Put away your measuring cups and scales!
Sustainable, natural weight loss can absolutely be achieved while still accounting for the following food frustrations that most ‘dieters’ battle.
“I just want to be able to eat normally without thinking about (and planning, shopping, preparing plus of course Eating) food ALL the time.”
No measuring. No stopping when only part full and not the least bit satisfied.
No focusing on the NO!
I can absolutely relate.
Without exception every food decision I make is geared towards making it EASIER on myself.
Certain habits, rules, and situations are basically setting yourself up to make the choice that isn’t going to lead to that fit, healthy body.
Luckily the reverse is just as true.
It’s our natural human inclination to take the path of least resistance.
It simply comes down to your planning (or lack there of!) whether for example: at 3.30pm it’s the vending machine afternoon tea or the nuts at your desk.
I choose the nuts because it really is easiest. Not just in the moment. More-so afterwards, where I waste zero energy feeling guilty about the crap-o-la I consumed merely out of convenience. Or when I get to enjoy stable blood sugar & energy levels. I also know that every time I don’t eat junk makes it easier to make that healthy decision again next time.
Talking junk… I choose not to sample the hot chips because once I have one, I want them all! I know that. For me it’s a fact, if the chip is good I What Them All!!!
It’s all I can think about – and then I devour – and feel guilty – and get the taste for hot chips, because you crave what you eat… AND the sorry cycle continues.
I’m not being disciplined. I’m simply making it easier by just not starting something that can only end in disappointment with myself.
How about trigger foods? Those foods that trigger a ‘just gotta keep eating and eating’ response… if you choose to eat a decent amount of that food (mine is bread) on the weekend instead of extreme portion control every day – it’s easier – when you do eat it, you can enjoy as much as you want.
Total Satisfaction. Eat till you’re full. Again guilt free.
So let’s create a meal – the non-measuring way:
Build main meals around plenty of low caloric density fibrous veg. They are filling, chock-a with nutrients and you can eat as much of them as you like without ever measuring or limiting yourself.
=> Pick 3-12 of these…
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Spinach, Rocket, Capsicum, Zucchini, Asparagus, Green Beans, Cucumber, Mushroom, Lettuce Varieties, Snow Peas, Tomato (fruit), Celery, Leek, Eggplant, Onion, Spring Onion, Peas.
Next add lean protein. Avoiding processed lower quality proteins means you can eat your fill of quality proteins.
=> Pick 1-2 of these…
Hemp, Chia, Pumpkin Seeds. Tahini. Lentils. Quinoa. Black Beans. Chickpeas. Edamane.
[Not one ingredient yet still high value] Vegan Protein Powder. Nutritional Yeast.
Last come good fats, and Yes an awareness of how much of these you consume is necessary …limitless roasted cashews is sadly a little too good to be true. 🙁
However I guarantee once you stop notching up countless nutritionally void calories you’ll be able to enjoy a vast amount more good fat than you ever have, without stacking on your own unwanted fat.
=> Pick 1-2 of these…
Coconut/olive/avocado/flaxseed oil
Nut butter (nothing added) + Nuts + Seeds
=> AND add any of these…
Garlic, ginger, chili, all fresh/dried herbs.
To finish, as an EMOTIONAL EATER I get a lot of joy from whatever I choose to eat.
I have genuinely found that the meal that nourishes my body absolutely provides me with as much pleasure as the meal that doesn’t.
Yes during consumption. Most certainly in the hours and days after when I feel energized and happy with the decisions I’m making for my body.
Then of course weeks and months later, the amount of pleasure derived from best-for-your-body-food continues to grow. It’s shown in the RESULTS!
Your body will track your nutritional choices for you – and the results you’ll see from choosing the best-for-your-body will fuel your desire to keep making those choices easily.
I’m keen to hear your experiences with food measuring – does it work for you or does it make you want to break free and binge?
To natural, sustainable, dump-the-scales eating!