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Today’s show is a little different from the usual format.
It’s going to be of value to you if you’re interested in joining ANY community or membership site however I’m specifically recording this show to help my new body-gainers for my new community – The Body Gain Lifestyle – get the most value possible from their time, energy and cash-o-la invested with me.
I’m also going to share my experiences as a member in other forums/communities.
If you’re up for todays show – AWESOME – we’ll get rolling in a sec… if however you just want a normal Healthification episode I’ll have that for you on Monday, for now perhaps you could check out one of my fav Friday FAQ shows #90: How Quickly Can I Lose My Belly Fat? or because I don’t want anyone to take offence (maybe you’re super happy with your belly!) here’s another fav, show #020: How do I increase my energy levels?
Alright let’s get going with today.
First up if you’re even considering joining The Body Gain Lifestyle – thank you – I know you have a lot of options and I’m grateful to be in the mix!
Here are 4 considerations:
….that I haven’t always stuck to when joining a community or membership site – however for me they hugely influence the degree to which I will,
1) START (!)
and in turn the degree to which I will,
and in turn,
I’m going to dig a little deeper with each of the 4 considerations. The first 3 are in relation to my experience in other communities (what works and what hasn’t) and the fourth will focus solely on: How YOU Can Rock The Body Gain Lifestyle!
1) Start:
I need to RELATE to the person who’s community I’m joining. Now that sounds captain obvious right?
However I’ve been wrapped up in other peoples recommendations or a good deal or quick-fixor other such sales hype before.
That’s all rubbish.
When push comes to shove I actually want to respect the approach a potential online mentor takes. To enjoy spending virtual time with them.
To even be able to imagine myself achieving the type of results and living the type of lifestyle they live.
2) Stick With It:
A SCHEDULE helps me stick with any community as it does with any new habit.Regardless of how exciting that initial decision may be – how clear your goal is right now – life will jump in the way.
A simple schedule, perhaps half an hour a day – if that’s daunting even 5 minutes – will help guide you back to the land of stick-to-itiveness! What is vital is to be forgiving when you slip off that schedule.
It’s not game over. I sometimes set such crazy, unrealistic, daunting schedules – and then try and enforce ‘catch-up’ when I fall behind and it’s basically just a recipe to make myself give up.
Just get back on schedule, when you can, even for a lessor period of time if need be. It’s all good. It all counts.
Sticking with ‘stick with it’ (!) I’ve observed recently I respond to Multiple Touch Points in staying onboard long enough to see value in a community. All I mean by this is it’s great to log-on to the community however for me it’s not enough. If I’m not also listening to podcasts and checking out the odd video and venturing to the main website from time to time I drift…
Call me fickle… it wouldn’t be the first time (!) however I like access to reliable, consistent, fresh communication.
My final ‘stick with it’ observation is to start with what resonates with you – so far as all the content – and feel free to ignore the rest. It’ll be there when and if you choose to come back to it.
Overwhelm will get you no where. So decide what is the ONE Most Vital Thing you want to achieve from your time and energy invested and make a start with that. (more on how in consideration 3)
3) See Value:
The cliche Give Value = See Value absolutely rings true. I’ve tried the whole lurk behind the scenes approach and it gets boring, fast!
Even as a total introvert I’ve noticed the more I put myself out there in a community – and it doesn’t come naturally – well, funnily the more natural it becomes! I slip off the wagon regularly with this however I’m getting better since as mentioned in consideration #2 I’m forgiving TO ME (!) when I do break my self-scheduled little give value goals.
Getting to know other members of a community is what will keep you feeling motivated, inspired and connected long term. It’s actually relatively easy – because most people choose to LURK – so when you choose to contribute people remember you.
In one internet marketing community I was initially daunted by the fact that my skill and experience cannot compare with the majority of the more visible members. Like it’s a different ball park… often a different language. However the thing I’m learning – and relearning when I forget it – is that support and sharing your struggles and even letting others support you is also a super valuable role to play in a community. You don’t have to be ‘the expert’ in every or anycommunity.
Sharing your vulnerabilities helps other members who may not yet feel comfortable to share theirs… and Yes, I’m more often still the behind the scenes not awesome with vulnerability member in this example.
Sticking with ‘See Value’ is to Ask Questions. Again it’s obvious yet so under utilised. The more you ask the more you get. It’s like one on one coaching time… without the price-tag. In the right community there will be no dumb questions. Personally I respect someone for taking that first action on something they are stuck with by just asking. I super-respect the person that then takes the advice that resonates and implements AND bothers to share their results.
My last ‘See Value’ observation is to Set Goals and make use of the Accountability on offer.
If you have the discipline to clarify and prioritise your most important goal and the courage to share this goal you have the opportunity to let a whole community help you achieve it.
4) Succeed:
As mentioned I’m going to keep this solely to the domain of The Body Gain Lifestyle.
To any new Body-gainer (!) I recommend you decide what is the ONE Most Vital Thing you want to achieve this week from your time and energy invested.
=> Are you just looking to create a routine of 30 minutes (or 5!) a day familiarising yourself with everything available to you within the community?
=> Is meal planning (or lack there of!) causing the most frustration in your life right now and if so perhaps your goal this week is to dig in with my fuel resources and get one main meal this week (whichever most often starts a downward eating spiral) on track?
=> Or are you ready to commit 100% to get maximum value for time, energy and cash-o-la andthe best possible results? If that’s you here’s what I want you to do:
Start at the ‘Welcome’ tab where you’ll find the PDF to download and also the daily tracking and email support for B3Blitz, my 30 day body transformation program. It’s as simple as one easy to implement step a day over 30 days. Beyond day 1 (which is laying the groud-work for your results to come and will require a couple of hours, most days will only need around 30 minutes from you).
Opt-in to get the email support, it’s worth it.
Still at the Welcome tab share your goal by posting in the What does SUCCESS look like to you? thread. I know that’s a little daunting. However, how can I both support and hold you accountable if I don’t know what you want to achieve?
Now you’ve taken those first couple of steps…
Please know I’m on your team. The more you ask the more you get. And there are no silly questions. Equally this community is a judgement free zone. I want you to feel safe to share, contribute, support and seek support.
Each month I’ll host 2 live webinars. You’ll find details to register and the accompanying action / implementation sheets in the ‘Training’ tab.
One is my monthly coaching webinar where we’ll dig deep with my signature product ‘Silence Self Sabotage’ which is my 6 step system to create your best body gain mindset.
The second is my monthly mastermind Q & A webinar.
If you can’t make them live you can leave a question in either the coaching webinar or the mastermind webinar thread for me to answer in the webinar. I post the replays within 24hours.
Each month I’ll publish videos of your work-outs at beginner, intermediate and advanced level. You’ll find them in the ‘Resources’ tab.
And also bonus fav work-out videos of the week… these are me putting myself through a work-out I designed for one of my clients that week. They are usually quite challenging and often good for a laugh!
If you can’t access equipment needed for an exercise or you have an injury preventing you from doing it again simply let me know in the accompanying thread and I’ll adjust the work-out for you.
Of course I haven’t forgotten my fav subject to produce content around – food – you’ll find all my products relating to the best fuel to choose your curves also in the ‘Resource’s tab. Under FUEL.
I recommend starting with the ‘3’ PDF’s that detail 6 Lean, Clean Breakfasts, 6 Lean, Clean Lunches and 6 Lean, Clean Dinners.
Each month I’ll add to the fuel resources according to YOUR requests. So please request!
The ‘Forum tab’ is the place to start a new conversation. Perhaps seeking help with a struggle or sharing a win. A couple of my favs here are the: Weekly Food Diary Make-over and also the Reframe, turning obstacles into opportunities thread.
Finally, this community is a work in progress. I want to create it together. I’m good with feedback so please feel super free to tell me how you would most love it to be.
In closing the most important 2-part consideration to remember with any community or membership site – indeed with any goal you set for yourself ever, is to Back Yourself 100% and to know that you always get another go.
If something came easily – you’d have it already – so be ready to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and be willing to endure your share of frustration and set-backs. Each obstacle that jumps in your way is your chance to prove to yourself just how much you want it…
Just how willing you are to do whatever it takes.
If you’re ready and willing, I’m here to support you. You can find out more about The Body Gain Lifestyle here:
That’s it for another week in Healthification. It’s been my pleasure and privilege spending this time with you.
If you liked this you’ll also like: How To Program Your Thoughts To Create The Fit, Lean, Healthy Body You Were Born To ROCK 24/7 365 Days.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.