I used to believe weight loss was 70% food & 30% exercise. I’m now certain it’s 100% Mindset. If your mind is STUCK you’re wasting your time moving your body. Move your mindset to the ‘I Can’ empowered way of thinking, that’s the long term, sustainable solution. Sometimes a little spark, or nudge into motion is all that’s needed …
Your Childhood Habits And Weight Loss.
How much of what you do happens purely because you’ve always done it that way? It can be a scary thought. Especially when perhaps you never made a conscious decision to start doing it that way… you’re simply unconsciously modeling what you saw as a child. For better or worse. Maybe you can relate to some of these positive habits I’ve carried …
Why restriction and weight loss = a recipe for disappointment.
Do your bad habits tend to creep up on you? Bit by bit you ease off on your self imposed standards or rules. Day by day a little less restriction and a little more freedom. Weeks sail on by and that good habit that took sooo much effort to create – is history! Gone. Whisked away in a cloud of …
The emotion that guides my weight loss…what’s yours?
If I had to sum up in one word WHY I devote so much time, energy and money to creating and keeping a fit and healthy body, that one word, without doubt is: Freedom. Do you have one word to describe being fit and healthy? (whatever fit and healthy means and looks like to you). It’s worth considering. Especially if …
Confused About What To Eat To Lose Weight?
Last week I met with a new client to discuss some effective eating strategies. Now this is a smart, successful, open-minded, exercise loving guy – who has engaged personal trainers multiple times over the years. And still this gent was confused by exactly, What to eat to lose weight. Which left me wondering just how many people find navigating the limitless conflicting …
What to eat when out and about.
My mum and dad stayed with me for 3 nights recently. It was a super special awesome time. It also taught me a lot. For the purpose of this blog I’ll keep my learnings limited to food only (!) however having guests teaches you a lot about both yourself and your guests. It’ll come as no shock to any of …