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Have you ever wondered why you can be so super-focused and successful in one area of your life and yet not in another?
This is a question I ask myself almost daily. YES, in relation to me – however also in relation to my clients.
For the person that believes MINDSET is key it absolutely fascinates me that The Winning Mindset can propel someone forward in seemingly EVERY aspect of their life and then contrastingly The Winning Mindset can propel someone else forward in only some aspects of their life.
Why are some hugely successful business people in great shape and others are obese?
Is there some hidden demon I don’t know about that the person with everything is battling behind the scenes?
Is it just that sometimes even the best mindset is not going to result in the best outcome… however it’ll still be a whole heap better than the outcome you’d get with a rubbish mindset?
In todays Friday FAQ I’m covering: How To Model Your Own Success.
Even though I’ve obviously got more questions than answers today (!) I’ve still seen plenty of evidence to support the value in modelling YOU.
YES, I believe when you’re looking to model success the very best place to start is with yourself.
With that aspect of your life in which you’re currently getting awesome results. Everyone has one. Perhaps it’s your career, your family, your relationship. Maybe it’s your sport or your hobby.
Although it may seem like this area in which you’re excelling is just something that comes naturally in fact you’ve actually put in come serious time, energy and effort to getting good at this this.
At either a conscious level or perhaps unconsciously you’ve created your Standards for Success.
Daily non-negotiable rituals that create winning habits and winning RESULTS.
So, although it’s a little early in today’s show for the time of the actionable (!) lets roll with it ok?
Here are 3 steps to Model Your Own Success from any aspect of your life across to Your Best Health
Step 1) What is an area of your life that you’re excelling in?
Step 2) What are 12 rules (or Standards for Success) you have created that allow you to achieve amazing results in this area of your life?
12 is not the magic number, however I want to be specific and I also want to get you to push beyond thinking only of the things you do that come easily to mind. So let’s roll with 12…
The 12 rules that support this success:
Step 3) Now take inspiration from the above rules/standards and document your new Health Standards.
It’s amazing how transferable these standards can be.
Perhaps YOU:
=> plan your work day the night before and always start with your number one high value task first before anything else… do your work-outs meals and snacks receive the same degree of planning?
=> apply unwavering focus to each task for maximum effectiveness and efficiency… do your work-outs receive the same degree of focus?
Maybe YOU:
=> talk to and about your loved ones with respect, support and love… is that how your self-talk in relation to your body plays out?
=> have non negotiable quality time committed to the spend with the people you love that nothing can take priority over… do your work-outs get the same level of priority?
Possibly YOU:
=> stuck with guitar – or painting – OR bridge practice for years until you got good at it, for hours a day because it was important to you… did you stick with awkward, out of your comfort zone lifting weights or interval training for long enough to find it more natural and enjoyable?
=> think outside the square to find the way to make your guitar-painting-bridge practice happen when you’re out of your normal routine-short-on-time-unwell, because it’s important to you and you know the value in consistency and momentum… and are you willing to apply the same creative thinking to your eating and exercising or could it just be the first thing to get sacrificed on a not so smooth week?
Your 12 Health Standards:
A couple of final considerations when modelling your own success:
One: You WILL Model Something or Someone or perhaps even The OPPOSITE Of Someone… So It’s Worth Making The Time To Ensure It’s Success.
As demonstrated by how a child picks up on the habits, actions, language of the people it spends time with it is our natural tendency to model.
Equally if say as a child you see something you really don’t want – maybe the smoking parent – or perhaps one side of the parent to parent partnership seems to have all ‘the power’ then there’s a big chance you’ll model the opposite of that parent.
Potentially to the extreme. Ok, so there is no NON-smoking extreme… that’s all good. However absolutely a fear of being the doormat in a relationship and a desire to always have ‘the power’ is not going to end well.
The question to ask: Is what you’re modelling getting you the results you’re seeking or is it time to choose some model-fuel more carefully?
Two: You Have A Daily Discipline Quota.
If something does not yet come easily it’s going to need to be inserted into your routine at the time when your daily discipline quota is full.
For most people that’s first thing in the morning. Perhaps this goes a way to explaining why some people can have huge success in one area of their life and not in another. Maybe that one area of their life is getting ALL of their precious daily discipline quote.
Perhaps the person with success in many areas has gotten better at utilising their daily discipline quota?
Likely they are pretty good at asking for – or hiring help – and never wasting any precious discipline on the things they personally do not need to do to achieve success.
This is still a massive to-work-on for me however, I’m getting better at it.
That’s the thing, if success in a particular area of your life does not come as easily as it may seem to – from the outside – for someone else all it means is that you’re going to have to decide exactly how much you want it. If you want it enough you’ll keep pushing, keep improving and keep modelling your own success AND learning from your own less-successful-experiences for as long as it takes.
That brings us to the end of this week in Healthification.
Super huge thanks to you for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you liked this you’ll also like: Turning B.A.M. Into Best Most Effective Fat Loss
(includes my 14 F.A.T. E.L.I.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N. Standards)
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