Your unconscious mind cannot process a negative so it’s vital that you focus on what you want
=> If you’re currently feeling “I hate what I see when I look in the mirror, it’s time to lose my love handles and bat wings” then sadly more love handles and bat wings are likely flying your way.
- If you can communicate it, you can have it – so get specific on exactly what you want “I look and feel great naked and also fit easily back into my super sexy size 10 jeans”
- If this language doesn’t come easily – it’s worth practicing it! – and it’s also helpful to find a picture of someone with the physique you’re looking to attain and putting that somewhere you will regularly see it.
It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from – just where you’re going.
=> And consistency is key. The good eating and exercise regime you can stick to is far superior to the excellent plan you keep ‘slipping off’.
- Aim to build one new reference point for success each day and acknowledge yourself for each success as small hinges can swing big doors…Having the discipline to eat 1 clean, planned meal at a time will grow to a day, a week and before long a habit that turns your body into a fat burning machine!
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.
So if you found that 30 minute walk exhausting or you could only squeeze out a couple of push ups from your knees – you got through it – that’s a tick for a positive reference point, the ‘finesse’ can come later.
=> If you find yourself constantly rolling back over for some more shut-eye instead of your planned walk before work, then it’s not working!
=> If you still keep your fav dark chocolate in the house and break your own ‘1 square per day rule’ consistently, it’s not working!!
- It’s time to either get more leverage on yourself by building the pain “What will my body look like in 12 months time if nothing has changed… what will I be telling myself and how will I be feeling?”
- Or get a new plan of attack that does work. For example book a regular training time with a friend or trainer to hold you accountable. It’s amazing how readily we will let ourselves down though wouldn’t do that to someone else!
- For the chocolate lover – how about keeping the house a junk-free zone and enjoying the whole bar one a week, guilt free on your planned cheat day?
You are only as free as your options & the only real limits on what you can do are self imposed.
=> We’ve all heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, however how strongly do you apply this with your health?
If you spent 10K on advertising that delivered zero return I imagine your wouldn’t be racing to rerun the ad. However how many people ‘spend’ hours of their time (with the high opportunity cost of all else they could be doing instead) start, stopping the same old ineffective hap-hazard approach to fat-loss that has failed for them in the past?
Within every difficulty you face is the seed of an equal or greater opportunity.
The Mind – Body connection now has been proven to be a fact scientifically. If we can manage our physiology we can manage our emotions.
=> Think of a situation that you find challenging and notice in terms of your physiology, how do you consistently respond to that situation? Is your physiological response getting you the results that you want? First step is to become aware – then you can change your response and change your state.
Your life only gets better when you get better.
As you will already be experiencing, these criteria are applicable to any area of your life.
If you think of an area of your life in which you currently excel – an area in which you are achieving amazing results. I’d like you to now recognize these 5 criteria as you successfully apply them in that aspect of your life.
Finally, take the time to consider how you can take this current personal model for success and create similar standards to apply and implement with your health goal.