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Today’s show title: What About When My Genetics Stand In The Way Of My Fat Loss? is a bit of a trick question.
If you know me at all you know my answer.
Your genetics DO NOT stand in the way of your fat loss… so, please ditch that useless old story right now!
Most often the ‘genetically gifted’ girls and guys I meet do not rock a smokin body 24/7.
Even though these lucky few can virtually look at weights and build sexy lean muscle or cut back the refined carbs a tad and shed fat faster than you can say lets-swap-creamy-pasta-and-bread-for-a-hearty-steak-and-veg… they can all too often treat their super responsive bodies with complacency.
Complacency is not the C word that will get you awesome results… and that is why today this particular non genetically gifted chick pushed through a fairly lack-luster work-out.
Yes, I absolutely have those days. When I’d rather just chat to the boys I work with… or grab another coffee and some of those yumbo rolls I only eat on the weekend or even just power into some work.
The thing that makes me not choose any of those more appealing options is that I know CONSISTENCY is my biggest ally in the body gain game.
It’s yours too.
Consistency works regardless of your body type… it’s your secret-though-not-sexy weapon that will allow you enjoy the results that our genetically gifted yet complacent friends will not.
Consistency will make your next work out easier and your next great meal more likely.
Conversely a lack of consistency will make skipping your next work out MUCH easier and your next rubbish meal HUGELY more likely.
It sounds so simple right?
Then why is it that with fat loss we so often expect – demand – results NOW, if not today then at least after one whole semi consistent week.
In other areas of life we accept it takes longer.
I often wonder, if I were saving up for a dream holiday, say a Safari in Africa… I have a couple of clients on safari right now and it sounds stunning… What say I put away a set amount of money a week for a month or two.
I’m building up my funds for the trip and all is going well.
Until one day I’m walking home and I get a sort of annoying phone call (lets say it’s from a phone company and it’s about some mammoth fee I wasn’t expecting)… which builds on a somewhat frustrating day (time spent fixing tedious techie dramas rather than with my awesome clients or happily creating content) and I’m feeling a little sorry for myself and just at that moment I gaze into the window of one of my fav shops and it’s love at first sight with a certain pair of must-have-NOW-jeans.
Before I even know what I’m doing I’ve rocked into the shop, tried on my super-NON-bargain-yet-sexy new jeans to be and eagerly handed over my cash-o-la.
All the cash-o-la destined for my African Safari that is.
Now, under these circumstances do I really have any reason to be disappointed that I haven’t made any progress towards that lovely holiday?
I put to you NO!
Equally, if you eat several ‘good’ meals a week and then spiral into several rubbish meals over the weekend… or after a late night or 3 at work… or whenever, how’s that meant to count as consistently giving your body the food it needs to shed some fat.
It’s NOT.
Consistency builds trust into the equation.
Now, bare with me here – I firmly believe that your body needs to trust you if it’s going to relinquish any of the fat it’s diligently storing for those tough times ahead our ancestors encountered.
Further to this, the way the vast majority of us would love to look is NOT necessarily the best, most efficient, most able to endure tough times body that worked well before our now super technologically-advanced-physically-lazy-nutritionally-indulged existence.
I guess I should speak purely for myself… however I know if I was stranded on a dessert island with no food, I really would not last that long. I have awesome energy when I’m getting my great regular meals however don’t count on me to survive long in an emergency situation!
To get to a lean yet fit look you absolutely can not bully your body. It won’t be beaten into submission via restrictive calorie cutting or obsessive amounts of cardio.
Consistent great food let’s your body know there’s no starvation ahead to store fat for. It means you get to work out what easy to prepare meals work well with your lifestyle, preferences, time and budget… rather than start from scratch and always feel pressured to Think of – Shop for – and Prepare that next ‘Good Meal.’
Consistent exercise let’s your body know that Yes, you do this movement thing regularly and sustainably rather than Crazy Excessively Every Day then Not At All. It means you get to build that lean muscle mass that makes your metabolism faster… rather than stop before you see the gains for your hard work and then start again and have to push through that toughest most unfit and unfun stage time and tediously disheartening time again.
Being Patient and Consistent will let you escape this frustrating cycle:
STOP/START approach =
=> Don’t see results and always repeat to hardest initial part of ‘getting in shape’
=> Don’t feel motivated and never get to enjoy the easier part of ‘getting in shape’
=> Doubt your ability to ever achieve results and doubt the method you are following works.
= STOP/START approach.
Who wants to be patient though right?
(it’s about as unsexy as consistent)
Here’s the thing:
I 100% GUARANTEE if you consistently take the right actions with your exercise and nutrition – not perfect – just upgrading your actions as you are able then you WILL see results.
The only negotiable is the timeframe in which it’ll happen.
AND I 100% GUARANTEE if you don’t consistently take the right actions with your exercise and nutrition your results will stay the same. Or even more likely, get worse.
You know I like to make this podcast actionable so here are three final considerations to help you get consistency working in your favour:
- Focus on your reference points for success.
=> what are 3 things you did well last week?
- Find someone who has the results you’re seeking and model (copy!) everything they do that could work into your lifestyle.
=> who is someone of a similar age (or older) than you with the results you’d love?
- When modelling this person IGNORE the aspects of their routine that will not work into your lifestyle.There is no value in thinking “oh, but she only works part-time / has more money / has less kids” …simply look for what can be applicable to your life – sustainable and consistently – and run with that.
=> what are three things this person prioritises consistently each week that you could work into your lifestyle?
That’s it for this week in Healthification.
My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you for choosing to spend you time with me this week.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Consistency for Fat Loss v. Lean & Cut to Swallowed a Sheep!
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