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Michael McNally is the Vice President of Vegan NSW and an inspiring mentor to the current generation of young animal rights street activists. Actually strike “young” (!) we’re all stoked to have Michael on team: End ALL Animal Exploitation Globally.
Whether he’s presenting at The 2018 March To Close All Slaughter Houses or speaking for the animals at Sydney’s hateful Bacon Festival or as a loved regular at Cube of Truth Events the Sydney Activism scene is lucky to have Michael to influence, inspire, drive change and just show up with the right attitude!
Let’s explore The Progression of Sydney’s Animal Rights Activism Scene with Michael McNally…
Listen to the full interview,
The Progression of Sydney’s Animal Rights Activism Scene with Michael McNally here:
In this interview we cover:
The particular catalyst or moment when Michael knew he needed to be Vegan.
What Michael would tell his 16 Year Old Self now.
What Michael does when / if he feels overwhelmed by the scale of animal exploitation.
What was Michael’s first introduction to activism and what / who prompted it.
What changes has Michael noticed / been a part of since getting involved with the Sydney activism scene.
What challenges Michael sees facing activists currently and how can we overcome them.
What’s been the most challenging moment of Michael’s activism / vegan journey.
What is the belief or habit that Michael has changed in the last 5 years that’s had the most positive impact on his life.
Someone Michael is yet to meet who inspires him from a distance.
Someone at the top of Michael’s Vegan wish list (i.e they are not yet vegan) and WHY.
Again you can listen to the interview, The Progression of Sydney’s Animal Rights Activism Scene with Michael McNally here:
Or connect with Michael on Facebook here:
Please also check out Sydney Vegan Markets:
Finally, on YouTube Michael recommended the Bite Sized Vegan and Could you face the reality of where your food comes from?
What a legend right?
Michael truely is such a calming and wise force of influence within the animal rights movement here in Sydney. His patience and positivity is so very evident every time I see him. I found it fascinating to learn that at least in part that admirable patience comes from Michael’s awareness that he – like the super vast majority of us – was not born vegan and did not embrace the lifestyle the second he learned of the cruelty associated with animal agriculture.
If a man like Michael cannot be persuaded to abstain from veal after the lady he’s most eager to impress describes the horror behind that flesh of baby bobby calf… well then that’s just got to be a reminder to us all that we’re planting little vegan seeds and diligently watering them rather than trying to convince and convert on the spot with our vegan outreach.
On the matter of planting seeds, I’d like to introduce a new format of solo podcast show that I’m aiming to produce once a month.
It’s an open letter – sent to an individual or a business that I respect, who has influence over a very large platform and who is not vegan. Each letter will be entirely individual. So for example next week show 555 is called: Feminism, The Dairy Industry and Separating Mums From Their Babies.
This is one of my fav solo format shows I’ve produced in a long long time. I found it emotional and all-consuming to write.
Although I’m an optimist I don’t necessarily expect these open letters will even make their way to the correct person with gate keepers and all however by also releasing them in podcast format I hope they’re of value to you. I have a lot more planned to make this new format more impactful.
I have a lot of individuals and business’s to approach too, so please stay tuned and after you listen to show 555 if you have any suggestions for future open letters please let me know? Joe Rogan and Tim Ferriss are high on my list.
That’s it for this week in Healthification. Huge thanks to YOU for sharing this week with me. You rock and I appreciate your support!
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d love to invite you to go to iTunes and search for Healthification and leave me a review. I’d super appreciate it. It gives me great feedback to keep on powering through the weekly shows and helps other people to find Healthification as well.
Till next time, remember Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, NON-genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated VEGAN-chick can do it – so can YOU!!!)
If you liked “The Progression of Sydney’s Animal Rights Activism Scene” you’ll also like: Behind the scenes of animal rights activism with Ben Johnstone
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