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One of the things that I see holding people who are not yet at their personal goal level of health stuck is their self belief.
More-so their lack of self belief.
I talk a lot about beliefs and self belief and backing yourself 100%.
It’s likely because this is one of the things I’ve really struggled with myself. Something I still struggle with in the areas of my life in which I’m not yet excelling. That’s key. I’m sold on the importance of self belief because I’ve experienced how NOT having it doesn’t work!
Equally I’ve experienced how nurturing it – one reference point for success consciously focused on at a time – WILL, have a dramatic impact on the actions you take and the results you get to enjoy.
In todays FAQ show I’m sharing: How To Engineer Your Unstoppable Belief Cycle.
I’m going to do it with a twist though.
Several years ago I put together the 9 stage belief cycle that really doesn’t work. I observed myself and many of my clients. Whether we were struggling in a relationship, in business or in body gain there was a vital common factor.
It’s absolutely applicable to YOU too.
Each negative belief you choose to entertain builds on itself. It fuels the next non-supportive belief. It creates a cycle… a continuous-self-perpetuating-cycle of frustration and disappointment.
Of course it’s uncool to focus on what doesn’t work… I know none of us want more of that! Todays twist is to take my 9 Stage Belief Cycle and apply to it the 10 POWER EMOTIONS shared by Tony Robbins in his book ‘Awaken The Giant Within.’
First let’s start with the Belief Cycle that needs a make over.
Onwards with that Belief Cycle:
Which starts with the BELIEF…
- I have failed at weight loss before & probably will again.
- I am not a natural exerciser, eating nutritious food is boring & is there any point?
- I cannot imagine being fit & healthy at my goal weight – I focus on how fat & sluggish I look & feel & imagine the pain of trying & failing again…maybe it’s safer to give up now?
- I feel unmotivated.
- I do not make time for planning meals & getting in my exercise.
- I resent the inconsistent exercise I do as I’m not yet seeing any results.
- I notice how easy it seems for other people & start to convince myself that I just have a slow metabolism & it’s not my fault…and what’s wrong with a few extra kilo’s anyway?
- I become less & less committed & I start to creep back to my old habits.
- The results are non existent & I prove my belief to myself…
AND frustratingly that takes us right back to that initial belief that: I have failed at weight loss before & probably will again.
At this point I want to jump in and emphasise that your beliefs are possibility filters.
They are NOT neccessarily true or right or factual and they don’t need to be. They just need to let you filter in the stuff that’s going to help you. And filter out the stuff that isn’t.
So here are the emotions to consciously cultivate. To filter in to your experience of the world. Here are Tony’s 10 Power Emotions. To make them fit my belief cycle I have changed the order a tad.
So, here’s how this works: you take that useless old belief: “I have failed at weight loss before & probably will again” and inject the power emotion… Confidence.
Lets also start with the time of the actionable right now – with each power emotion:
What’s one reference point for success, one thing you did well at yesterday in relation to achieving your body gain goal? (this is a daily action step to build your confidence)
This is the power emotion to call in play next as it is the antidote to the second useless belief: “I am not a natural exerciser, eating nutritious food is boring & is there any point?”
What is the one action – the one significant yet non-intimidating action you are determined to take – for as long as it takes?
Again to recap you’re taking the third utterly useless belief: “I cannot imagine being fit & healthy at my goal weight – I focus on how fat & sluggish I look & feel & imagine the pain of trying & failing again…maybe it’s safer to give up now?” and crush it with passion and excitement.
What is the swap that’ll allow you embrace these power emotions?
Maybe it’s exercising in a different environment – be it the great outdoors or with friends. Perhaps it’s the out-fit you’ll buyor the holiday you’ll book or the feelings of confidence and achievement when you succeed at something you’ve battled for years and finally achieve your goal. Perhaps it’s as simple as combining exercise with something you already love – like training while catching up on your fav T.V. show or while listening to inspiring audio books?
The fourth useless belief we’re making over is: “I feel unmotivated”
For a start the power emotion cheerfulness just makes life more fun for both yourself & those around you!
How can you ‘choose your mood’ and live each day with a sense of positive expectation? If this doesn’t come naturally it’s worth practicing because… what you focus on expands.
We’re half way and it’s time to out-smart: “I do not make time for planning meals & getting in my exercise”
Flexibility is a power emotion wielded by the successful in the body gain or any game. It’s the ability to adapt to change. It’ll let you consistently take the right actions even when circumstances try to jump in your way.
How can you out-smart and out-plan the last skipped exercise session or poor meal choice that fuelled your non-supportive belief cycle?
It’s a tough call however this could be my personal fav power emotion. It’s time to annihilate: “I resent the inconsistent exercise I do as I’m not yet seeing any results” with appreciation and gratitude.
The fact is you can feel either fear or appreciation at any time not both – practice an appreciation for the exercise you are able to do rather than a fear of not getting your goal.
What is one thing you appreciate about your body – the way it looks or works – and what is a system for reminding yourself of this gratitude you feel every single day?
This power emotion is your secret weapon when you see someone who appears to have it easier than you. Instead of wallowing in victim mode: “I notice how easy it seems for other people & start to convince myself that I just have a slow metabolism & it’s not my fault…and what’s wrong with a few extra kilo’s anyway?” your alternative is to get really curious as to how others do it.
When you think of the person who is where you want to be with their health: What aspects of their lifestyle can you implement or model? What are their health standards? Their non-negotiables that you could also make work for you?
If you consistently respond with love and warmth any other emotion will melt away. It can be easier said than done though right? When you’re sliding down that slippery slope to: “I become less & less committed & I start to creep back to my old habits” it’s time to unleash some language choices that make your best decisions and good habits easier than those useless old habits.
How can you focus more on what you LOVE about the exercise and great food choices that will give you the body, the energy, the confidence and the experiences you’re seeking?
It’s been proven motion creates emotion. Physiology creates phycology. So when you’re tempted to fall into thinking: “The results are non existent & I prove my belief to myself” …it’s time to get up and MOVE.
What is the one song that motivates you to take action? That “lets fire up and break this continuous-self-perpetuating-cycle of frustration and disappointment”
Perhaps the richest emotion of all. Contribution takes us back to the beginning of the 9 Stage Belief Cycle… however this time you’re back at the beginning of a continuous-self-perpetuating-cycle of self belief, success and contribution. It sounds like this: “I succeed at body gain daily and will continue to do so”
To close todays show I have a quote from Oscar Wilde, “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification. Thanks so very much for spending this time with me, I appreciate you and your support. If you enjoyed this show the best way to let me know is to leave me an iTunes review. It genuinely makes my day.
Simply head to iTunes and search for Healthification to leave that review. Huge thanks.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Damage control when you find yourself in an UN-ideal fat burning day!
And: show #046 where I covered Tony Robbins 6 Core Needs, specifically as they are applicable to your body gain goal.
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.