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Recently I’ve been hearing this question: “What’s Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?” asked in lot of other podcasts and although there’s nothing too original about the question I still find it fascinating.
I’ve covered time and again my best fat loss and body gain advice so in today’s show I thought I’d remove that qualifier however as you’ll see great advice is basically going to work with whatever aspect of your life you apply it to.
As with every weigh-in show, I’d love to get you weighing-in too…
“What’s Best Advice YOU’VE Ever Received?”
And how can you use that advice to achieve your body gain goal?
Here are 3 of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received:
One: Just SMILE.
My mum shared this deceptively simple advice with me. I most remember it when I was fairly freaked out before my first job interview. That’s the interview at the Italian silver service restaurant I’ve mentioned in previous podcasts… perhaps you’ll recall, the “I Like Big Butts’ Sir-Mix-A-Lot serenades I used to receive from the kitchen boys every time I exited the kitchen? …or the time I dumped a schooner of beer on the gents I idolised from the Saatchi and Saatchi advertising agency?
Anyway, this was the advice my mum gave me to win over the restaurant owner who was notorious for making his staff cry!
“Katie, if in doubt just beam that beautiful big smile at him” she said and although it generally worked it wasn’t enough to stop him doing The Haka after the beer incident when I drenched our VIP Saatchi’s gents…
You know The Haka?
The Maori war dance that’s pretty impressive-intimidating when performed by the All Blacks? Well my first boss had his own version of – what those charming kitchen boys called – The Haka, involving much hugely intimidating flailing of arms and legs as he jumped up and down and yelled Italian obscenities…
My take-away for YOU, is twofold:
A). Just smiling goes a long way to helping you choose your mood… and YES I do believe you can choose your mood. You can choose to focus on what’s great or what’s rubbish. A smile will make you feel better and generally it’ll have the same effect on someone else too. It’s a simple, easy, quick and FREE gift to share with anyone at anytime.
I wrote this post on 4 Ways To Choose Your Mood:
B). To assume rapport, so by that I mean to expect the best of any interaction you have will more often than not lead to the best so far as that interaction. Of course there are some situations you are not going to smile your way out of however for the most part it’ll do a whole lot more good than harm.
Two: The More You Do, The More You Have To Do.
I initially heard this from a personal trainer at my first Sydney gym. Back when I was still stuck on the fitter and fatter hamster wheel of ever expanding exercise to try and whittle away the calories my compulsive carb consuming caused…
As you will know if you’ve been there too – it was un-sustainable, un-successful and UN-fun.
I now know this exercising advice has an equally impactful eating advice counterpart: The Less You Eat, The Less You Have To Eat.
It’s the law of demising returns in which after a certain point you start to get a vastly reduced return for the effort you’re putting in. It’s also the fact that your body is really, insanely clever. It can adjust to excessive exercise and it can adjust to hugely restrictive eating.
It’ll SLAM the breaks on your metabolism and put a halt to any fat burning.
My take-away for YOU, is twofold:
A). Train smarter and harder with consistent metabolic resistance training… not more with tedious treadmill trudging.
B). Eat better with generous quantities of one ingredient whole foods… not less low fat processed nutritionally void crap-o-la.
Three: Back Yourself 100%.
I’d probably heard this one many times before the right time when it started to sink in as I heard it from Sharon Pearson CEO of The Coaching Institute.
It was likely the advice my dad was intending to impart as he enforced Brain Tracy cassette’s on ‘How To be Confident’ during our 3 hour dad and daughter drives to the ski-fields when I was still an ultra-painfully-shy young teenager.
So, maybe dad laid the foundation and Sharon gets the credit. Not sure. I know I’d have much rather had the Red Hot Chilli Peppers providing our traveling tunes… however today this is probably the piece of advice I’d share if I could only pick one.
It’s the one I wish I’d taken on board a good 20 years earlier than I did!
It’s absolutely the advice I suggest you take and apply to any goal you have.
A). To back yourself 100% and to never ever give up on yourself.
B). To choose certainty in yourself rather than seeking certainty in the circumstances and events that happen to you on a daily basis.
To know that no matter what shows up on the day… even though you can’t know what’s coming today, tomorrow or next year you can know, you have the goods. You CAN handle it.
To get actionable today let’s return to the original question. I’d really love to hear in the comments below:
“What’s Best Advice YOU’VE Ever Received?” and how do OR CAN you use that advice to achieve your body gain goal?
That’s it for today. In tomorrows Thursday Training show I share: Who I Turn To For Exercise Inspiration. I hope you can join me.
If you liked this you’ll also like: How Certainty In Yourself Helps Beat Weight Loss Overwhelm
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