Are your daily leftovers weighing you down? Your daily to-do-leftovers can weigh you down as much as that greasy pizza congealing in the fridge! We all have them. Those daily tasks we always make time for and also the ones that always seem to miss out. Looking at last months goals I have some repeat offenders. I’m guessing you have …
There is no Weight Loss Failure: When Giving Up is The Answer.
Never ever give up. It’s generally great advice. A key to success. In some instances however, knowing when to give up is the more valuable skill. I learnt this the hard way. At school one of my strongest learnings was that quitting is not an option. That would have been failure and failure was fatal. Really? I’d regularly win those …
Judgement: The zero value emotion that may be stalling your weight loss.
In my early twenties I went out with a guy who was really judgmental. Not so much of me – I like to think that relationship wouldn’t have lasted 4 years if he was constantly judging me the way he did everyone around us. The thing is, the outcomes were perhaps just as detrimental. Because in hindsight, I became more …
Fat Loss Discipline: Your most important training session this week.
Today was a fairly average training day for me. I thought I felt like training. I should have been fresh after rest day Sunday. (although it was also cheat day and vino day Sunday so perhaps I wasn’t that fresh and absolutely my fat loss discipline was going to be tested) Within a couple of repetitions I discovered it was going to …
Primal Movements Part 2: fat blasting moves and how they relate to your best fat loss mindset.
A few weeks ago I wrote about Paul Cheks’ 6 Primal Movements as metaphors for your best fat blasting mindset. Movement ‘7’ deserves a post of it’s own: How to escape self imposed limitations and use GAIT to ensure fat loss success. To quote Chek “walking, jogging and sprinting are all variations of what is technically called gait.” So it’s …
Eat Better Not Less: Why you can’t continue with the band-aide fix.
Do you get that sneaky self satisfaction when events conspire to mean you miss a meal? That crazy busy day that keeps you glued to your desk – fueled purely by coffee – and leaves you too exhausted to eat more than perhaps a bowl or cereal of piece of toast before you collapse into bed? HA – take that fat stores! …