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Hey friends, this is a COVID-19 Craziness induced bonus episode I decided to put out – that as you can hear is super unpolished and natural. I felt compelled to revive my Monday Motivation episodes, because WOW, doesn’t the world feel super uncertain right now?
My intention is to provide just a little bit of calm and positivity each Monday as although there’s so much to feel anxious about, there’s also a lot YOU can do – a lot WE can do together – as a global family to make life during this corona virus craziness as healthy, happy and compassion filled as possible.
I’m going to re-upload this episode as soon as my awesome editor Sten is able to make it a little more professional however for now it’s just you and me!
First up let’s talk gratitude. Gratitude is the antidote to fear. You literally cannot feel both at the same time.
Let’s take this for a spin. I promise I won’t keep you here long however just briefly I want you to imagine that thing you’re most fearful of right now?
Perhaps it relates to the health of a loved one at higher risk for corona virus. Maybe it’s in relation to your job. The income you may not be able to earn and the subsequent commitments you’ll struggle to make if social isolating becomes mandatory in your area. Go as deep with these fearful thoughts as you can.
And now, I want you to picture the person you most love to spend time with. A family member or dear friend or partner. Gosh maybe your “person” has four legs and fur! Whoever it is I want you to focus on how you feel when you’re around them. On what you love about them. On all those little things that make them so special and unique. On all the reasons you’re so very grateful to have them in your life.
At this point notice: Where is the fear?
I’m guessing it’s gone. The fabulous fact is that the more you consciously focus on feeling gratitude each moment of each day – Yes for that person, however also for the tiny things too – for your first coffee, for the sunrise, for a shared smile with someone you don’t know – the more you practice feeling grateful the more you squeeze fear out of your day.
It might sound simplistic however if your choice is more gratitude or more fear, which is the more fun way to spend today?
I’m not sure what your world looks like as I release this podcast. Actually I’m not sure what my world will look like as I wake up each morning however here are some of the thoughts I’m having which I’m hopeful might me of value to you.
In a time when we might be facing either self imposed social isolation or perhaps mandatory home isolation, there are some opportunities for each of us to explore.
Before I cover the opportunities I want to speak first to the fact that we are all in this together. Although we might be more physically isolated that need not extend to our thoughts. Now is the time to practice compassion, both for yourself and for everyone else. We all basically want the same things. Times of chaos or crisis bring that message home. We want safety and security and health for ourselves and for all those we love.
We all seem to want the same things at the supermarket for sure!
Back to the “opportunities” and I do appreciate that word will of course be a bigger reframe for some than others:
- Perhaps this is the perfect time to really dig in with the side business you’ve been meaning to start however haven’t yet made time for?
- Or is there a component of your current job that could be done from home? There might long term be more freedom and potential for scale in an online business – I know that’s the case for me – and maybe now is the time to knuckle down and make it happen?
- Alternatively is there a skill that you’d love to learn?
- Or a hobby you’d love to resume? There are some amazing free resources and sites that give a free trial like: thegreatcoursesplus.com where I took a photography course a couple of years ago.
- Could now be the time to finally tackle that outta-control garage or wardrobe?
- Or really get into a meal prep routine, even if up until now you’re believed you’re a natural NON-cook?
These might sound like incredibly privileged options for the parent negotiating a period of both no income and the kids at home not school.
However in my admitted ignorance I’m still guessing there’s something you’ve always wished you had more time to spend doing with your kids, or partner or elderly parents and maybe now is that time? It might not have felt justified in the past – as work commitments had to come first – however maybe now is the time for those vitally important, free things that don’t bring in a financial return yet have so much value in every other respect.
Which makes me think of some keystone habits that are especially important for all of us right now. Keystone habits are those hugely impactful foundational habits that are easy for other healthy habits to form around. Things like:
- Nourishing your body with whole plant foods and to make that sustainable, putting aside a block or two of meal prep time each week. In stressful times your body deserves (even more-so) the best quality fuel to stay healthy.
- Moving daily. Both structured and incidental movement. So far, most of us can still go outside for a walk however even if that’s not the case, and even if the gyms all close for a period of time it’s amazing what you can get done at home with zero equipment. In fact I’m considering putting together a “What I would do if I was stuck at home with no gym and no equipment” program, for both of us!
- Sleep. To give yourself every chance of staying healthy, or recovering quickly – and even just staying rational – sleep is key. Perhaps now is the time to upgrade your sleep routine?
- Meditation. To stay calm and to have a little more control between stimulus and response I genuinely cannot think of a more positively impactful way to spend a few minutes each day. Maybe now is the time to start one of the many free meditation app trials?
- Gratitude. Enough said at the top of the show right?
I want to round off todays show with a few recommendations that I’m super grateful for.
- This podcast was inspired by episode number 414 of The Tim Ferriss Show where Tim chats with Jack Kornfield who trained as a Buddhist Monk and does an incredible job at sharing with us: How To Find Peace Amidst COVID-19.
- Anything David Attenborough on Netflix or anywhere!I truely don’t think this is the time for binging zombie apocalypse or deadly virus series. I’m always a HUGE Attenborough fan, however right now when it’s especially timely to be considering just how precious our beautiful planet is and how worthy of love and compassion all of our fellow earthlings are, well David especially rocks! Last night I watched the final (8th) episode of Our Planet: Forests.
- For my gym friends who are still getting to your gym – as I am at the time of recording – something else I’ve long been a fan of: Gloves! Training gloves are not uncool! They help you lift heavier, avoid calluses and right now they are a little extra barrier of protection. I started wearing training gloves to the gym around 20 years ago when a particularly charming ex boyfriend noted I had “man hands”! Sadly it took me way too long to realise he should be an ex, however please don’t move slowly with this recommendation, if you’re still at the gym it’s 100% time to get your gloves on!
That’s it for today. I Intend to upload a Monday Motivation show for as long as I think it might be helpful… so if you like the sound of that and found this the least bit helpful or calming please let me know via an iTunes review or just as awesomely, please share the show with anyone else who might be Craving A Little Calm And Control With This COVID-19 Craziness.
Wishing you and all those you love strength of both body and mind and abundant health, we’re in this together and I’m backing us to get through it together. Virtual hugs – cos that’s our only option – and I think it’s more satisfying than an elbow tap!
Till next time, remember Creating a body and life you love is Freedom. (If this ex-carb queen, non genetically gifted, naturally uncoordinated vegan chick can do it – so can YOU!!!)
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