND give you mini-wins every single day. It’s not a bad thing to always be striving for more HOWEVER …
Do I NEED To Do Cardio?
Early on in my personal training career I converted a cardio queen. Now, this lady had relentlessly powered through 6 hours cardio a week – for years – and enforced super strict rules on her eating. However she was not happy with the results to show for all her effort. I made two simple changes and she dropped 7% body …
Unexpected Learnings For A Healthy And Happy 2014.
Mad cat woman warning: I will talk about a cat in this post. Even call him Sir Thomas or my little bro… Meet Thomas the moggie. Don’t tell Thomas he’s a moggie because half the time he thinks he’s a dog and the other half he thinks he’s human. The thing is there are a few things us humans could learn from Sir …
Work Smarter NOT Harder… to make weight loss easier on yourself.
Today I asked a dear client and friend: Do you think the guys and gals who are absolutely-outta-control-excelling in business wonder WHY everyone else is making it so hard on themselves? You can see where I’m going with this right? To me weight loss is simple. There are set, reliable actions to be taken and 100%-totally-absolutely-guaranteed IF you take these actions …
Make Your Best Weight Loss Mindset Actionable: Nov 2013 Recap.
HI, Kate here with a brainb4body Monthly Recap. My goal with this video is to help you find whatever brainb4body content is most relevant – and most implementable – for you. Let’s make mindset actionable! I’ll highlight the new posts each month including my absolute total fav. I’ll also take you behind the brainb4body scenes to reveal my recent food and …
Smart Simple Weight Loss: Prioritise v. Overwhelm.
Back in my multi-tasking days I used to be a sucker for time management tactics. I believed if I could only manage my time better then I could “get it all done.” I also did overwhelm fairly well. It’s really quite easy to excel at overwhelm – you simply think of everything you need to get done with a …