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As I write this I’m sitting at an airport bar. Like literally At The Bar. I never sit at the bar. Alone.
However, as I cover in today’s show:
Don’t Expect Life To Go To Plan.
If you were to picture how your life would look: At 30? 40? 50? 60 and beyond?
How does right now fit in with that perfect plan?
Yep, me too.
Today certainly isn’t a let’s rock despondently together in the corner show! More so it’s about what to do if you’ve found yourself in the 96.7% of the population for whom life doesn’t go to plan.
First up, What is the plan anyway?
My first plan was to be a farmers wife! Now my mission is to eradicate inhumane and unsustainable animal agricultural. A stark contrast right?
The thing I’m learning is that as we grow and evolve so too do our goals grow and evolve. And that’s a good thing. In fact, I would go so far as to say it’s a non negotiable for success and happiness.
So the question: What is your current life plan? And perhaps a better question: What are the easiest ways to live congruently with that current life plan?
Before we dig in with the how component of today I want to address the issues as I see them with expecting life to go as planned. As much as it’d rock to put in the effort and reap the rewards we both know that’s often not what life has planned for us. In fact, to expect, is generally setting yourself up for disappointment. Even failure if you choose to call it that.
The more effective and enjoyable approach is to:
First, Build Your Skill In Being Flexible.
Two, Back Yourself and Rely On Yourself Not Circumstances Or Other People.
Flexibility is a constant work in progress for me. I can get very set in my ways. It’s often to my benefit however it can also be limiting if you don’t realize when is the right time to be a little (or a lot more malleable). If you can relate, here are some opportunities to build your flexibility muscle:
The Gym. Especially at peak times. For those of us with a set program we like to stick to, the gym for is the perfect environment to get flexible. If the lunge rack isn’t free then it might just be time to embrace walking dumbbell lunges.
Equally, if you have an injury. It’s vital to remain consistent with your training frequency by becoming flexible with the joints and muscles you target. Almost anything can be trained around.
Your Friends. I have several dear friends who are pretty much the opposite of me. They do impromptu incredibly well! One of them has nicknamed me ‘The Planner’. One of the many reasons I value these friendships so much is I can learn from them. As long as I still prioritize the big rocks / keystone habits (more on that soon) I aim to let my desire for adhering to the plan ease as much as I can when with these friends.
So far as, Back Yourself it’s always my Go2 advice to myself! To Back Yourself and Rely On Yourself Not Circumstances Or Other People means you accept responsibility and as such gives you control of your responses.
So far as how to wield your responsibility as you Don’t Expect Life To Go To Plan?
Here are 3 keys I’ve been reminding myself of recently:
One. Elicit your Values that will make your decision making process easier regardless of the situation.
There is no right or wrong so far as values however it is important to hunt down the ways in which you can experience your values every single day. Especially when life is not going to plan!
As an example my top 3 values are Freedom, Integrity and Passion. Regardless of almost whatever my circumstances are right now I can experience Freedom by allowing myself time to meditate each morning or journal each afternoon or read each evening. Even for 10 minutes.
Equally I also get to experience Passion each day I lift weights. Which I love and see as precious me time.
Finally I choose to experience Integrity with every single delicious, nutritious plant strong meal I prepare and eat.
You’ll recognize I’ve set the bar fairly low so far as getting to experience my values. I do that with volition. I’m conspiring for my own success!
Two. Decide on the Standards / Keystone Habits that will ‘have your back’ regardless of the situation.
I cover Keystone Habits in show #170.
There are multiple hugely effective Keystone Habits that you can almost always control. Things like the food you eat. The frequency you exercise. Your sleep. And the people you associate with.
These are often the first things to be ditched when Life Does Not To Go To Plan. However think of them as force multipliers. There to improve every aspect of your life if you hold tight to them. Those times when life has hurled a curve ball your way… when everything seems uncertain and out of control… this is exactly the time to cling tight to the reliable habits that allow you to be as calm, efficient and effective as possible.
Three. Get into the habit of Reframing “why me?” with more effective self talk such as “what can I learn from this?” and “how can I turn this into a win?”
I cover The Reframe in show #031.
You’ll have heard that successful people ask better questions. I also believe happier people ask better questions. Questions that propel you into progress mode… rather than encouraging you to wallow in miserable status quo. Questions that focus on the positive. Questions that make you a nicer person to be around and a nicer person to be!
As today’s show rolls towards a close and also the time of the actionable I’m tempted to site that overused phrase “easier said than done” so far as these 3 keys to wield your responsibility as you: Don’t Expect Life To Go To Plan.
However I’m going to call crap-o-la on myself and propose the question instead that: Perhaps might it be easier to instead make the effort in advance to elicit your values and decide on your standards and keystone habits? Equally, could it also be easier to prioritize the continued effort and focus on living aligned with those values, standard and habits?
I’m thinking that’s certainly got to be easier than living reactively frustrated and disappointed when life does not go to plan.
To get actionable today, if there’s an aspect of your life – that you’ve been thinking of throughout todays show – how can you weird personally responsibility via one of the 3 keys we covered today? To recap:
One. Elicit your Values that will make your decision making process easier regardless of the situation.
Two. Decide on the Standards / Keystone Habits that will ‘have your back’ regardless of the situation.
Three. Get into the habit of Reframing “why me?” with more effective self talk such as “what can I learn from this?” and “how can I turn this into a win?”
If you liked, Don’t Expect Life To Go To Plan you’ll also like: Stop, Start, Continue Action Based Weight Loss Goals.
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