It’s not always the loudest, most obvious or flashy that gets the results. It took me a while to learn this. Back in my 20’s I’d always be drawn to the most ultra confident, (‘Arrogant’ my friends would say) showy and self obsessed dude in the room… Yes, we’re talking big muscles, tight tops and serious gold chains. (I still …
Manipulate Your Addictions And Accelerate Weight Loss.
I used to see addiction as something purely negative and controlling. That gorgeously scrumptious daily giant-blue-berry muffin was a perfect representation of my lack of will power, diminishing motivation or tendency to take the easy short term gratification option. However, in reality although your addictions can absolutely hold you back from achieving your health goal they ALSO can help move you towards the attainment of that goal. Understanding …
How To Maximise Your Daily Eating and Exercise Discipline.
If only I had more discipline. It’s a fairly common wish – right up there with: If only I had more time. The solution is the same. Both discipline and time are limited so the important thing is how you choose to use them. Each day your discipline is getting testing non-stop. Some tests are unavoidable – however some are …
7 Sneaky UNHealthy ‘Health Foods’ (and what I now eat instead)
I knew this girl in her early 20’s who was super-crazy-strict with what she ate. Let’s say restrictive. Even obsessive. She also worked really hard at the gym – often 6 days a week – lifting weights and also suffering through copious amounts of cardio… and although she wasn’t ‘fat’ she definitely had many problems areas. The cost she was …
Reckless Weekend Eating: How Much Is It Costing YOU?
What sort of results would you expect to enjoy if you put in a good effort 48% of the time? With business? With child raising? In your relationship? Oh, AND of course with your nutrition – for a 48% focus – your results would be… Fairly average right? Now I’ve never been great at math however I know that a …
How Not To Lose 4 Kilos In 4 Days.
As I write this I’ve enjoyed some what of a carb-fest day. I did start with 3 scrambled eggs. AND then…. 2 sunflower seed panini’s and 1/2 a loaf of olive bread. a medium berry crush Boost juice (diary free) A fillet of grilled barramundi (HA, protein… again!) another medium berry crush Boost juice a bowl of egg noodles with olive …