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In todays show I’m talking Time Multipliers… not to be confused with time management.
It’s a concept I recently heard Rory Vaden speak about on Chris Duckers ‘The New Business Podcast.’
The core question – and of course I’ll make it specific to your body gain goal – back to that core question: What Can I Do Today To Create Time Tomorrow?
You may have heard me say before there are 4 words FAT loves to hear:
Because no time for meal planning and exercise means more time for you and fat. 🙂
Today’s show I’m recording for me as much as for you. Yeah, selfish right? However, here’s the thing – I used to be obsessed with time management… and then I got a little obsessed with time prioritising, and neither is a bad thing.
In fact one of my favourite topics to write and talk about is overcoming overwhelm and the super-brief-a-fied version of my approach to overcome overwhelm is:
A: Recognise that you’ll never get it ALL done and,
B: Prioritise what DOES get done.
Anyway, back to my time obsessions the most recent one is time multiplying.
Because if there’s something we can all agree on I’m guessing we’d like more time right?
The question is, are YOU willing to out-lay a little extra TODAY to save a whole lot tomorrow… or perhaps even next week, or next month… that builds on itself like compound interest?
It takes discipline and courage though right?
The easy option is to just do something right now – today – this second (!) rather than decide to DITCH IT to DELEGATE IT or to AUTOMATE IT.
These are the 3 categories I’m going to roll with today so far as Time Multipliers that help you achieve your body gain goal.
First up let’s check out perhaps the category with the most potential for bang for your time creating buck… DITCH IT.
These are the things you waste time, energy and money on for minimal or zero return…probably they only bring you frustration and disappointment. Stuff like:
- That shiny new fad DIET.
- The latest DETOX or CLEANSE.
- Basically anything EXTREME and unsustainable.
The simple solution with these time eaters is just don’t start. The fad diet you decide to let go of today will not be sucking your time (and your energy and your hope) tomorrow.
You know they don’t work anyway. There’s no sense throwing more time at them just because you’ve already invested (wasted!) plenty of time with them already.
Let’s move on the the next category which is my big to work on. This one requires you (me!) to look beyond todays to-do-list and to really picture how you would love your tomorrows to be when you… DELEGATE IT.
These are the things you can do quickly, easily and well… however they are not high value and they stop you from getting to more high value things. Stuff like:
- Researching and trialling what approach to take with your eating and exercising.
- Washing your gym gear… along with everything else.
- Perhaps even cleaning the house… ok, I can’t make this specific to your body gain goal except for the fact that it’s worth considering if you genuinely ‘don’t have time’for the tasks that only you can do: like exercise, is it worth delegating a task someone else can do to buy you that time? If you can hire someone for less than you can earn in a hour then it’s worth it right? It might cost you a few researching, interviewing and training hours once off up front however then it’s going to save you hours ongoing each week.
To dig deeper with the research point, if you’re currently in the habit of regularly surfing the net for the next low-carb-high-protein-nutritious-quick-tasty recipe or the next awesome work-out unless this is your career – or an absolute passion – then you can absolutely leave the nitty-gritty research to someone who’s career it is.
Delegate to someone who has the results you want, who’s made the mistakes already, found what works and who’s willing to share that with you in an easy to digest and easy to implement way.
If you’re lucky this could be a personal trainer however potentially just as valuable is the online trainer/resource. My main delegation point is: decide on someone you trust, and delegate the decision making to them.
My most successful clients do this.
They don’t rock up late for an exercise session and then proceed to tell me about the latest eating plan their great-aunts-second-removed-next-door-neighbours-duaghters-friend is gettingamazing results with. They ask me what to do – and then take my advice, because quite franklythey have important decisions to make in their own business’s and don’t need to be wasting decision making power on what to eat and how to exercise.
Now the final category… AUTOMATE.
These are the things you can do on auto-pilot… however just because you can doesn’t mean you should!
The mental battle is to be ok with spending a little more time today to show someone else how you’d like it done – or set up a system – so that you never have to do it again.
- Preparing your meals.
- Shopping for food.
- Scheduling training sessions.
So far as your food there is no one size fits all solution however I’m sure you can automate a component of the whole shopping and preparing process.
Having a set few Go2Meals that are quick and easy to make automates the whole: “What do I eat tonight?” process. It’s so important for long term body gain that I devoted a show each to:
#097 Go2Breakies:
#102 Go2Lunches:
#107 Go2Dinners:
Obviously that’s just the decision process automated – that’s all I do – however you could outsource the cooking part too.
And of course the shopping part, at least for those staples that you always need in your house.
One thing that 100% should be automated is when you train. Find the times that you can commit to and lock and load them with yourself or with your friendly trainer. There is no value in wasting time each week thinking “When do I train?” which might become, “Do I train?” which might become, “Why didn’t I train?”
The number of times I have a client tell me they would NEVER have gotten to the gym if they hadn’t had a locked and loaded standing appointment with me.
If you don’t have a personal trainer you absolutely can still commit to a locked and loaded standing appointment with YOU.
That’s a pretty good step to get actionable with right now… however just incase you’ve already got your ideal training plan rockin I have another actionable option for you today.
It’s back to category 1: DITCH it.
Is there something you’re currently doing that is EXTREME and unsustainable?
You have to be honest with YOU here. I would not consider 30 minutes walking a day the least bit extreme or unsustainable… however you know your lifestyle. The thing that you’re going to ditch will be something that is giving you minimal return and is likely leaving you miserable, resentful and frustrated.
For me that’s when I give up alcohol completely… so I’ve ditched ditching alcohol. If that’s makes sense?!!
Anyway, I think that’s a good point to ‘Cheers’ to this week in Healthification.
I’m raising my glass to you in thanks for choosing to spend your time with me this week… unless of course you’re listening to this at stupid o’clock in the am and then more likely I’m Cheers’ing you with a coffee…
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d love to invite you to go to iTunes and leave me a review. I read every review and they honestly make my day.
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