Do you know someone who is all or nothing? The “I’m going to run 5 days a week” person? The meal replacement shake or detox convert… who used to stop at the nearest Maccers at the drop of an advert? That guy or gal that lifts 6-7 days a week… then gives it away for 6 months? I can absolutely …
Damage control when you find yourself in an UN-ideal fat burning day!
Previously I posted about the importance of the night before in your ideal fat burning day. (of course best practice set-up the night before is equally applicable to your ideal effective, efficient working day) Well, today I’m in damage control… as last night I didn’t take my own advice! Next time you find yourself a little low on sleep. Hung-over. …
Stow your baggage for weight loss take-off!
As I headed off for a gorgeous Easter long weekend in stunning Noosa recently I was reminded of this metaphor I first heard from Chris Howard. In order to fly you must first stow away all your baggage. We all lug it around… and it can absolutely weigh us down… And prevent us from reaching the heights we seek. I’m going …
Building your winning weight loss routine: the 30 minute habit.
You know that action that will really help propel you towards your most compelling goal? That action that makes your ‘to-do’ list each day. Week. Month!!! Frustrating isn’t it? You KNOW there is value in getting it done. And that it won’t magically get done on it’s own. And that delaying isn’t making it any easier. WOW, perhaps you even agree …
Getting over overwhelm… to fast-forward fat loss.
Overwhelm rears it’s ugly head when you allow yourself to dwell on ALL the things that happen to you that you cannot control. It can make you feel helpless. The solution is to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL. …and to have the discipline to keep your focus to only what you can control while you take action tackling only …
When ‘Borrowing from Tomorrow’ costs you more than weight loss results.
“I’ll do double on Friday.” My clients laugh at my MINIMAL and self-imposed weekly cardio requirements. However, I’ll still often miss my 9 mins on The Stepper on ‘intervals-after-weights-Monday’ because I’ll do it on ‘long-walk-day-Wednesday’ or even double on ‘intervals-only-Friday’. Or, “I’ll eat half tomorrow.” => Double nuts for morning tea? …that fine, I’ll skip the avocado at lunch. => Red …