As enticing as it is to think of the one big push. Or major event. Or latest extreme diet that will transform your body – the unsexy truth is that success in the weight loss game (and I imagine in any aspect of life) is more a matter of those seemingly insignificant, at times tedious, little habits. Here are 5 of my …
One Day At A Time Weight Loss.
You can do anything for one day right? Now I’m not talking extremes measures. It’s more about removing the pressure of locking into something for life. Or even a month. Or even a week! Although “I perform well under pressure” gets thrown around a lot, it’s been my experience that being given too many tasks to lock down for too …
Smart Simple Weight Loss: Align Your Goal.
This post presupposes you’ve read part 1 in the series: Smart Simple Weight Loss: Define Your Goal. It’s the Stop Fighting YOU part of the process! What we’re going to do is ensure the attainment of your weight loss goal is congruent with everything you are naturally and undeniable drawn to. Your values, your beliefs and everything you believe to be true …
One simple question.
If you were in the best shape of your life what would you do? This is a question I ask myself frequently. Despite the fact I am currently the happiest I’ve ever been with my body shape – nice to reflect on as another birthday fast approaches – it’s a question that acts as a super useful filter in my …
Travel tips to stay on track with your best health habits.
Today I’m off to Noosa for my little cousins wedding. Woohoo! It’s a lovely 4 day weekend. As you may have experienced in the past that’s a reasonable enough period to do some serious damage to your regular eating and exercising habits! A lunch time vino here… mums raspberry friands there… a couple of meals out AND before you know it …
Smart Simple Weight Loss: Define Your Goal.
When I first joined a gym over 15 years ago I didn’t have a goal. I joined because my father said I should. “But dad, I’m not fat” “Katie, that’s why it’s such a shame, you have so much wasted potential” (in hindsight, perhaps dad was looking for an alternative to the regular all-nighters at clubs and the ‘wasted’ mornings …