You can do anything for one day right?
Now I’m not talking extremes measures. It’s more about removing the pressure of locking into something for life. Or even a month. Or even a week!
Although “I perform well under pressure” gets thrown around a lot, it’s been my experience that being given too many tasks to lock down for too long a period of time means not a lot of performing happens at all.
That long list of tasks can seem overwhelming.
It can be daunting to think of everything involved in leading a healthy lifestyle. Add to that career. Family. And everything else.
It’s easy to not know where to start… and to simply just not start.
Your list will seem even more overwhelming if it’s bouncing around in your head.
The BRAIN DUMP is an excellent exercise to help clear your head.
It will create some peace & quiet in your mind.
Simply jot down every single thing that you need to get done on one large piece of paper. No matter how much you ‘dump‘ you’ll feel better for it & ready to tackle the next one step forward.
Focusing purely on what needs to get done today is actionable.
Focusing on everything you’re doing right today is a much more enjoyable approach than to give energy to the fears that may never eventuate tomorrow.
One day at a time creates a habit.
It means one by one those little tasks – that used to happen dependant on you consciously remembering them AND having the discipline to do them – become unconscious. They just happen automatically. Without any conscious effort or self negotiation.
If you’re thinking that’s easier said than done?
The key factor is you always get another chance.
If you slip up today that doesn’t mean this weight loss attempt is a failure. It certainly doesn’t mean throw in the towel and go on an all out binge fest or skip the entire weeks work-outs. Tomorrow you get to start fresh with the habits you’re creating.
When one day at a time is your measure, that old “I’ll start fresh next month or next week” excuse just doesn’t cut it. Because you get another full day tomorrow, so make the most of it!
Let’s get actionable with one day at a time weight loss.
A great place to start in your Morning Ritual.
To start the day as you mean to continue. Prioritising your health and keeping the commitment you’ve made to yourself.
There is no best morning ritual. It’s a matter of finding what is best for you. What instigates your most happy, efficient and effective day?
This is what my morning ritual looks like:
1. Wake up at 4.15am.
=> to make this happen sustainably (rather than painfully!) you’ll need to get yourself to bed 7 hours before your wake up time.
2. Fuel my body with a nutritious, satisfying, high protein and low carb breakfast. 6 days a week this will be an omelette with 2 whole eggs, a variety of veg and some herbs, cooked in coconut oil. Plus a large glass of water or two. Plus a coffee with almond milk… or two.
=> to make your omelette as quick and easy as a sugary yet ‘convenient’ cereal option throw some veg from your lunch or dinner preparation into a bowl with a couple of eggs the day before. First side will cook while you’re in the shower. Flip. Cook the other side while you’re getting dressed. Simple right?
3. This is dependant on whether I have clients starting from 5.45am-6.30am. If I do, then it’s out the door to get a quick 25 minute walk to work in listening to a podcast or audio book. If I don’t have clients till 7am or later I will always get some time under my belt working on my #1 task of the day.
=> to ensure you prioritise your most important task in that gold early am time when you are fresh and focused it’s essential to plan the day to come the night before.
It only takes a few minutes however it’ll save you from getting sucked into the email void – jumping to solve other peoples problems. Or the internet void of unfocused searching and surfing – reading other peoples content rather than taking action yourself.
Once this becomes a habit I’m certain you will save yourself more than enough time to always have time for your exercise and meal planning. (ha, Yes that was my ulterior motive!)
Three steps is a good place to start, you may choose to prioritise any of the following to your morning ritual:
Meditation, Yoga, Visualisation, Family Time, Reading, Preparing your meals for the day, Weights.
There is no right or wrong, however when choosing your morning ritual, and when upgrading your morning ritual consider:
“Are these the actions that are the most effective use of my time to bring me one step closer – one day at a time – to my most important goal?”
I’m always open to upgrading my morning ritual. This one is working well for me, however I’m super ok with getting better!
I’d love to hear what works for you? Do you have any non-negotiables in your morning ritual that you’d like to share?