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I’m really SUPER passionate about todays subject.
It’s without doubt my primary focus when it comes to creating the body you feel most confident and congruent in. In anything weight loos, fat loss or as I prefer BODY GAIN it’s not about lifting weights. Or eating primarily one ingredient foods.
Both are really important however there’s something that I believe comes first: MINDSET.
Now if that sounds wishy washy to you I hope you’re up for hanging with me just a little longer as my intention is to make the mindset component of body gain actionable. To break it down. Step by step and make it easy to implement.
Of course I can’t do that all in one show however it’s the way I put together most of my content… at the blog, within my online community even on social media.
In today’s show I’m going to share why I put place so much emphasis on MINDSET. Let’s look at it from the angle of: What Happens When You Don’t Focus On Mindset First?
To cut to the chase. If you don’t put the time into creating your most effective body gain mindset here’s what you can expect:
It’s HARD.
It’s a Constant, OVERWHELMING, Frustrating Battle You Fight With… YOU.
I am going to go all 3-step (or more-so 3-convincers) as usual on you today however first I want to cover one overarching consideration.
Perhaps you know the person with a rockin body or a killer business or an ideal family life that does not put all this tedious energy into cultivating the right mindset? They just DO IT. It happens naturally for them and they have the awesome results to prove it.
Perhaps these people do exist. In fact I train some very successful people. I’m thinking of one gent in particular and whatever you define success as there’s a good chance he’s fits the box. He’s self made and he’s got: The career. The multiple stunning mansions in multiple countries. The frequent, lengthy stunning overseas holidays. And also, the genuinely amazing looking relationship with his wife and kids AND ALSO the health.
So here’s my point. I don’t know to what degree he needs to work on his Mindset. I do know that as the most successful person I get to interact with regularly he’s also got the Mindset I most respect and try to model.
In so many ways however here are a few: He always takes responsibility. He always focuses on the positive. He always backs himself.
I really don’t think I’ve heard him make an excuse. Or put someone else down for that matter. He’s super present in any communication.
Maybe this comes naturally to him. Maybe it he works on it. The important point is it works for him.
So potentially there are the few who have a naturally occurring most effective mindset…. and they have the results to prove it. The thing I’m sold on is that if that mindset does not occur naturally for YOU (as it doesn’t for me!) then you cancultivate it.
Your current results will tell you whether you’ve got that mindset working for you yet.
If you’re not yet sold on putting in some upfront, laying the foundations type mindset work then here are todays 3-convincers so far as What Happens When You Don’t Focus On Mindset First:
ONE: You’re reliant on DISCIPLINE and it feels really RESTRICTIVE.
Trying to force yourself to take the right actions because you know you should is always going to be hard.
If somethings always hard then it’s also unsustainable.
Relying on discipline is a will power battle you’re waging constantly. It’s focused around deprivation. What you can’t have. What you must avoid.
Of course I have an alternative: to ensure the attainment of your body gain goal is congruent with everything you are naturally and undeniable drawn to. Your values, your beliefs and everything you believe to be true about yourself.
It takes that upfront work and then it means you simply do the do because that gets you the result.
I devoted an entire show to this mindset component of body gain. It’s part 2 in my 6-part Smart Simple Fat loss series: Align Your Goal.
TWO: You see your body as the ENEMY rather than working as a TEAM.
Working together is always going to be a better option. Especially when it comes to YOU and your body.
It astounds me however often I hear people talking in terms of forcing, beating their body into submission. The starvation diets. Excessive amounts of cardio. Lack of sleep.
If it’s a short term quick-fix then it’ll never give you long term results.
And the thing is your body is really super good at looking at for you. It’s got your best interests in mind. If you starve it it’ll sacrifice sexy lean muscle and slow your metabolism because it just wants to keep you alive! If you eat fake processed crap it’ll plague you with cravings because it knows you need some micronutrients – not that rubbish – however, do you then give it nutritious one ingredient food OR do you fuel it with more processed rubbish and continue the fake-food-cravings-cycle?
Your alternative is to think of the very best way to treat your body: it’s very forgiving. You don’t need to get it right from the start.
Just one great meal, one work-out, one good nights sleep at a time and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your body responds when you treat it with respect.
I think FUN is underrated. Or maybe we overestimate our ability to stick with UN-fun.
The way you think has a huge impact on your experience of food, of exercise, of all the actions you need to take to achieve your body gain goal.
When I state how much “I Hate Cardio” how much easier do you think it make it for me to get my cardio on?
Yep, not very.
Equally when I state how boring, bland and unsatisfying salads are how likely am I to eat a salad today?
Again, it’s unlikely. Even if I force myself through the cardio or endure that salad it’s likely not going to be sustainable.
The way to make less-obviously-FUN more sustainable is to Reframe the cardio, the salad, the whatever so that you are instead focusing on what’s good, the benefit. Perhaps it’s the form of cardio that is more enjoyable. Or the feeling of satisfaction once it’s done. OR the results.
The key is to focus on or REFRAME in the way that makes you most likely to take the actions you need to take.
Because the Reframe is one of my fav mindset tactics I’ve devoted a couple of shows already to reframes.
To listen to them just check out show #031 and show #223.
That brings us to the time of the actionable.
If anything I’ve shared today resonated with you… if body gain is feeling HARD. UNSUSTAINABLE. Like a Constant, OVERWHELMING, Frustrating Battle You Fight With YOU… then I highly recommend you check out the blog post/show notes version of the 6-part Smart Simple Fat loss series:
Each show in the series has 3 action steps. 3 non-negotiable steps to implement and make the mindset component of body gain simple and sustainable.
That’s it for this week in Healthification.
Is there anything you’d like me to cover in an upcoming show? If so I’d love to hear from you. Please let me know.
Thanks so much for choosing to spend some time with me this week. You ROCK. I appreciate you.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Weight loss mindset: If I had to start again, this is what I would do.
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