Let’s get straight to it and admit that you have food weakness’s. I Do Too. This will be an EATING GAME-CHANGER… it means giving up on the self deceiving approach of expecting to one day miraculously wake up more disciplined, more motivated and less emotionally attached to food. I never woke up insanely ‘disciplined’ and if you’ve struggled with your …
Galvanize Your Motivation To Lose Weight.
In todays highly results focused – impatient – world, GOALS act as a fascinating contradiction. They can be both hugely inspiring and motivating AND absolutely frustrating and disheartening. The need to be patient and consistent in achieving your goal can zap the life outta motivation. Paying your dues… planting those seeds… doing your time… BORING! Persevering through the tough times isn’t motivating. Sure it may …
Do Cheat Days Work?
I’m a fan of the cheat meal rather than the cheat day. Why? ONE: There can be of course too much of a good thing. It is possible – rather probable – you will over consume in a whole day of cheating and undo the progress you’ve just made in a week of great eating. TWO: It’s tougher to get …
Deliberately Addictive Craving Causing Food: 3 Myths.
Todays post covers; 3 great myths perpetuated by the food industry as they set out to hijack your biology and your body by deliberately addicting you to their toxic, craving causing creations. Inflammatory? HA, too right this crap-o-la food is inflammatory! It’s one issue I won’t be grey on. I believe 100% that quality, unprocessed food is your Only long term …
Dracula’s Best Weight Loss Advice.
Dracula knows how to suck the life out of your best weight loss attempts. Make fat blasting as easy as squeezing blood from a stone in 5 simple steps: 1. Stay up late and sleep the early morning hours away. 2. Fuel your body with dead food. Specifically consume assembly-line-processed-diet-fake-foods in severe calorie restricted quantities. 3. Drive to the gym …
Why Is Weight Loss So Hard?
Do you ever find yourself asking “Why am I doing that again?” or perhaps, “Why am I not doing that again?” “Why can’t I just knuckle down and make it happen???” This utterly pointless conversation is exactly where I found myself last night. The answers were not especially inspiring or supportive. Certainly not the sort of responses that would compel …