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One of the top barriers I hear from people struggling to stick to the eating and exercising they know will let them achieve their ideal body is: a lack of motivation.
Today I’m sharing what I believe to be The Motivation Myth and what you can do to build and keep all the motivation you need.
The motivation myth is that you either have it or you don’t. That if something is important enough to you, you’ll be and stay motivated.
That is rubbish. Like any quality, motivation takes work – it needs to be nurtured rather than taken for granted.
It’s worth discovering whether you’re more naturally motivated to move towards pleasure or away from pain. Both are powerful and both are worth utilizing.
It’s also good to be aware that a towards pleasure motivation is more specific and focused – like an arrow to a bull-eye… Or a chick to that super-sexy-new-pair-of-skinny-jeans. Conversely away from pain motivation may evoke stronger emotions however it’s less exacting – you just want to get away from the pain, to remove your hand from the hot plate…. Or never feel crazy-embarrassed-self-conscious-in-your-swim-suit.
Let’s get specific with 3 Keys to getting and staying motivated:
1. Results. This has gotta be the most motivating thing right. There’s nothing like seeing your body and energy and strength improve to incentivise you to keep going. However sadly with weight loss it’s common that the results you see may not initially reflect the level of effort you’re making.
So results are a double edged sword.
The key is to not only measure your results by what you’re tracking in appearance, fitness and strength but ALSO so far as the consistent routine you’re creating.
This is absolutely also a result.
I guarantee 100% that if you take the right actions consistently, you will see the results for your effort.
Yes, it may take longer than you would love, however it will happen and when you create a consistent routine then you actually get to keep those results.
2. Daily Motivation Doses. Like a shower, you need to ‘do’ motivation regularly, or the effect won’t last… and, also like not showering – you won’t be so nice to be around!
The easiest approach, is to make things that motivate you a part of your daily routine. To structure them in so they just happen – if you wait till you need motivation, well sadly you’re less likely to be motivated to make it happen.
Here are some awesome examples:
=> find the image or the quote that absolutely motivates you and blaster it whenever it’ll give you that hit of motivation… maybe your mobile and computer screen saver or perhaps the fridge.
=> develop the mantra, affirmation or personal, positive and present tense goal that lights your motivation fire and commit to write it daily at a set time.
(I’ll cover ‘How To Set An Effective Weight Loss Goal’ in an upcoming show)
=> source the podcasts, blogs, books that motivate you and lock and load the set daily time you’ll spend focused on each.
=> focus on your success’s – consciously – each night before bed think of something you ROCKED at.
=> also focus on the aspects of what someone else is excelling at that are applicable to you.
So by this I mean, it is UN-motivating to let yourself focus on why someone else has it easier, has more time or money or support or better genetics… it is hugely motivating to instead focus on what they are doing that you too could do if you chose to.
=> prioritise spending time with people who motivate you… ideally face to face, however phone calls and forums are also great.
Equally, be conscious of the time and energy you waste with people and activities that suck the motivation and joy and positivity out of you. Yes, motivation take work – at least as much in the energy vampires and dream slayers you say NO to as it does in the energy giving and motivation enhancing activities and people you say YES to.
3. Inspiring Goals That Stretch Without Totally Daunting You. Inspiring goals are those that let you imagine how amazing it will be when you make them a reality.
Losing a kilo is likely not going to be inspiring to anyone. It’s the ‘set myself up for something so easy I can’t fail goal’ …except since it’s totally UN-motivating it’s highly likely the person that set that goal would fail (if they believed in failure – which I don’t – another upcoming show!)… my point is you’re not going to be driven to take the at times uncomfortable and un-fun actions if the result you’re seeking is UN-motivating.
At the other end of the scale is the so outta-control-massive-Daunting goal that you never take action on either because it seems beyond your ability.
Your sweet spot stretch goal will live in the middle.
It’ll be a chunk of that crazy-big-life-changing goal. A step in the right direction, that will feel like a massive accomplishment when you put in the effort to get there AND will from the outset feel within your reach if you give it your best shot.
Ok, lets get the motivation flowing with todays action step: I’d love you to think of 3 daily motivation doses to sprinkle through-out your week. Even better I’d LOVE you to share – and in doing so, hold yourself accountable to these new additions to your routine – your motivation doses in the comments below.
Todays Monday Motivation quote is courtesy of Zig Ziglar:
“Motivation is like showering, The effects are not long term – so it’s recommended you do it daily”
If you liked this you’ll also like: Galvanize Your Motivation To Lose Weight.
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