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In today’s Thursday Training show I’m going to share a fun full body routine that works well in pairs.
You can absolutely complete it on your own though… AND I’m also going to cover the alternative if you don’t have access to a gym.
If training at a gym is not something you can see yourself doing in the near future – or ever! – that is just fine. However, so far as creating a fit, lean body there are a couple inexpensive bits of equipment that are so worth grabbing.
Like, non-negotiable essential in my book.
To keep it simple, you can get a whole lot done with just 1 pair of dumbbells and 1 kettle-bell.
If you think of every time you skip that walk because it’s raining… or miss your gym session because you had an early meeting or your child minder feel through… or don’t do your body-weight-only at home routine because it’s DAMN-SUPER-TOUGH!!!
When you think of that. Of how many times you broke a good habit… surely it’s worth investing in a couple of things to make an at home work-out that much more likely to happen?
Re the weight to choose? Perhaps:
=> A pair of 5 kilo dumbbells and an 8 or 10 kilo kettle-bell if you’re just starting.
=> A pair of 7-8 kilo dumbbells and a 12 kilo kettle-bell if you’re a little stronger.
=> A pair of 10 kilo dumbbells and a 16 kilo kettle-bell if you’ve been training a while.
Ok, let’s power on with the gym version of the routine my XT-ers enjoyed this morning.
Part A) Has 3 sections:
First is the warm up. There is just one round of it. So that’s…
A1). 30 Body Weight Squats (repetitions)
AND, 30 seconds of War Machine Pulls (or any sort of pull up movement)
A2). 20 Kettle Sumo Squat High Pulls (repetitions)
AND, 20 seconds of Sumo In Out Jump Squats
There are two rounds of A2).
A3). 10 Squat Press (repetitions)
AND, 10 seconds of Mountain Climbers
There are four rounds of A3).
=> The only adjustment to make to Part A) if you’re training at home is to swap that 30 seconds of War Machine Pulls for 30 seconds of Renegade Rows using your dumbbells. From your knees is just fine if hands and toes is hard (or scary!)
Part B) Has 3 sections too:
And 3 rounds of each sections. So…
B1). Neutral Grip Assisted Chin for 12 repetitions and a Bench Dip for time.
The person dipping gets as many dips done in the time it takes the person chin-uping to do their 12 reps.
Then they swap and the person now dipping tries the beat the target they have been set in the time it takes the person now chin-uping to do 12 reps.
Finally they both do 24 repetitions of a reverse crunch.
That’s round one of Part B1).
Next up it’s time for 10 Chins with the timed dips. Then a swap over of exercises. Finally 20 reverse crunches.
Round three of Part B1). is 8 Chins with timed dip. Swap, 16 reverse crunches.
This is also the pattern to follow for B2). which is,
B2). 12 Wide Grip Supported Rows and timed Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls and 24 Swiss Ball Pass’s. (passing the ball while you lie on your back from both hands to both feet). I give a better explanation of this core move in show #219.
Next up it’s time for 10 Rows with the timed Swiss curls. Then a swap over of exercises. Finally 20 Swiss pass’s.
Round three of Part B2). is 8 Rows with timed Swiss curls. Swap, 16 swiss pass’s.
This is finally the pattern to follow for B3). which is,
B3). 12 Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down and timed Kettle-bell Swings and 24 Slider Mountain Climber’s.
(if you don’t have those nifty little sliders to pop your feet on regular mountain climbers will so the trick!)
=> Personally, if I was building a cheap at home training kit I’d 100% add a pair of sliders as they are great for lunges and hamstring curls and core slide-outs AND they are so portable.
Next up it’s time for 10 Lat Pull Downs and timed Kettle-bell Swings. Then a swap over of exercises. Finally 20 Slider Mountain Climber’s.
Round three of Part B3). is 8 Lat Pulls with timed Swings. Swap, 16 Slider Mountain Climber’s.
=> The adjustments to make to Part B) if you’re training at home are:
B1) Swap the chin for a 1 arm dumbbell row (12 reps each side). You can keep the dip and the reverse crunch.
B2) Swap the supported row for a wide grip 2 dumbbell bent-over row. Swap the swiss curl for a push up. Swap the ball pass for 24 leg lowers (12 each leg if single leg lowers, 24 if double leg lowers)
B3) Swap the Lat pull down for a renegade row (12 reps each arm alternating). You can keep the swing and the mountain climbers.
I had a finisher in store for my XT’ers this morning however they are getting fairly crafty and using team work to mess with my already precarious hold on time management within a session!
They distracted me slightly (not for long!) talking about a Personal Trainer interviewed on talk-back who stated that chin ups and swings and squats are not movements for females.
I was instantly-incredibly-irrationally-irate thinking about this IDIOT!
Does he think we all belong behind a spatula, iron or vacuum?
Then I decided the muppet:
A) Is probably being inflammatory for publicity, and
B) Certainly deserves no brain time,
AND so I got my team back to their lovely lean muscle building fat torching chin ups and swings and squats. 🙂
In all seriousness, this is a fairly intense 45 minute session. If you would also like a finisher though I’ve got you covered. Here is a PDF download of some of my fav Brainb4Body-Finishers for you.
To get actionable today, you guessed it: Give either the gym based or the Minimal Equipment Alternative a whirl. OR, even better: If you’re not a gym goer and you don’t have a pair of dumbbells and a kettle-bell please consider making the investment.
A body you feel confident in, that works well for you is a long term investment. I guarantee it’s worth it.
If there’s anything you’re not sure of just leave me a comment in the comments and I’ll provide you with an explanation or alternative.
That’s it for me today. I hope you can join me tomorrow for the Friday FAQ show where I cover, 5 Common Mistakes Vegetarians Make For Fat Loss.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Weight loss System: Save Yourself Stress, Time, Energy and Money (Part 2.)
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