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If ten workouts are not enough to make you fit and healthy, what if you add another workout?
What if you add another? And another? At some point you will have to say the no one can be fit and healthy unless one workout can make you so.
Of course this isn’t my brain-child. It’s a concept I first uncounted via author Gretchen Rubin… uniquely named the: Argument of the Growing Heap. To quote Gretchen who in turn is quoting the Dutch Renaissance humanist, Erasmus:
“If ten coins are not enough to make a man rich, what if you add one coin? What if you add another? Finally you will have to say that no one can be rich unless one coin can make him so.”
Let’s take the growing heap (!) for a spin within the context of body gain.
Now, for most of us a workout likely isn’t a little habit. In fact I’d call a workout a hugely impactful KEYSTONE HABIT.
(I cover keystone habits in the #170 show).
Today I’m going to focus on 6 less obvious:
Little Habits That Keep You Stuck.
So these are the seemingly insignificant little habits that might well fly below your radar – up until now that is. To give a little more structure to todays show I’m going to provide a couple of habits each for the categories of Focus, Language and Physiology.
So far as bringing about lasting change Focus, Language and Physiology are a powerful tri-fecta.
I think I heard about them first through Tony Robbins.
First up, FOCUS.
One: A Focus on Restriction.
Hands up if you’re after more restriction in your life?
As easy as it is to realize what you don’t want it’s also fairly natural to focus on what you don’t want!
The thing is, focusing on something does not help you avoid it. Conversely it makes you more aware of it. More inclined to filter in evidence of restriction in your life.
=> perhaps those baked products some dear client bought into work that YOU CAN’T HAVE.
=> maybe the drinks after work you’re MISSING to get to the gym.
=> possibly the dessert you’re DEPRIVING yourself of because you’re on a diet.
The alternative to focusing on restriction is to: switch your focus to everything you are and will GAIN as a result of the choices you’re making.
Two: A Focus on How Far You Have To Go.
It’s normal to downplay your progress and set your sights on that next goal. However, the question to consider is: Are you encouraged or discouraged to power on?
It’s a fine line. Because dissatisfaction is motivating. Getting all complacent and comfortable leads to zero progress. Only YOU can be the judge of whether your current focus is empowering you or keeping you stuck.
The alternative to focusing on how far you have to go is to: switch your focus to everything you’ve already ACHIEVED.I recommend documenting and acknowledging this daily. Build up a reservoir of reference points for success and progress.
Three: The Language of Pressure.
I’m the first to admit I’m quite a hard task master on myself. Despite that I’ve learnt that the way I phase something makes it so much more appealing or hugely UN-appealing to take the best action.
=> perhaps you HATE but HAVE to do interval training?
=> maybe you MUST prepare your lunches for the week?
=> possibly you CANNOT have any more vino this weekend because you blew your quota with a dear girlfriend last night?
The alternative to the language of pressure is to: switch your language to possibilities and choice. It’s deceptively effective… in the same way that the language of pressure is sneakily-stuck-worthy. Choosing to uphold the personal standards that help you achieve your body gain goal is a lot easier than inflicting pressure filled haves, musts and cannots on yourself.
Four: Entertaining Your Automatic Negative Thoughts.
Even the most positive people get negative thoughts. To a degree you can manage your emotional state and encounter them less frequently however automatic negative thoughts (or ANTs for short) will march on into your mind from time to time.
The bit that you have control over is: Do you entertain those ANT’s? Self talk is the most powerful form of language.
=> do you follow the “What if” worst case scenario train of thought?
=> do you wallow in “Poor me” victim based thinking?
=> do you speak to yourself in the harsh, cruel manner that you’d never inflict on a friend or family member?
The alternative to language that entertains automatic negative thoughts is to: switch your language to the REFRAME that helps you get perspective / appreciate the learning / see the positive / or just take the next best step rather than wallow and give up all responsibility.
Five: Emotion Before Motion.
There a whole heap of truth to that quote about exercising first thing in the morning before your body even knows what it’s doing! If you wait to feel ready for motion before you move your body you’re never going to achieve consistency OR your body gain goal.
If we’re talking chicken and egg: Motion comes first.
Move to help you feel like moving. The main difference between regular, consistent exercisers and those who constantly struggle is those of us in a routine get our exercise on (!) whether we feel like it or not.
The alternative to physiology that expects emotion before motion is to: switch your personal standards to “I exercise according to the schedule that means I’ll achieve my goal” rather than “I exercise when i have the energy, willpower and desire to exercise.”
Six: Smart Device Physiology.
YES, this is a thing! As we covered in habit #5: Motion comes first and it effects your emotions AND further to that your physiology and the subsequent emotion builds on itself. For better or worse.
So, if we were to analyse Confident-Positive-Empowered-ACTION-TAKING physiology it’d look something like: standing tall, with a proud chest, looking straight ahead, your shoulders set down and back.
Pretty mush the opposite of hunched over a smart device.
The alternative to smart device physiology is to: switch your guidelines as to when it’s cool to check that thing! These need to be your guidelines not mine however I like to have set, infrequent times to check the devices.
I guess it’s a matter of how frequently you want to experience Confident-Positive-Empowered-ACTION-TAKING physiology?
To get actionable today, is there a growing-heap-less-obvious-little-habit that has been keeping you stuck?
To recap those 6: (and my biggest to work on is #2)
One: A Focus on Restriction.
Two: A Focus on How Far You Have To Go.
Three: The Language of Pressure.
Four: Entertaining Your Automatic Negative Thoughts.
Five: Emotion Before Motion.
Six: Smart Device Physiology.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification. Super huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you liked this you’ll also like: First tackle the Cause behind your Behaviours to avoid weight loss frustration (5 Logical Levels of Change).
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