I knew this girl in her early 20’s who was super-crazy-strict with what she ate. Let’s say restrictive. Even obsessive. She also worked really hard at the gym – often 6 days a week – lifting weights and also suffering through copious amounts of cardio… and although she wasn’t ‘fat’ she definitely had many problems areas. The cost she was …
Reckless Weekend Eating: How Much Is It Costing YOU?
What sort of results would you expect to enjoy if you put in a good effort 48% of the time? With business? With child raising? In your relationship? Oh, AND of course with your nutrition – for a 48% focus – your results would be… Fairly average right? Now I’ve never been great at math however I know that a …
How Not To Lose 4 Kilos In 4 Days.
As I write this I’ve enjoyed some what of a carb-fest day. I did start with 3 scrambled eggs. AND then…. 2 sunflower seed panini’s and 1/2 a loaf of olive bread. a medium berry crush Boost juice (diary free) A fillet of grilled barramundi (HA, protein… again!) another medium berry crush Boost juice a bowl of egg noodles with olive …
Stop, Start, Continue Action Based Weight Loss Goals.
If you’re anything like me, then you’re always focusing on that next target and it can be really easy to glaze over the progress you’ve already made. This is an approach to goal setting that will systemise appreciating the progress you’ve made AND give you mini-wins every single day. It’s not a bad thing to always be striving for more HOWEVER …
Do I NEED To Do Cardio?
Early on in my personal training career I converted a cardio queen. Now, this lady had relentlessly powered through 6 hours cardio a week – for years – and enforced super strict rules on her eating. However she was not happy with the results to show for all her effort. I made two simple changes and she dropped 7% body …
Unexpected Learnings For A Healthy And Happy 2014.
Mad cat woman warning: I will talk about a cat in this post. Even call him Sir Thomas or my little bro… Meet Thomas the moggie. Don’t tell Thomas he’s a moggie because half the time he thinks he’s a dog and the other half he thinks he’s human. The thing is there are a few things us humans could learn from Sir …