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Hey Body Gainers!
Todays show is sponsored by The Body Gain Lifestyle. I’ll share more about this community later on in todays show.
In this weeks weekly wrap let’s talk discipline… in fact I want to share: 3 Key Considerations When You’re Disregarding Discipline With Volition!
I’ll certainly chat a little food, exercise and mindset too. And of course I’ll share what’s been rockin this past week and what’s been a tad more struggle street.
Let’s get rolling…
My thoughts so far as FOOD this week relate to the need to rebel.
Can you relate?
Most of the time I’m good with planning my meals, creating a trigger free environment, enjoying a cheat meal each week and generally loving every single meal. It works really well. Around 95% of the time.
However sometimes I have this need to NOT be good. To rebel.
It’s like I’ve had a discipline overdose.
It’s times like this that the only solution is to just ease up on my self imposed standards. To Chillax.
To realize that discipline is limited. As I’ve covered in show #016 and again in show #121 to respect my daily discipline quota and also to acknowledge that when it comes to winning the discipline game although there are 3 key considerations:
- Make it as easy on yourself to succeed as possible.
- Avoid a focus on restriction and what you can’t have.
- No matter what, it’s never a right off.
Sometimes – for a short time – it’s normal, human and healthy to disregard discipline with volition!
Of course I also have, 3 Key Considerations When You’re Disregarding Discipline With Volition:
One: Choose the better bad.
Even better choose to disregard discipline with volition in a way that doesn’t conflict with your core values. So for example this week I – Like YOU – have limitless discipline disregarding opportunities.
I could: Ditch exercise. Ditch getting up early to work on the biz before I work in the biz. Ditch my self imposed alcohol limits and guzzle Shiraz to my hearts content. Ditch dairy free and devour a handful of low-carb-high-protein-yet-FAKE-choc-protein-bars.
The thing that compels me to choose the better bad and instead indulge in more coffee as a little treat – even though I was so proud of my almost 6 month 2 a day ONLY habit – is that a tad extra liquid gold (in my mind) feels a little rebellious and yet does not conflict with my core values of Freedom or Integrity in the way that those other ditching options would.
The reasoning might not make sense to you however that’s irrelevant. The key is to find the reasoning that does work for you.
The better bad that let’s you experience a little disregarding discipline without disregarding YOUR values.
Two: Acknowledge this is not permanent.
Also have a end time-frame in mind. As I mentioned I was proud of my almost 6 month 2 coffees day habit. It worked for me. And it’ll work for me again.
Other examples might be: Shorter workouts. Buying rather than making your green smoothie / salad. Easing up on your self imposed weekly digital detox rule.
Sadly sometimes good habits fall by the wayside never to be prioritized again. It just happens. The key here is volition. You choose to let something go for a bit – to rebel – and then you choose to reinstall that good habit again because you know it worked for you.
Three: Avoid the discipline ditching downward spiral by sticking to your better bad.
Ditching a limit on liquid gold could lead to: 6 coffees a day and rubbish sleep. A tasty muffin with that coffee. A break spent devouring that muffin and coffee rather than making interval training happen.
The key is to have a limit.
You’ve chosen your better bad. You’ve acknowledged it’s not permanent and you have an end timeframe in mind. Now it’s important to keep your discipline disregarding to the boundaries you’ve just defined.
To come full circle this is where those first 3 keys to winning the discipline game come back into play. To recap they are:
- Make it as easy on yourself to succeed as possible.
- Avoid a focus on restriction and what you can’t have.
- No matter what, it’s never a right off.
Let’s move onto EXERCISE. Specifically something I’ve changed my mind about.
For many years I was strictly a barbell and dumbbell girl. I never bought into the “But I don’t want to look like the HULK!” myth – which by the way sadly is alive and kicking as I just heard a girl declare it to her boyfriend at the gym it this week. I loved lifting heavy weights. Still do. However I didn’t value body weight exercises.
I found the body weight love years ago now and the mini workout I’m sharing today is a testament to just how hard and effective a body weight routine can be.
So here’s that routine:
- 6 walk-outs ( 6 each leg)
- 6 sumo in out jump squats
- 12 body weight get ups (total – alternate legs)
- 12 sumo in out jump squats
- 18 side plank hip dip and toe tap (only 9 each side)
- 18 sumo in out jump squats.
Repeat for 3-4 circuits. Now I do get audio is not the format for a workout and that brings me to the habit that I plan to rock this week…
This weeks HABIT is accountability. To be fair I’m being a little premature however I’m going to predict accountability will work even better for me once I get accountable in this show! That body weight routine? If you’d like a video I’ll include one (COMING SOON!) and also on Instagram. Checking it out and trying this workout is todays action step.
My Instagram account is brainb4body_
Do you know why there’s an underscore? brainb4body was already claimed and although at the time I thought “Wow what are the chances?!” I didn’t bother to look into it and then months later discover I had claimed brainb4body and forgotten.
Anyway I’m going with the underscore!
I’m committing to filmng a short body weight workout each week. Like no excuses for me or you super short!
Powering on to my PODCAST recommendation this week I’m going to go with: The One You Feed.
I don’t listen to it every week however I do LOVE the premise which is that in life each of us have two wolves inside of us that are always at battle. A good wolf and a bad wolf.
And the question is: Which wolf wins?
Your answer: The one you feed.
To me this is another – more creative – way of saying what you focus on expands… for better or worse. And I do love wolves!
Anyway, a quick takeaway I heard in a recent show was The Alphabet Gratitude Game. Now I’m big on gratitude and working it into my routine however I’d never heard of the The Alphabet Gratitude Game. It’s as simple as it sounds and surely a much more valuable way to drift off to sleep than counting sheep. You literally progress through the alphabet thinking of something you’re grateful for for each letter. Cool huh?
As we round out this week in Healthification it’s time to share my struggle street: I guess in a word it’s impatience.
Although impatience can be a powerful driving force to take action and make change… getting caught up in it can be fairly miserable. I’m certainly far from miserable – more so just aware that I’m a little impatient in some areas of my life right now. Even a tad less tolerant… and tolerance was never my biggest strength!
So that’s my struggle street / to work on this week.
Funnily, although I’m maintaining my daily meditation habit I’m more often feeling like it’s been an exceptionally distracted – impatient session. Not sure the answer here however I thought I’d share and also my own impatience rang true in an Instagram image shared by Sarah Wilson from I Quit Sugar. To finish on a lighter note here’s the image / quote:
*Follows Diet.
*Diet Doesn’t Follow Back.
*Unfollows Diet.
HA, scarily true at times for many of us I’m sure.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification. Big gratitude for your support and for sharing this week with me.
As mentioned at the top of the show, Healthification is proudly bought to you by The Body Gain Lifestyle – an online self-paced course, community and coaching program to Create A Fit, Lean, Healthy Body That’s Sustainable For You And The Planet. I’ve got your food and your exercise covered. I’ll tell you exactly what to eat, how to exercise and when… However, If your MIND is stuck you’re wasting your time moving your body.
My Main Focus inside BGL?
To make the MINDSET component of Body Gain simple, implementable and sustainable.
To learn more simple cruise to strongbodygreenplanet.com/bodygainlifestyle
If you liked this you’ll also like: How To Maximise Your Daily Eating and Exercise Discipline.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.