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Have you heard of the term: Looking For The Catch?
It’s a strategy I’ve also covered in show #315 that you can do either to your benefit or to your detriment. In today’s show on:
Looking For The Catch Revisited
I’m going to make this strategy applicable to achieving your best, strong, healthy body.
However that body looks, feels and functions for YOU.
First up, a better definition. Think of The Catch as the way that it is for someone else. Someone who has the results you’re seeking. Perhaps it’s a close friend, a colleague or maybe it’s some random chick on Instagram.
It’s very easy to focus first on everything about the way that it is for that someone that you don’t have. Perhaps they have:
More Time | More Opportunities | More Money.
As you focus on how much harder it is for you, your lack of Time, Opportunities, Money you give yourself the perfect excuse not to try.
I think it’s a natural human instinct to find the excuse that justifies why we don’t have something. The explanation to hold up as your convenient little “it’s not my fault” / “I can’t help it” / “but it’s so hard for me” card.
It’s not pleasant language to hear right? In fact it’s the lousy excuse laden language of a victim.
Your alternative, is to again observe the way that it is for someone else. Someone who has the results you’re seeking. However this time you’re going to swap your focus to everything about the way that it is for that someone that you…
Can Do. Those,
Actions you can take. Of course you have to,
Take Responsibility. And focus only on what,
Compliments Your Lifestyle. And first and foremost ask,
How Can I Make This Work For Me?
It’s tough to catch in an audio format however if you’re reading this via the blog you’ll see I’ve gotten my acronym on again today! To recap and get specific on how to look for the C.A.T.C.H. to your benefit:
C.an Do. That’s the attitude to take into this strategy.
So perhaps the person with the results you’re seeking commits a hour a day to their exercise. Maybe they eat high protein low carb primarily one ingredient food with a huge focus on meat! Possibly they prioritize 8 hours sleep a night. Now these might not all be possible for you.
A.ctions you can take.
=> You can commit some time each day to your exercise. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes to build the habit.
=> You can eat high protein low carb primarily one ingredient food with zero focus on meat! I cover exactly how in show #346 which details my day on a plate.
=> You can refine your sleeping routine (even if you have kids and never get an uninterrupted night) how about prioritizing disconnecting with the devices that stimulate your thoughts and inhibit the production of sleep aiding hormone melatonin in the hour before bed?
T.ake Responsibility.
In any Looking For The Catch scenario, whether you choose to see it as fuel for progress OR fuel for excuses is 100% your responsibility. 100% Responsibility = 100% Control.
Conversely, when you wave that convenient little “it’s not my fault” / “I can’t help it” / “but it’s so hard for me” card you’re giving up control. You’re giving it up to Time, Opportunities, Money.
Perhaps to Genetics? Even to Luck?!
It’s funny, although I’ve had looking for the catch on my mind this past couple of weeks… I’ve also been ignorantly practicing the strategy to my detriment. Here’s how it’s played out and also how you can avoid my mistake.
I’m in the process of overhauling my whole online presence. Are you sick of hearing about it??? I’m sick of talking about it!
To be clear the designers involved are AMAZING. Hugely professional. Super talented. Very prompt. There is another gent involved who’s a major hold up in the process though.
And you see looking for the catch does not just apply to the way it is for someone else who has the results you’re seeking.
It really can apply to any situation.
I’ve fallen into somewhat of a Can’t Do attitude!
I’ve been looking at this current hugely-infuriating-hold-up through the lens of ALL the Actions I Can’t Take!
In this regard I have not Taken Responsibility.
Sometimes, when it comes to taking responsibility it’s a matter of,
First: AWARENESS that you’re (I’m!) not stepping up and we (!) need too.
Next: ACCEPT there may not be a perfect course of action however imperfect and within your control is better than nothing and zero progress.
Finally: A COMMITMENT to follow through (relentlessly!) with that potentially imperfect course of action.
To get back to our acronym…
C.ompliments Your Lifestyle.
So at this point, you have a Can Do Attitude. You’ve identified Actions you can take. You’re Taking Responsibility.
It’s also vital to ensure these actions will long term compliment, support and enrich everything and everyone that is and are important to you.
For example:
=> The time each day for your exercise? It likely isn’t going to come out of precious one on one time with your kids. Ideally it won’t detract from your most focused work time either. A complimentary alternative might be you get up a little early to make that daily exercise happen. Or perhaps you use it as a little re-energize session when you start to fade at 3.30pm. Or even it’s a new habit to create at 5pm when previously you might have been tempted indulge in a vino habit instead!
=> The high protein low carb primarily one ingredient food with zero focus on meat? It can’t seem like a part-time job to plan and prepare. If you’re spending all weekend in the kitchen and declining meals out with mates it’s not going to work. There will be a solution that compliments your lifestyle. I share a few of my fav strategies in show #336 on 5 Ways To Eat Less Meat Without Sacrificing Protein:
=> Refining your sleeping routine? Is something to undertake gradually at the pace you can handle. Suddenly forcing yourself to bed 3 hours early and waking up 3 hours early is going to feel restrictive. Your friends / partner / family will likely be shocked by your new Nana (!) habits.
15 minutes at a time is a good place to start.
H.ow Can I Make This Work For Me?
We jumped into this how to look for the C.A.T.C.H. to your benefit strategy with a Can Do Attitude. Now it’s time to finish todays show with the creativity that you can always deploy to dig yourself out of a tricky situation. I’m going to make this last example applicable to food.
Let’s also tackle the scenario from the angle of Before, During and After a meal out. So let’s say you (like me!) are committed to a high protein low carb primarily one ingredient food plant strong approach to eating.
=> BEFORE a meal out. You can check out the restaurant menu online to see what the better options may be or even call ahead to arrange an adjustment to the menu if need be. You can ensure your meals earlier in the day that you are 100% in control of are on point – full of goodness and zero nutritionally void nasties. You can plan your eating so that you’re not arriving at the restaurant crazy-outta-control-discipline-depleted-HANGRY!
=> DURING a meal out. You can politely ask for easy to accommodate adjustments to the menu. So for example I’m not going to ask for “A side of steamed broccolini with a splash of extra virgin olive olive and a sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt.” I’ll ask for “Any green veg instead of the salad and fries please?” You can decide alcohol or dessert or bread – all 3 is never a winning strategy! You can choose not to test your discipline and rather than leave the chips or bread on your plate just ask for the meal without them.
=> AFTER a meal out. If the meal was a little light on you can fill up with a nutritious planned snack that is aligned with your goals… like a protein shake or a handful of nuts. You can choose to be back on track from the very next meal if your meal out was far from ideal… it’s never about being perfect all the time. The important thing is how quickly do you focus on the best next action after taking a non ideal action. You can learn from what worked (perhaps you took a serve of hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds to discreetly sprinkle over your protein challenged salad) and also learn from what didn’t (maybe you unsuccessfully assumed you be able to stop at just one when your girlfriend insisted you, “try a chip!”).
To get actionable today, are you Looking For The Catch to your detriment so far as some aspect of achieving your body gain goal?
To recap here are those 5 steps – acronym style – to apply so you can observe the way that it is for someone else who has the results you’re seeking. And swap your focus to everything about the way that it is that you…
Can Do. Those,
Actions you can take. Of course you have to,
Take Responsibility. And focus only on what,
Compliments Your Lifestyle. And first and foremost ask,
How Can I Make This Work For Me?
If you liked Looking For The Catch Revisited, you’ll also like: Reckless Weekend Eating: How Much Is It Costing YOU?
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