This one is massive for me. I’ve been vego for 20 years. No meat, no fish – for ethical reasons.
Zero judgement or intention to sway you either way I’m simply not ok with the life an animal breed for food lives.
I made a choice to put my tastebuds behind my beliefs and it’s always been easy.
To be clear I love meat… and some fish. It’s just when you bring your personal identiy beliefs into play the decision making process is simple.
And then it started to get not so simple!
For a number of years now I’ve felt torn between: a desire to provide my body with the best fuel… And a want to be able to eat gorgeous meals out that are not bland, or light or a massive carb-fest… AND a need to live congruently with my animal welfare beliefs.
As much as I believe “I am a vegetarian” I also believe “I am a person who prioritizes my health”
I began to wonder if 14 eggs whites and 6 scoops of protein powder a day was healthy?
It certainly isn’t balanced.
I began to resent having to make do with the over-priced under-sized salad that left me racing home for a proper meal rather than the highly-average guilt-inducing pasta/pizza/risotto vegetarian option.
I began to reason that fish get to live their whole life free – that it is really is a ‘normal’ life before they get slaughtered. Yes, I am talking about the normal life of a fish!
Anyway, the point of this post is NOT to discuss the ethics involved in consuming meat or fish or anything. It’s simply to share that’s it’s ok to change what you believe to be best for you.
Even, to regularly question the beliefs you’re holding tight to.
To check they still serve you well… and when they don’t, to be ok with entertaining a new approach.
It doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it.
You don’t marry your beliefs for better or worse! You stick with them for as long as they serve both your best interests and the greater good.
What is a belief that no longer – or perhaps never did – serve your best interests?
A belief you can trade in, upgrade or just ditch?
Your choice is always to go with the best information you have available at any given time.
…and my best info right now is telling me fish is good fuel.
UPDATE: 19.05.16
2.5 years on and I’ve done a huge turn around on fish, dairy and eggs too. My best info right now is telling me Plant Based is right for me. Again zero judgement. Your choice is YOUR choice.
I’m leaving this post here as I see the value in tracking my food journey… and it happens to be a perfect representation of being able to trade in, upgrade or just ditch a belief that is no longer working for you.