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Todays show was inspired by a guide I’ve just created, The: 7 Day Plant Strong Jumpstart To Create A Body And Life You Love.
It’s all about making plant based eating easy, healthy, delicious and sustainable. For you and the planet.
Day One is the day of preparation. It’s where we lay the groundwork for your future success. It’s also that step that might have been oh too easy to skip in the past. In the guide I dig in with all the MINDSET prep: your Goal, your Values and Beliefs. In this show I’m going to cover the preparation you do at the supermarket or farmers market.
Today lets jumpstart (!) your:
Weekly Plant Based Shopping List.
Like the guide, the Weekly Plant Based Shopping List is geared towards YOU if you’d like a strong, healthy plant based body. Perhaps that involves losing some fat. Or maybe you’re pretty happy with the way your body looks and you’d simply like to transition from meat eating or vegetarian without losing any muscle, strength, energy or supreme food joy!
Before we grab our shopping trolley and get rolling I have a few considerations…
First: I’m going to give you some rough quantities because I did say ‘Shopping List’ however everybody is different. This list is for one person. One smallish person with a HUGE’ish appetite… I’ll save the actual list to the very end of the show as it likely does not make for the most exciting listening!
Second: This shopping list is divided into 4 main categories. (I’ll share them soon) It allows me to also work in my vices. That’s Shiraz, vodka, fresh bread on the weekend and some other baked deliciousness… like a raspberry almond spelt scone.
Third: I’m going to tick some vital micronutrient boxes with this list. Specifically IRON, CALCIUM, ZINC, B12 and also OMEGA 3’s. The macronutrient PROTEIN is also very easily looked after.
Ok, onwards…
One: Fibrous Veg.
Your filling and micronutrient filled friends.
These foods will form the base of every meal. They are FREE so far as quantity. I honestly believe you can gobble as much fibrous veg as you want.
=> So far as micronutrients:
IRON (my goal is 18 milligrams of Iron a day). 1 cup Raw Spinach / Rocket / Chard contains 1.2mg.
CALCIUM (my goal is 1,000 milligrams of Calcium a day). 1 cup Kale contains 180mg. 1 cup Broccoli contains 95 mg. 2 cups Raw Spinach/Chard/Rocket will give me at least 350 mg.
ZINC (my goal is 8 milligrams of Zinc a day). 1 cup cooked Broccoli contains 0.8 mg. 2 cups Raw Kale contains at least 1.12 mg. 100 grams mushrooms contains .9 mg.
=> So far as food joy: Pick a couple of your favs. It’s worth the extra investment to enjoy your most fav even when it’s not the best deal.
=> So far as ease and cost: Take the prepackaged (with no added nasties!) option with green leaves if that time saver is important to you. When some high value fibrous are out of season and priced outta control (!) like cauliflower, broccoli and brussels, frozen is fine.
Two: Starchy Veg and other One Ingredient Carbs.
Including Fruit and Legumes.
If you’ve followed a lower carb approach to eating in the past you’ll likely find when switching to eating plant based you’ll by necessity consume more carbs. That’s cool. As long as they are quality, nutrient dense carbs like those to come:
=> So far as micronutrients:
IRON. 100 grams of Leek contains 2.1mg. 100 grams of Fennel contains .07mg. 100 grams of Sweet Potato contains .06mg. 100 grams of Carrot contains .03mg. 100 grams of Tomato contains .03mg. 100 grams of mixed berries contains from .03 to 07mg. (raspberries @7 and blueberries @3)
=> So far as food joy: Prioritize your favs. If getting or staying lean is your goal it’s important not to mindlessly guzzle starchy veg, fruit and legumes. They have their place however it’s the fibrous veg that’ll dominate your plate. For example I’m never going to eat mashed potato… to me it’s a waste of a spud.
If I’m eating potato I want it to be all beautiful and crispy. Cauli does just fine for mash. Equally I won’t waste my carbs on rice. It’s just not joyful (!) to me. I’d much rather some seasonal fruit or some aged fruit… like Shiraz!
=> So far as ease and cost: Starchy veg and one ingredient carbs are made for weekend meal prep. Whether it’s a vegan curry or sweet potatoes baked on mass you’ll thank yourself during the working week. These are generally going to be your most budget friendly part of the shop. Especially it you’re buying seasonal. Fruit is the exception however the solution is to wait for a special and buy organic fruit fresh or frozen in bulk.
Three: Plant Based Protein.
Contrary to popular belief and propaganda it’s not hard to eat enough plant based protein. It’s as simple as making a conscious effort to include it at each meal. In the plant based world, proteins and fats are regularly found in the same foods. It’ll mean you’ll likely end up eating more plant based fats however again, that’s A-Okay because you’ve cut the crap-o-la refined carbs and all the rubbish processed fats that often piggyback with them. In short: Cut the crap fats = enjoy more quality fats!
=> So far as micronutrients:
IRON. 3 grams / a good half a teaspoon of Spirilina contains 1.33mg. 5 grams / a teaspoon of Dulse flakes contains 1.65mg. 30 grams Pumpkin seeds contains 4.5 mg.
CALCIUM. 3 grams / a good half a teaspoon of Spirilina contains 3.8mg. A teaspoon of Dulse flakes contains 10.65mg.
ZINC. 30 grams Pumpkin seeds contains > 2mg.
B12 (my goal is 4-7 MICROgrams of B12 a day). A generous tablespoon of Nutritional yeast that has been fortified with B12 can contain 100% of the recommended daily B12 intake. Dulce flakes are also a great source.
OMEGA 3’s. (my goal is 500-1,000 milligrams of omega 3’s a day). 1 tablespoon Hemp seeds contains 1000 mg. Chia and pumpkin seeds are also a great source.
=> So far as food joy: There’s plant based protein powder and plant based protein powder. They are not all the same. Some are disgusting and some are delicious. Personally, I can’t handle pea protein… however brown rice rocks. I’ll ink to my current fav in the show notes. My main point is, persist till you find a brand you LOVE.
=> So far as ease and cost: My fav plant based proteins require zero cooking just blending into a smoothies, stirring through a curry or sprinkling over a salad / pasta / veggie bake as you serve your meal. Huge cash-o-la saver here.
Plant based protein is going to be cheaper than all but the most heavily processed, hormone and anti-biotic stuffed, government subsidized, factory farm meat.
Four: Gorgeous Good Fats.
These lovelies are easy to over or under do. Too little fat will leave you constantly craving, unsatisfied and missing vital micronutrients. On the other side of the scale (!) it’s super easy to get lost in a bag of dry roasted cashews. Or eat avocado with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
=> So far as micronutrients:
IRON. 60 grams Cashews contains 3mg. 60 grams Almonds contains 2.2mg. 100 grams of Avocado contains .06mg.
CALCIUM. 60 grams Almonds contains 160mg. 60 grams Cashews contains 27mg. 1 tablespoon Tahini contains 65 mg.
ZINC. 60 grams Cashews contains 3.8mg. 1 medium Avocado contains 1.3mg.
=> So far as food joy: Like the starchy veg, I recommend prioritizing your fav fats. Within reason. You also want a variety. I could eat cashews for morning tea, and also use them for my nut cheese and dairy free pesto and sprinkle them over my dinner and blitz them into my smoothie! That would be overkill.
So I keep cashews to morning tea and use a variety of other nuts and seeds throughout the rest of the day.
=> So far as ease and cost: Once you find your fav fats it’s always going to be cheaper to buy in bulk. Now that may mean keeping trigger foods (like cashews!) at work not home. The truly cost effective way to look at your good fats is: you’ve already covered a heap of them in your plant based protein shopping! Aside from that good fats keep your body healthy. And happy.
They are 100% an investment in avoiding tedious, debilitating, costly illness.
As promised here’s that Weekly Plant Based Shopping List:
One: Fibrous Veg.
4 bunches of Kale
1 bunch Spinach
3-4 large Capsicum (mixed colours)
1 kilo Mushrooms
1-2 large Eggplant
12 large Zucchini
1 Cauliflower
1 large head Broccoli
1 large Cucumber
500 grams frozen Brussels
240-360 grams premixed Green Salad Leaves.
1/2 bunch Spring Onion
1 bunch fresh Coriander
1 bunch fresh Basil
Two: Starchy Veg and other One Ingredient Carbs.
1 kilo Brown Onions
2 Red Onions
1 large Leek
1 medium Sweet Potato
2 medium Fennel
4-6 medium Carrots
250 grams Tomatoes
3 Green Apples
500 grams mixed frozen organic Berries
1 Pink Grapefruit
1 Lemon and 2-3 Lime
These next two I’ll share the daily or weekly break down as appropriate….
Three: Plant Based Protein.
Vegan Protein Powder. 4-5 scoops a day.
Hemp seeds. 2 tablespoons daily.
Chia Seeds. 2 tablespoons daily.
Pumpkin Seeds. 2 tablespoons daily.
Nutritional Yeast. 1-2 heaped tablespoons daily.
Spirulina. 1 teaspoon daily.
Dulse Flakes. 1 teaspoon daily.
Four: Gorgeous Good Fats.
50-100 grams roasted unsalted Cashews daily / 400 grams weekly.
100 grams raw Almonds weekly.
1 teaspoon Coconut Oil daily.
1/2 teaspoon Macadamia or Avocado Oil daily.
3 Avocado weekly.
1/2 jar Tahini weekly.
Other Extras: 3 litres Almond Milk weekly (250 mils contains 188 mg CALCIUM). | Balsamic Vinegar | Coffee | Natvia | 1 can of reduced fat Coconut Milk weekly. Also: Garlic and onion powder. Mixed dried herbs. Chill flakes. Himalayan Salt. Dried coriander, medium curry powder, cumin and cinnamon.
To get actionable today: I’d love to hear from you. If you’re considering a plant based diet – or even more of a plant based approach – because: I really do believe everything counts. For your body. For the animals. And for the planet. Is there a micronutrient you’re concerned you may miss out on if you choose to eat more plant based?
I’d love to know. In fact I’d love to devote a whole show to it. You can let me know via the show notes for today.
If you liked Weekly Plant Based Shopping List, you’ll also like: Fibrous Friends: Quick and Easy Fat Fighting Vegetables.
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