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So I’ve got a short term quick results savings plan for you.
It’s really simple, just STOP paying rent or bills. You’ll save a lot. Perhaps hundreds a week. However it’s not sustainable for long… maybe for a few weeks or even a couple of months.
And when your landlord, or the bank or whoever else catches up with you there will be fines to pay.
AND it’ll be tough to ever get credit again… they’ll be less likely to trust you after that little show.
That’s as far as I’m rolling with the savings analogy – I know you get the drift – it’s exactly the same in the body gain game.
In todays FAQ show I’m covering sexy, seductive and sooooo-NOT-sustainable Short Term Weight Loss v. Long Term Health and Happiness.
Sexy, seductive and sooooo-NOT-sustainable is that meal replacement shake or 800 calories a day approach.
It places a reliance on the program, fake product or the calories rather than the quality fuel that you’ll be feeding your body for the rest of your life.
I’m really not a fan of tracking calories as your primary focus if fat loss and general health is your goal. Actually I’m pretty UNkeen on any focus on calories.
Calories are the maths component of the equation.
I’ve always hated maths… Anyway, when you’re obsessively counting numbers you’re not focusing on everything that is important LONG TERM.
Macronutrients like muscle building lean protein and satisfying good fat… Filling fibre and vital micronutrients found in fibrous veg.
This is the stuff to focus on long term – the fuel you’re GIVING your body – rather than how few (and likely poor quality) calories you can get away with… or force your body to survive on.
But severe calorie restriction can drop some quick weight right?
It can give you that addictive little quick fix of results that makes you feel complacent enough to skip the morning walk you’d finally gotten into a regular habit with.
I saw this exact situation at our studio recently. One of my colleagues’ clients lost a couple of kilo’s her first week into a food and supplement based weight loss program… now that’s great, however the program is designed to be completed in conjunction with regular exercise. And she’s stopped her exercise – because the food bit is working. However, how many weeks will she be able to stick to the exact eating plan? If history is anything to go on a couple of weeks should see those old eating habits creep back into her week one by one.
AND, dropping quick weight is actually not the result I want for any of my clients.
Shedding fat for good is the goal.
Quick weight loss is never going to be all fat… in fact when you resort to extreme measures your weight loss will more likely be deceptive water weight loss and deadly for a fit, strong, lean body muscle loss.
I know I’m sounding extreme however I take this super seriously. Long term, muscle is your metabolically active secret weapon in staying lean.
Here are 3 simple rules to apply to any new approach to eating or exercising to know whether it’s going to give you short term results or long term results;
One: Are the actions you’re taking sustainable long term?
Brutally simplistic right?
However, time and time again I meet people who are surprised that the fat piles back on when they stop living off 2 meal replacement shakes and one salad a day and go back to ‘normal eating.’
Or when they ease back their daily hour of exercise to “a long walk on the weekend… when it’s not raining… and if there’s nothing else on.”
=> The reality is that you get to keep your results for as long as you can keep up the actions that got those results.
Two: Do the actions you’re taking make you feel healthy and happy?
Happy and Healthy means vastly different things to each of us. In chasing your body gain goal it’s vital that you’re working towards YOUR best.
YOUR healthiest not some ideal thrust at you by society.
The body and health that feel supportive and congruent with the lifestyle you lead – or want to lead… it’s not so much fun rockin that hot body if you’re too scared to ever eat out or if you’re constantly exhausted.
=> There’s only so long you can survive dragging yourself through each day with zero energy and no enjoyment from the meals you suffer through.
Three: Do the fit, healthy and HAPPY people you know take the sexy-seductive-so-not-sustainable-actions or have you noticed their long term commitment to consistent exercise and quality fuel?
There are no secrets.
It’s so UNsexy-simple that you’ve likely seen it before and walked right on past.
If there was a quick, easy fix… fit, healthy and happy would be normal.
However sadly it’s pretty C.O.N.T.R.A.R.Y.
I devoted a whole show to C.O.N.T.R.A.R.Y. back in #018, however over 100 (WOW!) episodes later it’s worth a revisit, and I’ll fine tune it specifically to Short Term Weight Loss v. Long Term Health and Happiness:
So, here are 8 simple actions to make C.O.N.T.R.A.R.Y. work for you:
1) Cut the connection with nighttime TV. Get to bed by 10pm. Rise by 6am.
=> you’ll escape those sneaky late night ab-blasting infomercials this way too. Although if you want a good laugh google the curent useless flavor of the month: shake weights… 🙂
2) Order an off-the-menu option that’s aligned with your goal. It’s not fussy. It’s committed.
=> remember whenever you ask to cut something (like chips) also ask for a nutritious extra (like more green veg) because long term you’re looking to fuel rather than deprive.
3) Never allow your training to slip too much. Most people need massive pain before they take action.
=> once you admit there is no quick fix it becomes a whole lot less appealing to lose any of the progress you’ve worked so hard for. You know it takes longer to get back in shape than it took to get outta shape, so why put yourself through the frustration?
4) Train heavy but safe. With big compound movements that use multiple joints and muscles.
=> avoid the machines that advertise they will shake, vibrate, or sweat the fat off for you. It’s pretty simple – if the machine is doing the work you will not get the fat loss result.
5) Rain or shine a scheduled exercise session stands.
=> again, when you admit there is not quick fix continually taking that one next step forward and avoiding any steps backwards becomes a whole lot more compelling.
6) Avoid hating or being jealous of anyone. It’s a waste of your energy… AND that energy is better put towards achieving your goal.
=> also, that guy or gal with the banging body? They worked hard for it too. Fact. Rather than wishing, wanting and envying just hunt down the aspects of their approach to eating and exercising that could fit sustainably into your lifestyle.
7) Remember your goal on Public holidays.
=> consistency is key – it’s a day off work NOT off exercise and great nutrition.
8) YES to your exercise and nutrition as a priority is not selfish. If you want to take care of your family and friends first you must take care of Yourself.
=> the long term benefits to being a fit, healthy and happy partner, friend or parent are for the greater good and by my definition that out-ranks any short term need for a slightly selfish commitment to the actions you need to take to get there.
To get actionable today I’d love you to pick ‘1’ of the ‘8’ C.O.N.T.R.A.R.Y. actions to focus on this week. Whichever one will have the most positive, long term impact.
That’s it for this week in Healthification.
My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you for choosing to spend you time with me this week.
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