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Fresh content today! My apologies that I’ve been rolling out the encore shows recently however as we’re approaching nearly 500 shows and the iTunes feed only shows the latest 300 or so I feel like a lot my content is lying dormant and disregarded!
I’ve also been fairly consumed with the: 7 Day Veganish Flat Belly Blitz.
If you joined me on that free challenge a HUGE Thank You!
If you have no idea what I’m talking about… it’s a little challenge I put together for YOU: If you’re vegan curious yet not sure how to keep your meals healthy, easy and DELICIOUS.
The 7 Day Veganish Flat Belly Blitz is a chance to test the ‘Veganish’ waters!
I share my fav yummy plant based recipes, daily equipment free fat blasting workouts and also help you create the mindset that makes your best eating and exercising choices simple and sustainable.
So, back to todays show which is all about:
Turning 7 Days Of Veganish Deliciousness Into A 30 Day Plan.
I learnt a lot over the 7 days. I was determined to provide unique and delicious plant based recipes for each day and I did however I want to be brutally honest with you.
Although I’d LOVE to eat all my recipes every week I’d never bother cooking them ALL every week.
Not when I leave home at stupid o’clock AM and often work into the evenings. Can you relate?
My plan today is to share how I structure a few different meals into a months worth of healthy, easy, deliciousness.
I have 3 levels for you to pick from:
That’s me! It sounds kind of bad right? However it’s actually the most effective eating personality for getting and keeping great results.
That’s you if you have even a modicum of control around your fav trigger foods! Though perhaps you’re not so good at deciding in advance what’s on the menu tonight?
That’s you if your families needs constantly come before yours and you no longer have the luxury of selfish like I do.
All can work and you can be a combination. Let’s tackle them one at a time to see how.
Here’s the A to B (that’s it!) how I make my month of veganish deliciousness work.
A is for….
A) I choose A breakfast, A lunch and A dinner that are my Go2Meals 5-6 days a week. Again to reiterate, I’m the LAZY cook. I really just want to know what works. By ‘works’ I mean what tastes delicious, is generous, filling, nutritious AND gets me the results I want.
The meals YOU choose from either the limitless out there or the 18 I provide in the 7 Day Veganish Flat Belly Blitz.
My goal is pretty extreme so far as the low body fat percentage I like to maintain and the (minimal!) cardio I like to do and the(generous!) Shiraz and vodka consumption I like to indulge in. Just being honest with you as these are all factors!
So I choose:
- A Green Smoothie (it varies slightly dependant on what looks good, is seasonal and is cost effective).
- A 20+ Veg Salad with dairy free pesto and protein pimped hummus(again, it varies slightly dependant on what looks good, is seasonal and is cost effective).
- A Vegan Curry with Zoodles and Kale or Brussel crisps(slight veg variations here too).
You might choose:
A Funky Monkey Smoothie. A Kale Cauli Tabouli. A Portobello Cap Pizza.
It’s whatever you can make on mass in one or two blocks of non-negotiable cooking time a week. You might choose 3 new main meals every 30 days or you might stick with your current favs for yonks like me! B is for…
B) Be creative in finding the accompaniments NOT completely different meals for those in your household who have different needs and goals to you.
So to take my original 3 meals:
- To that Green Smoothie you might add coconut water (I just use water) and nut butter and a banana PLUS perhaps 50-100gms of nuts on the side for the boyfriend, husband, flatmate, child, girlfriend who’s very active / not looking to get leaner.
- To that 20+ Veg Salad with dairy free pesto and protein pimped hummus you might add 1/2 a roasted sweet potato or turn it into a couple of sandwiches or even (if you’re up for it) some form of animal protein.
I’m going to side-track a little here. I can’t help myself. I’ve often been asked would I cook meat for a partner and the answer is No. It does not feel right to me. I made my last boyfriend HUGE delicious plant based meals and I was fine with him bringing meat to my house however I wasn’t open to cooking it for him. You’ve got to decide what is right for you.
- To that Vegan Curry with Zoodles and Kale or Brussel crisps you might add rice or you might follow it with a delicious nice cream dessert made with frozen bananas, nut butter, dates and the options are limitless!
Lets move on to, The GUIDELINES EATER.
Here’s the A to C of how to make your month of veganish deliciousness work.
A is for….
A) Choose A breakfast, A lunch and A dinner that CAN BE your easy Go2-Last-Minute-Meals on those days you just don’t want a plan.
So to be clear, all I mean is at least have an idea of the meals that are quickest to turn to when it’s too early or too late or too anything to make a hard food decision.
You might choose:
- A Blueberry Almond Chia Pudding.(so easy to always have all the ingredients on hand if you opt for frozen blueberries)
- A Burger Bowl. (again if you’ve got a batch of bought veggie burgers in the freezer you’re golden)
- An Eggplant Cannelloni.(you guessed it – many serves live happily in your freezer for last minute meals!)
B is the same…
B) Be creative in finding the accompaniments NOT completely different meals for those in your household who have different needs and goals to you.
So to take my each of those 3 meals and apply them to a housemate with a bigger appetite I’d honestly just increase the serving size. It does not have to be hard! C is for….
C) Commit to my 3 simple guidelines so far as building a healthy, easy, deliciousness veganish meal. These are for those many days when you like to eat what you happen to feel like eating on the day, at that time… and you certainly don’t know what that’ll be in advance!
- Start with a serving of lean protein.
This may be 50-100 grams of lentils, beans or chickpeas, 50 grams of vegan cheese, nuts or nut butter, 1 tablespoon of hemp, chia, pumpkin or other seeds, 1-2 scoops of vegan protein powder… or any combination of the above.
- Add a serving or 4 of filling fibrous veg or micronutrient rich fruit.
This may be 1-4 cups of any combination of spinach, kale, mushroom, capsicum, cauliflower, zucchini, tomato etc or 50 – 100 grams of berries, apple or any fresh (not canned or dried) fruit of your choice.
- Finish with a satisfying good fat.
That might be a tablespoon of coconut, avocado or macadamia oil. Or 50 grams of avocado. Or perhaps you’ve already covered it with 50 grams of nuts / a tablespoon of nut butter or seeds.
Here’s the key to make it work my Guideline eating friends: Decide at the start of each month what your fav plant based proteins, fibrous veg + fruit and good fats are. Write a shopping list and do a big monthly shop for the things that last a while and then a weekly / bi-weekly shop for the things that are more perishable. Then at least your home will be stocked with the essentials and you’ll have something to work with regardless of what you happen to feel like eating on the day.
Here’s the A to D of how to make your month of veganish deliciousness work.
A to C are actually the same as the Guidelines Eater. I just have one addition. D is for…
D) Decide on a meal a month to incorporate into your monthly cooking repertoire for each member of your household.So everyone gets to pick including YOU! I’ve found that creating healthier plant based versions of a meal someone I love loves is a fairly winning strategy.
Here are a few examples:
- A stodgy cheesy mince’y bowl of Nacho’s became my super delicious nutrient loaded Kale Crisp and Baby Cos Nacho’s with vegan chili mince, sun dried tomato cashew cheese and all the colourful veggie extras.
- A carb fest Burger and Chips became my Portobello Cap Felafel Burger with Brussel Crisps.
- A greasy over priced Pizza became myCauli-crust Pizza with Marinated Mushrooms and Cashew Cheese.
As I see it, it’s a WIN:WIN:WIN:WIN approach for you, your household, the planet and the animals.
If you’re liking the sound of some of these recipes and haven’t checked out the 7 Day Veganish Flat Belly Blitz you can find it here:
That’s it for this week in Healthification.
A super huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d super appreciate it if you pop over to iTunes and leave me a review. It helps other people find Healthification and it really does inspire me to power on with the weekly episodes.
Till next week, happy cooking! Cheers!
If you liked Turning 7 Days Of Veganish Deliciousness Into A 30 Day Plan you’ll also like: 7 Day Veganish Flat Belly Blitz.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.