One of the decisions I made early on in my PT career was to be that happy, positive bursting-with-seemingly-limitless-energy trainer that ‘chooses my mood’. Now this was initially because I wanted to ensure my clients had the best possible experience with me, whether it be 6am or 8pm. I felt it was my responsibility to ‘walk the talk’. As with …
How Certainty In Yourself Helps Beat Weight Loss Overwhelm.
I’ve written about 6 steps to overcoming overwhelm previously however today I’m going to dig deeper with the Back Yourself overwhelm-fighting-factor. That golden question: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail” …is the premise for this post. If overwhelm is an emotion you can relate to struggling with, (weight loss goal or not!) I hope my …
All the little things that equate to big weight loss results.
My dad has a very dear friend… we call him Gerald the Genius (!) who is a proponent of “the unimportant is important.” All the little things. The ‘seemingly’ insignificant. There are so many little things that you know you could (should) do on a daily basis. It’d be hard to track them all though right? And it’d mean sticking …
A Day of Health Hacks to Help With Fat Loss.
The path of least resistance is our natural inclination. Rather than fighting it, let’s use it to your advantage by ensuring the decisions that will guide you towards your best body and best health are as friction free as possible… so the most beneficial choice is also the path of least resistance. Of course there’s some set up involved – …
Help with fat loss when it’s not so much fun anymore!
I call her crazy-outta-control-moody Kate… Death stares then fake smiles (as I feel guilty at aforementioned unprovoked death stares!). Telling myself to calm down & ‘just be nice’. Irrational. Volatile. Small-fluffy-white-puppy-hating. …this is fat-loss-mode ‘dieting’ Kate. It rarely happens. Generally before I get some photos taken and want to insure I’ve done all I can to be happy with the …
Shiny new things will not help with fat loss: how to build your maintain muscle and find your finish focus!
If you had to rate your strength in terms of being awesome at 1. STARTING, 2. MAINTAINING or 3. FINISHING – which one do you do best? Which one may be holding you back? A lot of us are fairly good at starting things. I absolutely subscribe to this …the attraction of an exciting (distracting!) new opportunity. Limitless possibilities AND …