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The way you start your day sets the tone for what is to follow so todays show covers:
How To Start An Ideal Fat Burning Day.
The most important factor in your ideal fat burning day is that… it starts the night before.
How many times have you found yourself skipping exercise or dragging yourself through a lack-luster work-out, endlessly nibbling rubbish food beyond hungry or necessary just because, downing copious coffees and not enough water, and working ineffectively and inefficiently ALL because you short-changed yourself on SLEEP and/or over-did the beverages the night before?
I cover what to do when you find yourself in an UNideal fat burning day here:
It used to happen to me and I found it super frustrating.
Now I count back 7 hours from my ideal time to get up in the morning and prioritise being in bed, lights off, by that time.
To rock right into your ideal fat burning day let’s take it back even a step before ensuring you get enough sleep.
As Brian Tracy says, Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance:
PLANNING the day to come is broken into 3 areas for me:
1. Work – goals/tasks in order of priority are hand-written before bed, with the amount of time allocated to each.
2. Exercise – my weekly training plan is locked & loaded (as I hope yours will be after Healthification show #4) however if I’ve had changes to my schedule I know before bed what I’ll be doing tomorrow, rain, shine or sniffle.
=> if previously you’ve struggled to stick to early am exercise sessions, ensure your morning routine is as friction free as possible: lay-out your training gear and have a wet weather alternative planned.
3. Food – my snacks and main meals are fairly structured and I Always start the way I mean to continue, with a protein, and veg rich meal.
=> for morning speed I throw my omelette ingredients in a bowl the night before so it’s just a quick spray of coconut oil in a pan – cook – flip – eat! (one of my regular omelette recipes lives with Tuesday’s show notes)
However basically it’s 2 whole eggs, a cup of mixed veg and some herbs. Easy right?
So lets roll through how I start my ideal fat burning day ONCE the alarm goes off at 4.30am and I ignore the snooze and get straight outta bed.
(I’ve always thought the snooze button is just torture… especially if you have a flatmate in the room next door who sets her alarm SUPER early and then hits snooze half a dozen times or more every. single. morning. Thankfully that was many years ago now)
Ok, #1 thing in an ideal fat burning morning is giving your body the awesome fuel it deserves to power you through the day.
You’re setting the tone for the day right?
Ideally this means fibrous veg and lean protein – hence my omelette. Maybe you’d prefer a smoothie or green juice with protein powder and green leafy veg added. Most importantly it’s not refined carb crap-o-la because you know what, that is going to leave you unsatisfied, hungry soon after and craving more refined carb crap-o-la!
#2 for me, is getting in a little exercise while listening to an audio book or podcast.
I walk to work. It takes 20minutes, I’ll do it rain or shine and it just starts my day well. Perhaps the walk first thing is not doable for you however whatever way you get to work you’ve most likely got the opportunity to listen to one of your fav podcasts or books.
#3 once you start your working day, that #1 goal/task from the list you made the night before is the first thing to jump straight into.
It’s the thing that will have the most impact on your day – so use this fresh, high discipline early morning time to kick that first goal. Maybe this most important task of the day is getting your exercise done.
Let’s make this ideal fat burning day implementable with an action step:
My routine works for me, however your lifestyle, responsibilities and goal are going to be different to mine. So in just 3 steps because that’s not going to take up a daunting amount of time, how does your ideal fat burning day start?
I’d love to hear what works for you – or what is now going to work for you?
This brings us to the end of week one of the Healthification podcast. Super huge thanks to you for hanging with me this week – I appreciate it and I absolutely value and welcome your questions, feedback and suggestions! Is there anything you’d like more of – or less of? I’m happy to oblige so just let me know what you want.
If you liked this you’ll also like: My Food Diary: Cheat Day + Ideal Fat Burning Day. (part one)
Thank you so much for your support! To rock even more – and share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.