Put away your measuring cups and scales! Sustainable, natural weight loss can absolutely be achieved while still accounting for the following food frustrations that most ‘dieters’ battle. “I just want to be able to eat normally without thinking about (and planning, shopping, preparing plus of course Eating) food ALL the time.” No measuring. No stopping when only part full and not …
24/7 Fat Loss: Weights is like a Passive Income.
I’m lucky to train a lot of very successful and focused professionals. I regularly find myself searching for analogies to help turn their business mastery into body mastery. Here’s one of my favourites: Weights is like a passive income. And cardio is working for the man. Or lady. Generally just selling your time. With cardio you get the result for the time …
Fat Loss for those with a Love of VICE
Chocolate. Red Wine. Expensive Shoes. ….even cigarettes. drugs. risk-taking. Call it VICE or Addiction or perhaps the need for Variety/Uncertainty if you’re a fan of Tony Robbins’ ‘6 Core Needs’ (check out this old post if you haven’t heard of them) However you chose to describe it, you likely have a desire to ‘be naughty’ to ‘push the boundaries’ or …
Fat Loss Sounds So Simple: How to DO ‘what you know’!
One of the frustrations I hear often is “I know what I need to do to lose weight – why can’t I just do it?” It sounds so simple… and it is. Too simple in fact. It’s deceptive. Because the actions you need to take are simple. Whether it’s to plan your meals. Eat more lean protein and fibrous veg. …
Do I have to fill in a food diary to lose weight?
This is one of the most common questions I get asked. I know the answer my clients are hoping to hear… my news is good & bad. If you’ve been ‘trying’ to lose weight for a while now without success, then odds on your nutrition could use some refining. Most of my clients with a weight loss goal don’t need …
Do you fear failing at fat loss?…lets flip it to “Freedom”
What connotations does ‘Failure’ bring up for you? On a recent stunning sydney arvo I caught up with a dear friend and recalled how the failure of a previous business has been the most valuable experience. For a couple of years I’ve just been grateful – Supremely Grateful – to not be in that situation anymore… getting out of that …