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Today’s podcast is inspired (and I use that term loosely!) by a client who regularly struggles with Monday-i-tis.
Each Monday as he would drag himself into the gym he’d announce “It’s a blue Monday” which I don’t know exactly the meaning of however I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean he’s focusing of any of the 3 key questions I’m going to frame todays show around.
Side-note: To be truthful this gent now brings his Monday-i-tis to our WhatsApp virtual personal training sessions… and I’m grateful he turns up however WOW he could make it easier on himself!
It’s my belief that Monday is your chance to lay the foundation for the rest of the week.
It’s an opportunity to focus on everything that could rock about Monday OR of course everything that does not.
And, why on earth would you ever choose a does not over a could rock focus??
Let’s get rolling with:
How To Win Your Monday.
Key question #1: How do you want to feel at the end of the day?
One of the feelings I really hate (and Yes I chose that level of intensity with volition) is to feel a lack of accomplishment. To feel dissatisfied with me. To feel like I’ve let myself done.
I’m pretty sure I’m not unique in this regard.
It absolutely does not mean you need to work like a maniac 7 days a week. In fact my main goal Sunday is to rest and relax and feel fresh and focused for Monday.
If you’re struggling with Monday-i-tis ask yourself what would need to happen for you to feel really super awesome about your Monday? To feeling like you’re winning?
=> Perhaps it’s in relation to the progress you make with work tasks?
=> Maybe it’s more about a day of great health decisions?
=> Possibly it’s more along the lines of the relationships and interactions you nurture today?
To win your Monday: First, you need to know how that’d feel. Are you seeking: Satisfaction? Connection? Progress? Fun? Integrity?
Then, you need to decide what actions will let you feel those feelings?
Key question #2: What launch pad do you want for the rest of the week?
If Monday is the first day of your working week it lays the foundation. It’s your chance to start on the best possible foot. Perhaps to get a head start on everyone else who’s dragging themselves through their Monday.
If it doesn’t come naturally you just need a simple routine to follow.
I absolutely get that not everyone wakes up full of beans, excited to launch into the week. However if you don’t, there are some steps to take to make it that HUGE bit easier. Here are my top 5 don’ts and my top 5 do’s to win your Monday:
1) Don’t hit snooze. It’s torture. It’s also telling your body “My day isn’t worth getting up for.”
DO: Get to bed 7-8 hours before your ideal wake up time to make it that mach easier to not hit snooze.
2) Don’t skip breakfast. It’s going to make poor food decisions later in the day that much more likely.
DO: Plan your ideal breakie the might before. Even better have it prepped and ready to go.
3) Don’t get sucked into low value tasks first thing. Like email. Or social media. Or those easy yet no-so-important little jobs that are really not a priority.
DO: Plan your day the night before (with the feelings you uncovered in Key question #1 in mind) and be ruthless in starting with your number ONE task.
4) Don’t get dragged down by the first thing that goes wrong. Perhaps a tech drama. Or a disappointing email.
DO: Get really good at reframing those annoying yet inevitable obstacles that jump in your way. The fact is things will go wrong. The other fact is you can move swiftly past obstacles by finding the learning, building your tolerance muscle or feeling grateful that the situation isn’t worse (it can always be worse!) OR you can fixate, dwell on and prolong the bad.
5) Don’t let negative people rub off on you. Ideally don’t even interact with the energy-sucking-glass-half-empty-types.
DO: Start your day with someone who inspires you. If you’re not in a place where you can chose your clients (or family!) then you can choose the podcast you listen to. Or perhaps the book or blog you read?
Key question #3: What message do you want to send to YOU?
Each day and each decision reinforces your reputation with yourself. It’s a simple yet easily neglected notion.
Are you someone who follows through?
Can you rely on YOU?
Given that your body is a habit forming machine… Do you want to nurture the destructive, lazy habits?
Like: sleeping in / skipping your workout / getting sucked into social media / grumbling about how tired-busy-stressed you are?
Or, do you want to be the contrarian? That weirdly-yet-attractively motivated and positive person intent on winning your Mondays and winning your week.
I know I’m making it sound easier than it is! However I do have 4 more Win Your Monday facts for you:
1) What you focus on expands so focus on what you do or could love about Monday.
Perhaps: the hour of power you get done on the most important task of the day before anyone else gets up (I’m doing that right now – it’s 4:50am) / a precious 5-15 minutes you take for yourself reading a book for pleasure not work at the end (or start) of the day.
2) It only gets easier.
Those good habits you’re forming might initially be hard to create however 100% without a doubt they’ll get easier. With time things that may once have been struggle-street will happen on auto-pilot.
3) You’re in the perfect position to positively influence others.
In the same way that a rubbish mood can rub off your positivity can be just as infectious. What if each Monday you set the goal to be that bright, friendly spark in someone else’s previously gloomy Monday?
4) Nurture appreciation for the little things and get to feel appreciation as regularly as you want.
It might be: your first coffee / your first smile with a stranger / your first laugh with a colleague.
As Oprah says: “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
To get actionable today let’s go with a LOVE or could LOVE audit of your regular Monday.
Sometimes it’s easier to love and appreciate something once you’ve brought it to mind. To be a little more specific and very achievable a place to start is to take a mere 60 seconds to list as many things as you can that you’re grateful for from the beginning of your Monday. I just got to 11 in my 60 seconds. I’m certain you can match me.
Let’s finish todays show with 3 recommendations:
- Try something new. I’m super aware that right now, and Yes I’m dating the show however this recommendation is always of value, right now it could be easy to feel like we’re just biding time. In lock down of everything – business progress, creativity, relationship building and yet actually this is exactly the time to up-skill. To experiment. To take a new approach for a spin and if you like it keep it, if you don’t – ditch it!
I know too much, uncertain change has been forced upon many of us and as such it might feel natural to cling to the things that are certain and comfortable. However that does not have to be your approach. Tackling something new, perhaps something you know there’s value in – you know you should do, has HUGE potential for building your reputation with you! One of my many news is Facebook Live Group Training every morning Monday to Friday. It’s part daunting, part fun and mostly a huge opportunity. 2 days in and I’m focusing on just ONE day at a time and also a little excited at how much I’ll have progressed in 6 weeks.
- Raise your bar for the things that annoy you. Have you noticed that some people get frustrated by the tiniest thing and yet others appear to have mastered the art of staying chill? I used to think this was a personality trait we were stuck with. For better or worst. I’m learning it’s a skill we can cultivate. A skill we should cultivate. Because as annoying as that easily frustrated person is to be around, it’s got to be vastly more annoying to BE that person.
To start raising your bar of annoyance: Perhaps focus on reframing “frustrating” to “fascinating.” Or ask yourself: “In the whole scheme of things how important is this really?” Or simply: “What’s the more enjoyable way to spend my day?”
- Throw a Fab Food Finisher into your day whenever you feel a little flat, low energy on you’re tempted by some refined food UN-fix! In my Live Group Training today I shared the G.R.A.I.N.S. Finisher. It’s an acronym and it’s about getting your exercising action on, not eating! To be fair it should be a W.H.O.L.E. G.R.A.I.N.S. Finisher however that’d be too long.
If you like the sound of training with me Live Monday to Friday for another 5 weeks as this goes Live – it’s free and it’s fun – however it’s on behalf of another business so I have you hooked up so far as how to access their amazing Virtual Health Retreat via their Facebook Group here:
Here’s the G.R.A.I.N.S. Finisher:
G.et Up (body weight)12 repetitions in total. Or G.lut Bridge 12 repetitions each leg from the ground or pop your heels on a chair or Swiss ball and aim for 20 repetitions double leg.
R.everse Crunch 12 repetitions in total.
A.lternating Lunge 12 repetitions in total.
I.ncline Push Up 12 repetitions in total.
N.arrow Squat Pyramid 1 and ‘1′ 1/2 up to 10 and ’10′ 1/2’s in total.
S.quat 180 Degree Jump 12 repetitions in total.
Aim for 2-4 circuits.
That’s it for today. No interview show this week – however I have lots in the works – and certainly an awesome conversation to share with you next week. Thanks so very much for hanging with me today. I appreciate it. Virtual hugs and fit, strong, happy, healthy wishes to you and your loved ones.
The Healthification podcast is proudly bought to you by my FREE ‘Easy Vegan’ plan. It took me 25 years to transition from a meat eater to a happy, healthy Vegan! You can do it in just 3 days with my simplified ‘easy vegan’ plan! Get the fit, strong, and healthy plant based body you deserve… while avoiding ALL the mistakes I made along the way!
Till next time, remember Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, non genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated vegan chick can do it – so can YOU!!!)
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