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I know you don’t need anything else to add to your ‘To Start’ list. Today is all about the Stop. Yes, I’m back with the acronyms… today is time to S.T.O.P. the things that:
Overwhelm. and encourage the highly unhelpful attitude of,
Poor me.
First up is something I absolutely subscribe to. I’m getting better every day though. I now realize it’s an excuse to see someone else as more smart, successful, fit, lean, focused… or more anything.
- Putting Others On A Pedestal.
As useful as it is to seek out mentors and to model their success it’s also important to appreciate:
- They are human.
- You’re only seeing their high-light wheel.
- They likely have more help than you expect.
Oh and while I’m talking help – and accepting it – this is absolutely another ‘to work on’ for me so let’s both…
Accept the help that we’re offered – with gratitude – because it makes people happy to be able to help.
Acknowledge if you only saw your high-light reel it’d be pretty impressive too right?
And give yourself a break for your wonderfully unique and human imperfections.
- Focusing On What You Don’t Have / Haven’t Achieved.
It’s not effective and it’s not fun.
- What you focus on expands.
- Your reference points for success are the fuel to drive you forward through the inevitable tough times… so it’s best to keep them close to mind.
- You teach others how to treat you.
Whether it’s your certainty of self in business or in a relationship OR your commitment to prioritising your weight loss goal over dessert… they will follow the lead you’ve already set.
- Having Super Human Expectations.
If you don’t have super powers then super human expectations is inviting a fall!
- Are your super human expectations helpful or hurtful?
- High expectations are great… I guess the line in the sand is when excelling in one area is to the detriment of something else that is also an important part of living and loving life.
- When you consider your super human expectations – where are they coming from? Because if you’re the cause of the pressure, isn’t it nice to know that you can actually ease off just a tad?
I caught up with some close girlfriends recently. The expectations we force on ourselves are frightening. Let me describe one dear friend to you… I was intimidated by her when I first met her many years ago: she’s perfect looking, gorgeous and always impeccably groomed, with killer hair and everything just right. She’s smart and successful and caring. She’s in a loving relationship, has a successful career and a gorgeous healthy, happy little girl.
AND she described getting anxious because of the poor quality of the meals to swap she was preparing for her mothers group. Now I’m fairly certain they were not poor quality (!) my point is it was causing her grief… because she expected that on top of everything else her meals should be master chef quality – always.
I see the next ‘To Stop’ regularly with the highly successful people I’m privileged to train. If mindset is key to success in everything – as I know it is – then you’d think they have their health as dialled in as their business. It’s not always the case. The push it to it’s limit approach does not serve so well with the human body…
4. Treating Your Body Like a Goat.
Yes, I did say that – a Goat…
- The goat approach is to expect your to body cover all terrain and to live – and in fact excel with anyfuel.It’s a short term solution. And fixing the problems it causes is long term.
- Once you decide you want the body that reflects the success you’ve created in another areas of your life – and you throw the ‘healthy lifestyle’ at it – you can’t expect it to respond at warp speed. It just won’t. Your body needs to be coaxed not forced back to health.
- If I had to pick one thing to start with, I’d say priorities 7 hours sleep.Your ability to make the best food choices and your discipline to get yourself to training are vastly enhanced when you’re operating from a decent nights sleep… and of course you’ll work more efficiently too.
- Living At The Mercy Of Urgent Unimportant While Denying Important Not Urgent.
- Just what sort of feedback do you need for exercise and meal planning to become more important than responding to otherpeoples priorities via email or checking Facebook again?
- Being dissatisfied 24/7 with the way your body looks, feels and performs? Knowing that the example you set will be followed by your kids and that you’re condemning them to the same challenges and insecurities you’ve battled for years? A major health event?
- The time thing will never cut it with me. I can’t compute it because we all have the sane time. So time is always going to be about priorities not hours in the day.If exercise and meal planning does not make your priority list that is absolutely 100% ok, as long as you’re satisfied with the results you’re currently getting.
Not satisfied?
Ok, I’d love to help with that. If you have 7 days to give your best body a fair go, then I have 7 days worth of the highest return for your time and energy advice to share and I’ll back it up with 7 days of unlimited personal support.
Here’s a Bonus #6 thing to STOP today;
Stop Looking To Make Fat Loss or as I prefer to call it BODY GAIN Harder Than It Needs To Be!
To get actionable today check out my 7 day FREE offer and jump on Week 1 of my 30 Day Body Transformation program.
That’s it for today. In tomorrows Thursday Training show I share: 4 Exercise Tips To Set You Apart. I hope you can join me.
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