Lesson #1: You can turn your problem area into an asset. For a lot of my life I was debilitatingly, painfully shy. Although I was never hugely over-weight I was HUGELY self conscious and not the least bit comfortable with my body. I remember the girls who had hot bodies at school. The chicks I wanted to look like… and …
The 5 Things You Need To Believe About Yourself To Lose Weight.
What you currently believe has led to your current results. If you’re happy with your current body and health then it makes sense to go right on thinking those same thoughts and enjoying those same results. However what if you’re Not happy? Then it’s time to create the beliefs that will deliver the results you are seeking. To consciously decide …
Fibrous Friends: Quick and Easy Fat Fighting Vegetables.
Today’s post is devoted to an unassuming… Under The Radar, UNDERRATED fat fighting fuel. I’ve absolutely been guilty of not making time for these fibrous friends. And over the years I’ve also noticed a distinct lack of green love in the day to day eating of the vast majority of people who are struggling to achieve their weight loss goal. …
My Food Diary: Cheat Day + Ideal Fat Burning Day. (part two)
When it comes to my day to day eating I’m a fan of both quantity and quality. I LOVE food and hate calorie counting. I often want to eat till I’m full. Or even just because I feel like eating. I never want to waste energy thinking “can I get away with this?” or wonder “do I look fat in …
My Food Diary: Cheat Day + Ideal Fat Burning Day. (part one)
There are a few common assumptions shared in almost every conversation I have with someone who is looking to shed some fat. Whether it’s a new client. A friend who hasn’t spent a full day with me. Or even a random stranger in a pub. These assumptions are lethal to leanness. They are friends to fat. AND if you share …
That super frustrating question: Why can’t I lose weight?
That SUPER frustrating answer: You are not taking the right actions. The thing is there are soooo many right actions that will work to lose weight. The trick is to find right for you… and by right I don’t mean best, most effective, most scientifically proven, most popular, fastest. I mean what right actions you can make a part of your …