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Dependancy. Craving. Weakness. Compulsion. Fixation. Enslavement.
These are the words that come up when I google ADDICTION… which Wiki describes as “the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences” …no wonder we view our addictions as bad.
That’s actually not the way it needs to be though. In todays tucker show I’m discussing: Making Addiction Work For You.
I absolutely believe I have an addictive personality… if you do too, then we’ve got an advantage in the body gain game.
Its just a matter of choosing the addictions that support your best health rather than the reverse.
And YES, I do believe you can choose your addictions rather than have them choose you.
As a starting point it’s important to recognise that an addiction will always be a more powerful influence than Will Power alone.
Addiction has stamina – it’s a must have – your will power to walk right past the extra coffee or banana bread or left-over cake may win out first thing in the morning… however, addiction is always there at the back of your mind reminding you of just how comforting and familiar that gorgeous coffee will be – it’s the perfect pick-me-up to get you powering into your work right? …addiction remembers how crispy yet moist and buttery that banana bread will taste, and it insists you deserve a bit of variety from your limp and soggy salad for lunch… and addiction certainly knows how rich and indulgent that cake is going to taste… the cake that everyone else is devouring, you’ll be the odd one out if you don’t…
The reason addiction will out-muscle any lightly set goal and prove more compelling than will power alone is it’s fuelled by several of Tony Robbins ‘6 Core Needs’. I covered the 6 Core Needs in one of the most popular Healthification shows #046. Check out that show if you haven’t yet however to recap, we all have a natural desire to satisfy each of the following needs:
Any addiction – negative or positive – will satisfy at least 3/6 of those needs.
So, let’s take a look at how to take control of your addictions in 3 steps:
1). Switch your negative addiction for a positive addiction. Yes, it will take some thought. A cup of green tea means nothing to me when compared with the rich-and-comforting-gorgeousness-of-liquid-gold…
So that’s not a good switch. However my addiction used to be to a soy flat white – the switch that did work for me is a long black or a long black with a dash of almond milk and Natvia.
=> Your switch must satisfy at least as many of the 6 Core Needs as your negative addiction does.
Never simply eradicate an addiction and leave a void as it’ll most likely end up being filled by something equally unhelpful.
2). Build the pain associated with your negative addiction and build the pleasure associated with a positive addiction.
Fairly self explanatory, the key is emotional intensity – the more the better.
Rolling with the soy flat white example I imagined how each time I consumed that soy I was growing my ugly-flabby-stubborn-near-impossible-to-remove-thigh-fat… equally with every long black I imagined my lean, firm and shapely thighs.
=> If you don’t respond strongly to potential pain (or pleasure) directed at yourself then get even more leverage on yourself by including your family in the pain and pleasure building.
What will continuing with this negative addiction mean to the quality of their life in 12 months? Or 5 years? Would you be happy for your child / partner / best friend to pursue your own addictive habits and experience your current results?
3). Seek out accountability for your addiction upgrade AND lock in a reward to celebrate your success.
I’m a fan of public accountability – announcing to friends, family and FACE-BOOK!
Your reward may be the clothes you get to rock around feeling super confident in. My eviction of soy from my diet co-incided with an obsession with short-shorts…
=> It really is important to acknowledge when you make an addiction upgrade and lock in a reward as you’re building yet another reference point for success and focusing on where you’re succeeding rather than the reverse.
Because I’m a fan of Acronyms I’ve got another 9 rapid fire keys to help you take control of your addictions:
A.CCEPT it’s natural and normal to have addictions. Then you can choose them rather than allow your addictions to choose you.
D.ECIDE which of your addictions are holding you back. The question to ask yourself here: is an addiction effecting your success and happiness in the areas of your life that are most important for you? Such as family, health and career?
D.ISCIPLINE yourself to come up with the positive alternative that satisfies each of the core needs that your negative addiction satisfies. It’s absolutely possible – it may just take a little work.
I.NCLUDE only the best of the best of those things that you’re yet to find a positive alternative for. We’re looking for better not perfect right? So, if you’re upgrading some of your addictions not all you’re still going to benefit. And life needs to be fun.
C.REATE boundaries/standards around when and how much of that best of the set you’ll have… so for example awesome bread only on the weekend.
T.WEAK whats not working. Your eating (as is your training) needs to be a constantly evolving process.
I.NTROSPECTION. Observe and examine your thoughts and emotions and what you’re seeking to gain or avoid when you turn to the things you’re addicted to.
O.WNERSHIP. As much as it’s true that millions are spent manufacturing the foods that are designed to addict you in the end now you have the knowledge and the insight it is still your responsibility to make the decisions that give your the results you’re seeking.
N.ATURAL. I see this one in two ways, One: when replacing a current addiction always go for the natural alternative… so the non-processed-fake-food option. Two: understand it’s natural and normal to fall off the wagon and get sucked back into your old addictions occasionally. You have the awareness and the steps to take so it’s just matter of getting straight back on track super swiftly, ok?
It must be time to get actionable.
I’d love you to take one food addiction you know is holding you back so far as creating your best body. It doesn’t have to be big, a small success to start with is just fine. Take that addiction and apply todays steps to it. If you’re having a tough time with finding a positive addiction to take it’s place please let me know via todays show notes below and I’ll do my best to help you out.
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