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In todays show I’m sharing:
6 Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut.
However wouldn’t it be great if there weren’t steps? If all it took was one big “Let’s just DO IT!” step?
Sadly that’s not the way I seem to work. If I could have a super skill I reckon the acuity to swiftly recognize “Hmmm, this really isn’t working” and then the expertise to know “This would work better” and finally the Self Belief? The lack of Fear? The ability to blast through Procrastination. To overcome Over Thinking… and Overwhelm… and Excuses AND JUST DO IT!
To rocket straight from recognizing something isn’t working to making it work would be pretty awesome right?
What is it that allows you to drag yourself out of a rut??
Rather than sexy rocket style let’s go a little more slow and steady – yet effective – with 6 Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut:
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #One: Accept 100% Responsibility.
Blame, Excuses, Denial are 3 sure fire ways to keep you stuck in a rut.
In contrast, the second you accept responsibility for the way something is you give yourself power to change it. You created it. You can change it. It’s within your control.
Rut ruining recommendation: Reframe your most common responsibility dodging responses. Let’s start with those debilitating little: “I can’t” and “I couldn’t.” I’ll give you a couple of options:
Choose instead: “I can” “I will” or even “I choose not too”
Although I’d prefer: “I can get to bed 30 minutes earlier” and “I will get up for training early tomorrow” at least “I choose not to get to bed early or get up for training because it’s not important enough to me” is still accepting responsibility. It’s giving you control rather than leaving you languishing in helpless, hopeless victim mode.
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #Two: Review Your Why.
When everything is going well and you’re getting great results your why is not so necessary. The results are motivating enough.
However, when you’re stuck in a rut. When you’re making no progress. When all you’re aware of are the time, energy, money and sacrifices at that point your why is potent fuel.
Your why can drag you outta bed on a cold, dark, wet morning to train. It can make those crispy sweet potato chips look a little less appealing. It can help you pick up the phone and make that difficult call.
Rut ruining recommendation: Align your why with your values.
I cover values in show #095 and also in my 6 part Smart Simple Fat Loss series starting at show #245.
In brief, your values are those states or feelings you’re drawn to before all else. As such they guide your decision making. Perhaps Freedom, Integrity and Growth. Maybe Love, Passion and Fun. There is no right or wrong so far as your values however can you imagine how potent knowing achieving your Why also helps you live aligned with your most hugely compelling values would be?
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #Three: Acknowledge Your Past Progress.
It’s easy to fixate on everyone else’s progress. To compare your current reality with the highlight reel of their life. Their success’s conveniently curated on social media.
Thankfully you’ve made good progress previously too. It’s there for you to check in with and celebrate. And you should because: What you focus on expands.
Rather than focusing how far you have to go focus instead on how far you’ve come.
Rut ruining recommendation: Work acknowledging your progress into your daily routine.
My fav way is to end the day with 3 reference points for success.
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #Four: Ask For Help.
Sometimes there’s no denying it. As much as you’d prefer to be able to drag yourself out of this rut maybe you need a little help? Asking for help isn’t needy or weak or admitting defeat. You know I’m talking to ME right now as much as to you!
Sometimes asking for help is simply the best, the fastest, the most effective next step.
Additionally, when someone asks YOU for help how does it make you feel? I’m guessing most often you’re only too happy to help someone out. That you feel great for being able to be of assistance. And yet we’ll (Yes, again I mean ME!) stubbornly avoid giving someone else the opportunity to assist us.
Rut ruining recommendation: Give yourself a deadline to ask for help if you haven’t dragged yourself out of the rut.
Importantly, choose only the person you respect who has the results you’re seeking to ask for help and commit in advance to doing exactly as they suggest regardless of how challenging, tedious or uncomfortable it might be.
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #Five: Initiate Some Momentum Gatherings Actions.
Step four can absolutely be a momentum gathering action. This step is about acknowledging that some days will be easier than others. So it’s in your best interest to have some actions almost on auto pilot. Actions that build on themselves.
Ideally you want to make it so that the path of least resistance is to take the action and continue the momentum. So it’d actually require more effort to stay stuck in that rut! Here are a few momentum gathering actions:
Order a fresh veggie box delivery each week. Join a group exercise class where your presence is noticed… and more importantly skipping a session is absolutely noticed and followed up on. Ask a team member, friend or even set a reminder on your mobile to prompt you to take that action you’ve struggled with in the past.
Rut ruining recommendation: Upgrade one rut encouraging habit with one rut ruining habit.
Maybe Instagram time before bed becomes planning your day tomorrow time before bed?
Possibly you swap your Net-flicks or Foxtel subscription for an online forum membership or audio book subscription?
Perhaps mindlessly surfing social media and inviting envy at the aforementioned curated highlight reals of other peoples lives becomes journaling 3 things you’re grateful for today.
Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut #Six: Start With An Easy Reference Point For Success.
Starting huge is a classic strategy to stay stuck in your rut! If you set an impossible expectation you’ve giving yourself an easy excuse to not even try. To wait for those ideal conditions. That perfect timing. To give up before you even start.
Your alternative is to conspire for your success. To start with something easy to achieve that you can build on.
Rut ruining recommendation: Think of one simple thing that if you’d completed for the past 365 days you’d be super happy with your process. I think this is called the rewind genie effect. Where you imagine how it could be with just one EASY action completed consistently.
Perhaps it’s: No refined carbs Monday to Friday | 20 minutes extra walking a day | Green veg with each main meal.
The secret is to start small. To lock and load this one habit or reference point point for success before you start adding more.
To get actionable today, if you’ve been in a bit of a rut – let’s say so far as prioritizing your health – I’d love you to start with the first of our 6 Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut. That’s: Accept 100% Responsibility.
If you liked 6 Steps To Drag Yourself Out Of A Rut, you’ll also like: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Results.
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