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This week the fav work-out I’m sharing is a little different.
It’s a group training session for 3 to 9 people or it’s also an awesome full-body-fat-blasting-gym-based work-out for ONE.
This work-out rocks for all fitness levels, it’s the exact routine I put my X-Trainers through this morning and this group ranges from girls in their early 20’s to gents in their 50’s. It can be adjusted to ‘I train 5 days a week fit’ to ‘I’m just returning to the gym after having my first child – taking a year off – having a knee injury.’
I won’t give you every adjustment that I make for each of my clients – as this episode would be way too long – however I’ll give you the full run-down for the injury free regular exerciser and if that isn’t you, please as always feel free to let me know in the comments below.
Let’s get rolling with this work-out and the first of 3-parts, ‘A’ which is the warm-up… my warms ups in group training (after everyone has spent a few minutes on their cardio equipment of choice in their own time – as they will very-super-rarely be on cardio equipment in my time!) will usually consist of higher repetitions and body weight or lighter weights or easier movements…
As we move through part A the reps get less and the movements get harder. Onwards with,
Part A:
40 Body-weight Squats.
20 War Machine Pull.
30 Dumbbell Squats.
15 Push-ups.
20 Sumo Squat High Pulls.
10 Renegade Rows.
10 Squat Press’s.
5 Vomits.
* The ‘Vomit’ is a walking prone into a push-up then you jump your feet in at hip width part and then you jump up (like a burped)… it was aptly named by my X-Trainer and usually earns me at least one “I hate you” a session however I know they say it with love… 🙂
Part B is the heavy weighted component. Often it’s circuit style however today it’s a little pyramid where my group worked in pairs and did 12 reps of one exercise then 12 reps of a second exercise then 24 reps of a core movement. Then they power on to a second round of 10 reps of each exercise and 20 reps of a core movement. And finally 8 reps of each exercise and 16 reps of a core movement.
There are 3 ‘pairs’ of exercises in part B, each with their own core movement. Here they are:
Part B:
- Wide Grip Chin + Bench Dipwith core in the form of a Side Plank with elbow to knee tap and hip dip(for 12 each side to make 24)
- Slider Reverse Lunge + Slider Reverse Lunge(other side) with core in the form of Slider Mountain Climbers. (so it starts with 12 each leg for the lunges and 24 for the mountain climbers… then 10 + 10 + 20… then 8 + 8 + 16). My X-Trainers threatened to beat me with the sliders today however againI’m certain they mean it with love…
- Reverse Grip Lat Pull-down + Tricep Push-downwith core in the form of a ball pass.
For the ball pass, lie on your back on a mat with swiss ball. The idea is to keep the small of your back pushed into the mat as if you’re doing a leg lower. The tough version is now to pass the ball from a starting position of both hands and both legs holding the ball directly above you to the ball in both hands as both hands are stretched out behind your head while both legs are stretched out straight too. then back to the middle and pass that ball now to both legs and straighten those legs out with the ball while the arms also straighten out behind your head. This is tough. Especially for 24 reps to start.
In the easier version the ball stays directly above you while alternating arm and leg straighten out. This is tough on co-ordination at first! So right arm straightens out behind your head while left leg straightens while left arm and right leg keep that ball in the air. And so on.
By now we’re 40 minutes into a 45 minute work-out and my X-Trainers are ready to give me their very warmest regards and happily power off into their day… however I LOVE a finisher, to squeeze out whatever might be left and get that heart rate racing.
Here’s your finisher and it’s for time:
Today my group got through 3 exercises for 45 seconds each and then again for 30 seconds however if you’ve got a tad more time and enough fuel in the tank I designed it as 3 exercises for 45 seconds, then 40 seconds, then 35 seconds, then 30 seconds… and if you’re a machine you could even go a couple more rounds.
Part C:
- Sumo-in-out-jump-Squat.
- Kettle-bell Swing.
- Double Lower Reverse Crunch.
In all seriousness, every repetition of every single exercise counts and you need to stay focused on good strong, safe form – if you’re fatiguing too much through 45 seconds (or 30 seconds) of swings (or anything) then take a rest and come back strong.
I gave my X-Trainers 15 seconds rest between exercises and 30 seconds rest at the end of each lap/circuit of 3 exercises.
Here’s the slide of the work-out:

To get actionable today, you guessed it – give this work-out a whirl and please let me know what you think? If there’s anything you’re not sure of just leave me a comment and I’ll provide you with an explanation or alternative.
Additionally, if there’s a type of work-out you’d like me to cover in the Thursday Training show I’d love to know? These are work-outs I actually video myself doing for inside the Body Gain Lifestyle Community so heads up, if you ask for a moderate intensity machine based cardio routine, I’m going to politely decline. Not only because I find machine based cardio hugely UN-fun but also because I find it pretty highly IN-effective.
That’s it for me today. I hope you can join me tomorrow for the Friday FAQ show where I cover, What Can I Do Today To Create Time Tomorrow?
If you liked this you’ll also like: Fat Loss Discipline: Your most important training session this week.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.