Early on in my personal training career I converted a cardio queen. Now, this lady had relentlessly powered through 6 hours cardio a week – for years – and enforced super strict rules on her eating. However she was not happy with the results to show for all her effort. I made two simple changes and she dropped 7% body …
Fat Loss Discipline: Your most important training session this week.
Today was a fairly average training day for me. I thought I felt like training. I should have been fresh after rest day Sunday. (although it was also cheat day and vino day Sunday so perhaps I wasn’t that fresh and absolutely my fat loss discipline was going to be tested) Within a couple of repetitions I discovered it was going to …
Primal Movements Part 2: fat blasting moves and how they relate to your best fat loss mindset.
A few weeks ago I wrote about Paul Cheks’ 6 Primal Movements as metaphors for your best fat blasting mindset. Movement ‘7’ deserves a post of it’s own: How to escape self imposed limitations and use GAIT to ensure fat loss success. To quote Chek “walking, jogging and sprinting are all variations of what is technically called gait.” So it’s …
Bat Wing Free Zone: quick shoulders and triceps work-out.
Quick shoulders + triceps work-out today with some core to finish. (not my strongest point so I pair a heavy exercise with more of a slow burn) A1. Shoulder press 8 reps. A2. Shoulder raise (3 ways) 8 rear delt, 8 lateral, 8 front. (3 sets) B1. Upright row 8 reps. B2. Med ball dip 15 reps. (3 sets) C1. …
Choosing Your Curves: exercises to tone hips and thighs PLUS lose stubborn belly flab.
Later this year my gorgeous little cousin is getting married and she asked me for some training advice on leg toning and shedding fat from the hips, thighs and belly. Most ladies I chat to would love a lil more definition and a little less fat… so without further ado: here are the key considerations if you’re either just starting …
6 Primal Movements: fat blasting moves and how they relate to your best fat loss mindset.
You may have heard of Paul Chek’s 6 Primal Movements. The basic movement patterns that mirror the functional movements our ancestors needed to stay fit and strong. I thought I’d have a bit of fun with how these movements also reflect the mindset component of fat loss. As you’ve likely heard me say fat loss is simple – not easy. …