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Nearly 200 episodes ago I shared my
6 Step System To Silence Self Sabotage.
It’s the foundation for the vast majority of what I do as a vegan health coach. As you might have heard me say before:
“If your MIND is stuck you’re wasting your time moving your body.”
Mindset is the UN-sexy part of body and health transformation though right?
It’s so much more appealing to just ask for the perfect training or eating plan. However as you know those plans will get you exactly no where if you can’t stick to them. Creating your most effective, most resilient, most sustainable MINDSET is what allows you to stick with your training or eating plan. On those rare ideal days and also on those frequent low motivation, low energy, over busy, over stressed, over tired – OVER IT (!) days.
I believe that mindset is the result of a series of steps rather than one big epiphany moment. It’s more a constant and never-ending refinement. A series of upgrades undertaken at the pace that works for YOU and your lifestyle that in time delivers massively compounded results.
As I read back over this encore post / podcast it’s gratifying to see the steps I out-lined years ago hold true. They are the steps I still use on myself and the steps I share with my one on one clients. The only difference is my strategies around fuel have changed.
I’m still a proponent of a high protein, low carb primarily one ingredient based approached to eating however now I’ve worked out how to do that healthily while eating 100% plant based. For years (20+ in fact!) I clung to the notion that I could be a fit, healthy vego however giving up the dairy and eggs would mean giving up my lean muscle and likely some energy to boot. Not to mention all that supreme food delicious’ness I’d be depriving myself of.
My logic was flawed and likely fear based… ok, perhaps a tad of vanity based too!
I guess that’s just a little disclaimer if I happen to mention vego meals in this encore series. Being vego was part of my #plantstrong journey, as was talking about “Body Gain” – a term I still love and vastly prefer to weight loss or fat loss because it’s never about what you’re losing.
I’ll now more often talk about creating a fit, healthy #plantstrong body as I think (hope!) it’s easier to understand.
Onwards with todays encore episode, 6 Step System To SILENCE SELF SABOTAGE Part 1.
Here are the show notes for the original 300 episode 6 Step System To SILENCE SELF SABOTAGE Part 1:
The Healthification podcast is proudly bought to you by the 30 Day Plant Strong Jumpstart. Over 30 Days create the MINDSET that will make your best #plantstrong choices simple and sustainable.
This 59 page PDF with daily supporting email series shows you how to create a fit, strong, healthy smokin’ body while eating Delicious, Nutritious, Healthy Vego or Vegan food. For the 1st 100 people you also get UNLIMITED PERSONAL SUPPORT, motivation and accountability with 30 Days FREE access to the Strong Body Green Planet Community. Essentially you’ll have your own vegan health coach for 30 days!
Learn more HERE:
If you liked this you’ll also like: 5 Ways To Eat Less Meat Without Sacrificing Protein.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.