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In todays 6 Primal Movements Part 2 encore episode I discuss the seventh movement: GAIT.
Now bare with me – I know this doesn’t sound like the most fascinating topic (!) however like in Part one, I’m going to make Gait applicable to your best fat blasting (and body gaining!) mindset.
First though, since we’re chatting Primal Movements that mirror the functional movements our hunter gatherer ancestors needed to stay fit and strong… this little plant strong eater has been thinking about hunting recently. Certainly not from the angle that it’s something I’d like to try yet equally not from my previous severe stance of ALL hunters deserve be exterminated. Slowly and painfully. By the poor creature they were needlessly murdering.
That really was my point of view once.
As I age, and likely more-so as I’m open to uncovering the perspective of someone with differing opinions to me I’m finding the world is not as black and white as I once conveniently believed it to be!
In fact perhaps, no actually without-a-doubt-100%-I-ASBSOLUTELY now believe the hunter who’s kills his or her own food – in the wild – and is present and responsible for every part of the hunting, killing, dismembering, transporting and eventually eating process… is certainly more connected to and appreciative of the animals we share this planet with.
It’s just a vastly different proposition than blindly, mindlessly buying your pretty, perfectly packaged meat from the supermarket and in doing so continuing the demand for factory farming.
It’s accepting 100% responsibility for your decision to eat meat. I respect that at least as much as I respect the person who has decided to eat plant based… or as I mentioned at the top of the show (and is currently my preferred description of the way I choose to eat): Plant Strong.
I’d love to hear your thoughts? Where do you stand on the ethics of hunting for food? And, what do you think of the term Plant Strong instead of Plant Based or Vegan? Ok, enough preamble…
Now lets power onwards with,
6 Primal Movements Part 2:
Here are the show notes for the original episode: 6 Primal Movements Part 2.
The Healthification podcast is proudly bought to you by my online community for Vego’s and Vegans who want to create a strong, healthy body and also help eradicate inhumane and unsustainable animal agriculture.
Learn more here:
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