Not super hyped about your workout today? It’s generally less painful to just do it than to sit around & think about it, feeling guilty that you haven’t started yet. Even a few minutes is better than nothing. Setting a timer for 20 minutes generally gets me to make a start & odds on I stick at it for longer …
3 Keys to Trade In Your But’s For Booty Love!
Do you have a fav body part to train? Is it the one you’re best at? The area that needs most work? My fav body part to train is butt! For a few reasons. The primary one is I LOVE that a previous problem area is now an asset. Back in the early 90’s I’d get around with not one …
Fat Loss MOVES to Choose Your Curves.
How I Move! I’m a lil bit unco. Not genetically gifted. Certainly not a natural athlete (at school I used to duck when the basketball was thrown my way… hey, my eyesights’ bad!). However, I have worked out how to move to choose my curves. I HATE machine cardio. (I last 6-12 minutes. not per machine. total.) 6 minutes and …
24/7 Fat Loss: Weights is like a Passive Income.
I’m lucky to train a lot of very successful and focused professionals. I regularly find myself searching for analogies to help turn their business mastery into body mastery. Here’s one of my favourites: Weights is like a passive income. And cardio is working for the man. Or lady. Generally just selling your time. With cardio you get the result for the time …
Struggling to stay afloat with Reactive Cardio?…it’s time to get Proactive with Weights.
Many years ago I had a flatmate who was stuck on the disheartening energy in v. energy out see-saw. She’d emotionally eat healthy low fat stuff like yoghurt – juice – cereal – muesli bars. Then feel guilty. In desperation she’d hit the gym for a couple of hours cardio. She’d often do it twice a day. It always struck me …
5 Exercises For A Flab Free Belly.
It’s not what you think =) Is it possible to sleep, drink and plan your way to the exorcism of belly fat or will crunch time ring true via tedious repetition? 1) Exercise the proper prior planning to ensure you eat 3-6 nutritious meals per day example: A green smoothie with spinach, kale, cucumber, berries, Spirulina and vegan protein powder / …