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Todays show is inspired by me feeling like there are too many things I want to start doing… not just an excited yeah that’d be cool feeling – more a slightly anxious, even overwhelmed, pretty Un-fun feeling.
You get like that too right?
So I’ve turned the start doing list on it’s head and decided to focus instead on: 11 Things To Forget Doing Today. This show is going to focus more on the thoughts to forget rather than the actions which I covered in the #048 show on Why Your Not To Do List Comes First.
Ok, let’s get rolling…
#1. FORGET Focusing on how far you’ve got to go or how much you’re yet to do or even how much you’ve yet to have.
Sometimes EVERYTHING that we know we should be doing can get just a little – yes – That ‘O’ word… taking any one action is always going to be more effective than sitting and worrying about how you’re going to accomplish all of your actions.
Yes, with all the options for training & nutrition it’s possible to get stuck analysing & never actually start. However, SOMETHING is always going to be better than nothing – don’t be a perfectionist waiting for the perfect program or the perfect timing, jump in & just make a start.
Plus, it get’s you outta ‘stuck mode’ and into progress mode. What’s one action that will bring you closer to your goal?
#2. FORGET Negativity, your own, other peoples and especially those silly little things that are really not worth your energy to get all worked up over.
Input determines output.
So be ruthless with the input you allow into your mind – it’s as important as the input you allow into your belly.
#3. FORGET Wishing it was easier.
The fact is you can’t control making things easier, you DO have absolute control over being better. Challenges make us realise how important our goals are. They make us ask: “What am I willing to do to make this the way I want it?
#4. FORGET Waiting for the easy done for you solution.
It’s a lie. It doesn’t exist. Waiting for it is a massive, disheartening waste of time.
The non-sexy news is that as with everything else of value, the attainment of your ideal body does involve hard work. Your choice is to focus on the pain of that ‘hard work’ or to focus on pleasure that the results for your commitment will allow you to experience.
#5. FORGET Hoping the approach that hasn’t worked in the past might work this time.
The value in that old approach is not to slide back into it because it’s familiar. It’s there to show you what situations you need to get better at out-planning/avoiding this time.
#6. FORGET Falling for the same danger situations.
I did this for years – one of the best things I ever did was to admit my weakness’s so far as food and exercise and to consciously NOT leave myself vulnerable to them day after frustrating-discipline-failing day.
#7. FORGET Taking short-cuts.
When I’m brutally honest the people with the results I want – whether it’s in health, business, family or anything – worked for it. In health especially, what you’re NOT willing to do will reveal how committed you are to what you want to do.
#8. FORGET Ineffective busyness.
I listened to a podcast this week which described when Bill Gates first met Warren Buffett. Over dinner at the Gates’ house Gates’ mum, asked everyone at the table to identify what they believed was the one most important factor contributing to their success through life.
Gates and Buffett gave the same one-word answer: FOCUS.
#9. FORGET Speaking to yourself in a manner you wouldn’t speak to your best friend.
Would you still have any good friends if you spoke to them the way you speak to yourself and your body?
Your unconscious mind is listening to everything you say – and it believes it – for better or worse. So, unless you want it to keep seeking out evidence and opportunities to support how lazy you are or how repulsive your huge fat belly is then you need to talk to it – to YOU – in the way that you’d expect to heard your best friends’ new boyfriend speak to her. With love, support and respect.
#10. FORGET Fear of failure.
Perhaps your best secret weapon in achieving your goal is an absolute refusal to accept failure as an option.
Challenges are built into fat loss as they are built into life and it’s not about getting rid of them, but about becoming who you need to be to handle them effectively.
If every setback was merely feedback – an opportunity to refine your approach for a different outcome next time would this free you to give it your very best shot? To welcome feedback will allow you to learn from every experience and be flexible enough to make the necessary changes to get the result you do desire.
I’ve had a fair bit of experience with failure (!) and the upside to that is I’ve learnt it’s not permanent. It doesn’t define me. AND being frozen with fear that it might possibly happen is a huge waste of energy, time and life.
I think Failure deserves a whole show of it’s own though so stay tuned!
#11. FORGET The way you expected it to be.
It’s natural and awesome and at times an absolute lifeline to have dreams, aspirations and expectations.
However, it’s also essential to acknowledge and appreciate reality so that you’re in the best possible position to make great decisions for your life today onwards.
You’re stronger because of the tough times, wiser because of your mistakes and happier because you’ve experienced sadness.
Todays quote encompass’s a couple of our forgets… I’m handing over to Johnny Cash: “You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.“
Ok, it must be time to get actionable.
I’m sure some of these forgets resonate with you more than others. If you had to pick one to get fabulous at forgetting this week what is it? That’s the action for today.
Mine is #1. #1. FORGET Focusing on how far you’ve got to go.
I’d love to hear yours – or even better, perhaps you could let me know the forgets I’m forgetting! You can let me know via the comments below.
That brings us to the end of Healthification #071. It’s been my privilege spending this time with you. BIG, thanks to you. I’ll be back tomorrow with the Tuesday Tucker show and: Making Addiction Work For You.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Self Sabotage: 5 Things To Stop Doing Today.
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