I used to envy those ‘genetically gifted’ guys and guys. You know, the chicks whose thighs are naturally lean and cellulite free AND meant to rock short shorts? Or the guys that eat burgers and chips AND beer… and as long as they still ‘get to the gym’ they get to stay super buff and ripped. It’s like the smarts kids at …
The Biggest Food Upgrade I’ve Made In 20 Years.
FISH. This one is massive for me. I’ve been vego for 20 years. No meat, no fish – for ethical reasons. Zero judgement or intention to sway you either way I’m simply not ok with the life an animal breed for food lives. I made a choice to put my tastebuds behind my beliefs and it’s always been easy. To …
Lose The Victim Mindset.
This morning I chatted with someone very near and dear to me who is going through a rough time right now. An understandably stressful and worrying time, that could be – and is – all consuming. I’ve certainly been there. I imagine you have too. For me this was a number of years ago. I was working 14+ hours a day …
Smart Simple Weight Loss: Eliminate Limiting Beliefs.
For years I believed the path to leanness was paved with hours of cardio. And a zero fat diet. (check out the end of this post for my 7 fav ‘Eat Fat To Melt Fat’ food swaps) I also accepted that genetically I was ‘meant to be’ fairly chunky on the bottom and scrawny up top. Hips and thighs were just where my fat gravitated …
Weight Loss Success Habits.
As enticing as it is to think of the one big push. Or major event. Or latest extreme diet that will transform your body – the unsexy truth is that success in the weight loss game (and I imagine in any aspect of life) is more a matter of those seemingly insignificant, at times tedious, little habits. Here are 5 of my …
One Day At A Time Weight Loss.
You can do anything for one day right? Now I’m not talking extremes measures. It’s more about removing the pressure of locking into something for life. Or even a month. Or even a week! Although “I perform well under pressure” gets thrown around a lot, it’s been my experience that being given too many tasks to lock down for too …