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I’ll certainly chat a little exercise and a little mindset too. And of course I’ll share what’s been rockin this past week and what’s been a tad more struggle street.
Let’s get rolling…
First up FOOD… often notorious food.
Diet food, even Healthy food can have a bad reputation right? My goal today is to put food that helps you achieve and sustain a fit, strong, lean, healthy body firmly back in the realms of Glorious.
Here are:
3 Food Rules You’ll Love.
3 Food Rules You’ll Love #One: Never Go Hungry.
I’m serious. The meal you skip will come back to bite you down the track. If not later today then tomorrow. It’ll catch you unawares and unprepared.
How often do you skip a meal, get cazy-outta-contol-hungry and then calmly proceed to consume the best possible next meal? That, never happens to me… if I skip I meal some time down the track I will 100% overeat lessor quality food in some excessive-demolish-fest.
The super awesome thing is that when you upgrade fake and processed craving causing high caloric density rubbish to natural primarily one ingredient based eating you get to enjoy huge substantial meals all the time. You need never go hungry. Even those times when it might be between meals and your body (not your emotions) is telling you it needs food, eating extra natural primarily one ingredient based food is never going to be detrimental… In fact, it’s always preferable to going hungry.
3 Food Rules You’ll Love #Two: Enjoy A Cheat Meal Once or Twice A Week.
I call it a cheat and it might be my fav meal however the trick here is to also love every single meal. So Yes you indulge in your cheat meal or two however there’s a whole lot more food joy to be experienced… at least 3 times a day in fact!
To make cheat meals work for you, I hugely recommend you:
A). Indulge in quality treat foods that don’t fuel the addictive fake food cycle. So homemade or high quality foods whose ingredients may well be higher in carbs, fats and calories in general however at least you do recognize those ingredients.
A quick test is the kitchen bench scenario.
So that food, that tempting bit of delicious that you’re compelled to devour… if it was not mixed, baked and packaged all prettily – if it was just a big long queue of ingredients sitting side by side on your bench: Would you still what to put that in your body?
B). Buy only the quantity you plan to consume on the time. Tempting trigger foods and sneaky left-overs need never live in your house. Even if you don’t eat them – now – just knowing they are there eats away at your valuable (and limited!) daily discipline quota.
3 Food Rules You’ll Love #Three: Ditch Diet Food.
If a food has to market to you that it’s Diet / Low Fat / Low Sugar / Gluten Free / Reduced Fat in fact if it has to market to you at all, then it’s likely worth ditching.
The rule of thumb here is ingredient lists. If there’s one ingredient in that list you’re golden. If there’s more, it’s common that when some is removed something is going to be manufactured back in. Less fat often means more sugar… and so on.
Additionally there’s something really restrictive about having to hunt for the food that is low in this or that… I’ve been there scrutinizing tiny labels in supermarkets. Now it’s easy – I prioritize food that doesn’t need a label.
Let’s move on to EXERCISE.
As I record this show I’m about to leave for a long weekend tomorrow. My clients think I’m crazy because I have a day and a half in Melbourne before heading to country Victoria for my dear Grans 90th birthday and while in Melbourne I’m planning to get to the gym definitely once, maybe twice.
My apparent obsessiveness is applicable to your body gain goal! Here’s the thing: What if perhaps not straight away yet medium term as a goal you could find the type of exercise that you were excited to do in a new city? On holiday?
Weights at the gym is like that for me.
However perhaps jogging, cycling or walking might be that for you?
I have a client who likes to hunt down a dance school and take lessons while she’s away.
Or it might be a case of seeing travel as the time to try something new – like paddle boarding or revisit something from the past like tennis?
In my defense (!) I did book a 6am flight for tomorrow morning so I’ll arrive in Melbourne at 7.30am well before the shops are open and hours before my hotel check in. So what’s a girl to do right?
My podcast recommendation this week has a unique and brilliant way to look at your ideal body composition. I was listening to Mark Sisson (aka: Marksdailyapple.com) interviewed on Joe Rogans podcast #752 (I rarely listen to ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ as it has a crazy amount of advertising and plenty of to my mind unnecessary f-bombing) however Joe does get some great guests such as Mark. Here’s the quote:
“The ideal body composition is where your body says back to you – Joe man I love what you’ve done with the place, this is phenomenal…. you know you’ve lost 50 pounds, you don’t get sick as often, you’ve got all the energy you want you maintain it without a lot of dieting or anything like that… you eat pretty much how you know you supposed to eat but you’re never hungry – that’s your ideal body composition!”
Perfect right?
Again my recommendation is more to check out Mark via marksdailyapple.com.
As we draw to the close of today’s show let’s chat habits. The habit I’m loving this week is my only 2 coffee a day habit.
Now that may not sound big however to make my less-liquid-gold guzzling applicable to you: Do you have a habit that in itself isn’t bad yet you’ve gotten a little extreme?
That was me with liquid gold.
I’d have 5-6 a day. No dairy or sugar however it was an on auto pilot response rather than a conscious choice that I made with volition and fully appreciated.
I really genuinely appreciate 2 coffees a day. I also feel a lot more in control walking around 24/7 with a coffee cup attached to my hand!
So, back to that potentially good yet possibly a lil extreme habit of yours… if you’re thinking of one, that’s your time of the actionable today.
Let’s finish today with my struggle street this week. It was tough to think of one – which rocks. However here it is (and actually it’s sort of big): Sleep.
I’ve podcasted before about the importance of sleep as the best possible start to your ideal fat burning / body gaining (!) day. Also your most effective and efficient day.
Well although I’ve got my strategy of getting to bed 7-8 hours before your ideal wake up time locked and loaded and I always get up at the same time the quality of sleep isn’t so flash hot right now.
If you can relate then here are a 3 tips I’ll be implementing over the next 30 days:
- Block out curtains and a cool yet comfortable temperature.I’m noticing having your neighbors lights shining into your bedroom is notconducive to a fab nights sleep! Especially when you get to bed as early as I do. Equally (because my fan died and I’ve been too lazy too replace it) there’s nothing like overheating to promote under sleeping.
- No electronic devices a couple of hours before bed.I’ve gotten a little slack on this one and let the iPad creep into bed. The blue light it emits inhibits the production of sleep hormone melatonin.
- Save the precious time before bed for all things positive.So rather than filling your mind with social media or netflixs, how about goals, gratitudes & affirmations?
Talking gratitude… that brings us to the end of another week in Healthification. Huge heart felt gratitude flowing through the pod- waves to you from me for your support and for sharing this week with me.
If you’ve enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I’d truly appreciate it if you pop over to iTunes and leave me a review. It helps other people find Healthification and it inspires me to power on!
If you liked this you’ll also like: Help with fat loss when it’s not so much fun anymore!
If you’re yet to share the Healthification love – just click here to zip over to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review. It’d help me out big time. With gratitude, Kate.