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Hey Body Gainers!
Todays show is sponsored by The Body Gain Lifestyle. I’ll share more about this community later on in todays show.
If you’re a regular loyal listener Firstly, HUGE Thank You… and Secondly, you may have noticed it’s been a couple of extra days since we last hung out! Well maybe it hasn’t as I’m just over 400 Healthifcation shows in now so there’s plenty in store however my rambling point (!) is that I missed the Wednesday show.
I missed it with volition because I’m trialing just 2 shows a week for a short while until I get up and running with interviews on the Wednesday show and also: I really missed the Wednesday show!
I LOVE creating Healthification.
I find it fun and easy and rewarding however it’s been pointed out to me recently (after I requested some advice pointing out!) that perhaps 3 shows a week is not the best use of my time. That was tough to hear.
Because it’s fun and easy to spend your time on fun and easy!
Which of course brings me to how this recent realization relates to your body gain goal.
Side note: I’m really breaking with routine this week and instead of starting the Weekly Wrap with a little FOOD, a little EXERCISE and some MINDSET too. And before I share what’s been rockin this past week – I’m starting with what’s been a tad more struggle street.
Spending less time of fun and easy has been struggle street.
If you had to account for your investment of time, energy, money last week is there something that isn’t giving you the return that perhaps it could or should?
If you’re anything like me – you know the something that’s eating too much of your time however before you commit to less of that something you’d like to hear some confirmation.
Perhaps to become aware of the opportunity cost in continuing your current approach?
Moving on to FOOD and this week my food thoughts relate to:
How Does Your Gut Really Shape Up?
Here in the land of Aus – GUT – usually has somewhat negative connotations and they tend to relate to aesthetics.
“Check out my gut!” more often might mean…
=> You’ve been over doing those bicep-curls-to-mouth in the beer (or cider) garden!
=> Or perhaps that weekend fresh sour dough rolls habit has spread into your weak days too.
=> Even that your portion control of healthy treats like maybe yoghurt and nuts is a little out of control!
My focus today is beyond the appeal of a flat belly. I’ve actually covered that in a couple of previous shows, #044 on: Exercises For A Flat Belly and also show #090 on: How Quickly Can I Lose My Belly Fat?
A term I’m hearing thrown around a lot recently is that food is not just energy (or calories) it’s information. Information that communicates (for better or worse) with your body every single minute. As such it elicits responses from your body far beyond the mere storing or not of fat.
The food you eat regulates brain chemistry, hormones, inflammation and even all the flora in your gut.
Digging deep with gut health is beyond my expertise however I can direct you to someone who knows his gut stuff. Dr Mark Hyman was a recent guest on Lewis Howes podcast: The School Of Greatness.
This great interview is my PODCAST recommendation for the week.
To quote Dr Hyman: “The health of your gut determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens, and microbes are kept out. It is directly linked to the health of your whole body.”
To quote a little more…
“Most of us do not recognize that digestive problems wreak havoc in the entire body, leading to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer, and more.
So having a healthy gut is absolutely central to your health. It is connected to EVERYTHING that happens in your body.”
For further reading I recommend an article of Dr Hyman’s in the Huffington Post:
It covers:
- How Your Gut Keeps You Healthy or Makes You Ill
- How to Know if Your Gut is Out of Balance
- 7 Steps to Optimal Digestive Health
Now if all sounds a little science’y and confusing, it’s really not. You know that’s not my style. In fact the first of Dr Hyman’s7 Steps to Optimal Digestive Health is funnily exactly the same as my first of 5 Steps To An Aesthetically Optimal Gut or in other words a Flab Free Belly!
Have you guessed it?
Eat Natural One Ingredient Foods!
Let’s talk EXERCISE. I’m going to maintain the belly focus here and give another shout out to show #044 on: Exercises For A Flat Belly.
Forget sit-ups & crunches! In the #044 PODCAST l explain how to sleep, drink & plan your belly fat right out of your life. Here are 5 ‘exercises’ to prioritize:
#1) Exercise the proper prior planning to ensure you eat 3-5 nutritious meals each day.
Way back in the 044 show I used to include some meat examples (I didn’t eat it however I included it incase YOU did). Now I’m keeping the shows a lot more vego and vegan focused. So here’s my updated advice on how to implement exercise#1…
An example day: A green smoothie with spinach, kale, cucumber, berries, Spirulina and vegan protein powder / vegan protein powder shake with coconut water or almond milk / 20+ Veg Salad with Kale pesto and Zucchini hummus / 1/2 red capsicum with some cashews / Cauli-steaks with Miso dressing, Ratatouille and Brussel crisps.
Exercises 2-5 have more details / examples in the original show notes here:
2) Exorcise fake, processed, nutrition-less food from your home and work.
3) When exercising your bicep via a repetitive curl of glass to mouth make the low carb choice and only consume low carb, high protein food.
4) In your weights routine choose unsupported big compound movements which involve multiple joints and multiple muscles and require strong support from your deeper abdominal muscles during the entire movement.
5) Make adequate sleep AND de-stressing a non negotiable as without both the stress hormone cortisol can get out of whack and it’s main job is to rob your belly of it’s flat desires and reinstall those unsightly tires!
Let’s finish up this week in Healthification with the HABIT I’m rockin right now.
It’s an oldie and you’ve likely heard it before however if you’re struggling to make a change to your routine the habit of: Planning Your Day To Come The Night Before is invaluable.
Countless times this week I would have meandered into fun and easy if I didn’t have today planned and ordered by priority – WITH specific amounts of time for each task allocated – the night before. It’s absolutely a saving grace.
In fact I’m such a fan of the plan (!) if you’re not already in the habit of planning your day to come that’s todays action step.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification. Huge thanks for your support and for sharing this slightly shorter week with me.
As mentioned at the top of the show, Healthification is proudly bought to you by The Body Gain Lifestyle – an online self-paced course, community and coaching program to Create A Fit, Lean, Healthy Body That’s Sustainable For You And The Planet. I’ve got your food and your exercise covered. I’ll tell you exactly what to eat, how to exercise and when… However, If your MIND is stuck you’re wasting your time moving your body.
My Main Focus inside BGL?
To make the MINDSET component of Body Gain simple, implementable and sustainable.
To learn more simple cruise to strongbodygreenplanet.com/bodygainlifestyle
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If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.