So it’s Friday night. I’ve had a couple of drinkies. Yeah, that’s my vice – we all have em, I’m straight with you.
…and I’m reflecting on how much I’ve been drawn to meat recently.
I’ve been vego for almost 20 years now.
4 ethical reasons.
To be clear: I LOVE MEAT. The Taste. The Smell. The fact that it rocks for getting and keeping your body lean, cut and efficient.
It is a Great Fuel.
…and right now almost Everyone I follow in the fitness industry, the people I absolutely respect, rave on about their love of meat. Steak is their fav food. Bacon makes everything better.
ra. blah. ta dah…it actually was getting to me.
Should I eat meat? The best fuel? Organic grass fed? – surely those cows lead a pretty sweet life?
It took around 47 seconds on my website of preference to get back in touch with what took me down the vego path 20 years ago.
My point?
I’m absolutely not hating on meat.
It just surprised me how easily the values and standards I hold dearly could be threatened by saturation – by my own choice – in conflicting view points.
So my question to YOU – are you saturating yourself in the attitudes, habits, standards and views of the people who will have the most positive effect on your health?
If you would benefit from more positive influences… they are out there to be found.
The interwebz for example. 🙂
As you seek them out I suggest you ‘Look 4 The Catch’ …this is a strategy you can use to either Stall or Fast-Track your fat loss.
To Stall: you’d look for the reasons WHY someone who has achieved something you want “has it easier”.
Maybe they are ‘genetically gifted’
‘have more time or money’
‘don’t have kids / as stressful a job / as demanding a partner!’
These are all Excuses. Excuses. Excuses.
…if you hunt for them you’ll always see them. So let’s avoid stalling.
Instead chose the Fast Track: always look for what IS going to work for you and HOW you can implement it into your lifestyle.
My example?
Well almost EVERYTHING else the people I most respect do with regard to their nutrition IS absolutely of value to me to model.
In fact that’s where I started. 1 by 1 making small adjustments… upgrading a food I ate to a food they ate, until my diet and with time my results looked remarkably like theirs.
I have a belief, ‘if someone can do it, anyone can do it’
…and that belief 100% absolutely applies to you.